IRON WILL IS CARRYING! – Dead by Daylight!

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12 thoughts on “IRON WILL IS CARRYING! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. The biggest issue with sprint burst is the way people use it, so many ppl like you said just use it as a way to escape/avoid killer, but it truly is just supposed to be a helpful way to get around quickly, that's why when you use it I feel like running intel and Gen speed perks like empathy and prove thyself are more the type of build that should be used with it

  2. I've heard some content creators say sprint burst is better. Like what? No lol. Even with 99ing exhaustion. You rarely, if ever, see a killer complain about sprint burst. Whereas, dead hard has been the ruin of many.

  3. Sadistic mindset is not often just getting off on harming others, its a SYMPTOM more so coping mechanism or an overall mechanism developed in the mind to cope with harm from others. This exists out there as a fundamental way of living; that if others hurt you and you hurt them back it feels good, which is the eye for an eye mentality. Its generalized of course, you can't have personal 1 on 1 interactions with 7 billion people on the planet, so overall its like, people sometimes make your experience bad (in dbd) and then you perceive you're going against someone who is harmful in that sense you want to harm them first. And/or it exists within you as you just living through a period of recovery, generalizing lots of incoming pain or discomfort of experience in life (work troubles, family troubles etc) and your brain is already wired with that coping mechanism, you dish out some pain here n there, which makes you feel a little better. Being able to fall back on the mechanism working, is what enables it. That if you can fabricate (in your mind) a type of karma that exists in this way, its easier to deal with an overall sense of dread in teh world if you're aggressive mean and self centered. But I believe in the good within people. I think people always have the choice to be kind. Being kind, gives you a bigger boost than being mean does. Whilst momentary harm could ease your own pain, making someone feel heartfelt makes you feel 10x's better. And sometimes you have to just get beat up a few times and take it in good stride. No one can teach you to do this, its something you learn on your own, and its always a choice.

  4. Tru3's improving his YT a lot recently, better upload schedule, cool specific thumbnails for every single new video

    The only thing that's missing is in my opinion are the videos specifically recorded just for YouTube, stuff like tutorials, discussion videos, balance talk etc.
    If he starts posting those too and not just the twitch vods, his channel will skyrocket 100%, his takes on the game are always interesting/entertaining to listen to

  5. The problem with sprint burst users from my experience as a killer is that they let you walk right up to them before triggering their sprint, losing any distance they might have gained if they'd just used right away. They're definitely much easier chases than dead hard users.

  6. Iron Will is a perk that is all too often slept on.
    In my opinion, it's better than DS at preventing tunneling. It lets you completely lose the killer mid chase if you use it right.
    While I am a survivor main, I occasionally play killer for daily and archieve. Playing as Spirit has helped me realize how powerful Iron Will is and how painfully loud some survivors are while injured. Never play the game without it anymore.

    A lot of time the killer isn't even trying to tunnel survivors off hook, they are just patrolling gens and happen to hear Feng Min's loud mewling behind a tree.

  7. Sprint burst is the best if the player knows how to use the perk. I.e. use it as soon as the killer sees you and is approaching you – NOT waiting until they’re right next to you. Sprint burst has the potential to end chases before they even begin. A team with 4 competent sprint burst users is brutal bc eventually the killer has to commit to a chase and that chase will be LONG


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