That's Dwight's Iridescent Perk "I AM THE LOCKER": While injured, push the Active Ability button to block all lockers in the map for 10/20/30 seconds .
I love the genuine "Shit." from the person behind the camera. Just imagine if the Huntress said that if you tried to throw a hatchet while being out of hatchets.
I have no clue how this was in my recommended but I am not upset
That's Dwight's Iridescent Perk "I AM THE LOCKER": While injured, push the Active Ability button to block all lockers in the map for 10/20/30 seconds .
That ending got me lol
This is walmart… but if it is IKEA everyone will get lost including the entity. Eternal Fog.
Imagine if it was a Home Depot… So… MANY… PALLETS!
This is ghost faces map from his trailer
Me and the boys moment
The T bagging meg in blue is cute.
TFW a channel with 15 subs ends up in recommended.
Do gen, kiler bad,hid in locer
Dwight finally locks the lockers, his ultimate ability
I love the genuine "Shit." from the person behind the camera. Just imagine if the Huntress said that if you tried to throw a hatchet while being out of hatchets.
This is huntress' worst map
These new graphics look so realistic!!
YT recommended this to me lol
I love the "Shit" the guy said at the end lol
I mean i think a superstore map shouldve been added with ghostface in all honesty…
The accuracy of him aiming to the guy on the left and it hitting the guy on the right
The ending got me there ngl.
Finally, the Huntress nerf
That shits so good hahaha
Stock up 5 shelves to end the shift
Haha dbd meme me like
I love this so much 😭😭
Fuck that’s funny aye
They lock your machetes in a cabinet? Thats gay