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The Xenomorph from Alien is now in Dead by Daylight!

IRIDESCENT ALIEN IS UNSTOPPABLE in DBD! The new update to dead by daylight. Funny moments and meme fail.

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  1. I wonder if maybe it should be more obvious when the Alien is about to do the tail attack. With Nemesis or Huntress there is a “tell” before they do their ranged attack, whereas Alien doesn’t really seem to have one, so you don’t have time to try any mind games.

  2. Cattleprod is probably god tier when coupled with Claustrophobia and the Iri blood SF/Enduring combo. Take away windows for a long time so that pallets are all they have, but if they go to the pallets they doom themselves! Add in some deadlock just to make sure they don't pop multiple gens at once to guarantee 100% value and you've got one hell of a nasty build there

  3. After playing against alien theres almost no counter play in chase since there is next to no warning before tail attack and the range is crazy. The only thing you can do is genrush which isnt fun for anyone 🤷‍♂️

  4. Basically both of these add-ons give you reward for playing bad, surv do a gen you see them for free you don't need to do anything, surv hit you with a pallet they get hurt 😂😂😂 no logic at all.
    What the fk is wrong with devs are they out of there minds?

  5. The thing i hate most is when i match up with noobs that don't do nothing did most of the gens run from the killer for like 5 minutes didn't get hooked once and when the exit get powered killer catch me and hook me, and those 3 noobs scared of rescuing just went out

  6. I am enjoying the killer very very much, It feels like the down time is non existence on The Alien. But he does seem a tad overtuned on his tail attack. There isnt a charge up time like Nemesis and Huntress where they get slowed down before they can perform the action. This makes the alien very reactive and really hard to loop. There is no real immediate warning. just the stance. As a killer main I think he needs a minor change to just his tail attack

  7. in my opinion xenomorph is overpowered because when you vault pallets they can hit over it and you cant crouch to make him unable to hit you and if you can dodge the tail attack the killer can still just do the normal attack and if you put flame turrets there are addons that make them basically useless so you can be in crawler mode most of the match

  8. Alien and Wraith are the best killers in game . Wraith is fast very hard to beat a wraith – Alien is just broken lol – he has no downside and he is lowkey like wraith because of his insidious and speed in his portal travel thing , gen regression + speed perks for Alien so he can be faster in chase and that’s a never lose build lol + that pink add on to punish good survivors , gg –

  9. No offense especially since i love your gameplays but i can't with the accent. It just ruins the video for me and i know it sounds racist but i swear to god that im not. I'm just too accustomed to hearing American accent that i can't bear to hear any other english accent. Love the gameplay


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