Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
You HAVE to get the timing right.
#dbd #dbdshorts #dbdclips
Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
You HAVE to get the timing right.
#dbd #dbdshorts #dbdclips
“Altruistic survivors” – is the best perk
lol This is the standard of survivors I'm playing with. Day in day out.
“Was it really a skillful play?”
I used the Benjo Build on Legion.
They did not expect Legion's own Perk on Legion.
Then again, they probably didn't expect a Legion.
To be honest, I didn't expect it, either.
"Mr Dwight" 's perks make me shudder
Weird how the survivors haven't called you out for hacking. GASP Are they not paid actors Benjo?
I love the flame at the end lmao
These were the smartest E gamers.
Last survivor wasn't hooked on the basement to make a perfect basement tree
0/10, immersion broken
Jokes aside, good God how easy they fell for the pallet trick
They were not high enough rank and were not bringing good enough perks, he says to a bunch of rank 1s with meta perks lmao
I almost have all perks for that build, im excited for try it
My favorite part was that atleast one guy was a good sport. That's pretty rare to see someone say gg after they lose.