Iron Will is the Strongest Non-Exhaustion Perk in Dead by Daylight

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31 thoughts on “Iron Will is the Strongest Non-Exhaustion Perk in Dead by Daylight”

  1. I disagree. Ds, unbreakable, soul guard, wglf, even bond can make more of a difference than iron will. It's definitely strong, but I'd say A tier, not S. I use it almost constantly just for flashlight save lurking. Saying it's the strongest non exaustion perk is definitely a stretch.

  2. Funny because my Claudette survives the most out of all my survivors (who are all with different perk combinations) with Spine Chill/Lithe/Iron Will/Lucky Break with a good Medkit and add-ons. High survival %

  3. Scott: Iron Will is the strongest non-exhaustion perk in the game

    Prove Thyself, Deliverance, DS, Unbreakable, BT, Detective's Hunch, Camaraderie, We'll Make It, Self Care, Botany, Mettle of Man, Built to Last: Are we a joke to you?

  4. I disagree that they should be making sounds breathing, since if I can keep from grunting I can hold my breath or at least breath very quietly due to my IRON WILL. If you stated they no longer made sounds walking, that would make sense. It's easier to breath quieter than it is to keep from grunting or screaming in pain.

  5. Ehhhhg u would never catch me running iron will,it’s just too selfish of a perk when I can use something like bt and ds to make sure I’m not a detriment to the team,my solo que build is dh,kindred,bt,ds or spine chill.I cant sub iron will for any of the perks I have,just not worth it

  6. i run this 100% of the time its just to good to not use. But from the killer perspective it feels like u should have to activate it or something rather than it just being infinite

  7. I would agree that the perk is really good in chase and for stealth in most scenarios in the game. But in that very rare instance you get survivors who play very safe, this perk does nothing for them at all. It is still probably in my top 10-15 perks though after the 6 exhaustion perks (not including head on cause it isn't as good) but after perks such as BT, Unbreakable, DS and maybe Prove Thy Self. All those perks have more utility no matter the scenario IMO. The major reason people run IR is to counter Stridor Spirit to some degree (not much though). But it does allow unique pathing plays which wouldn't matter if the survivors played safe at every tile. But in simple terms, Iron Will is great when focusing on the individual player's chase versus the team aspect of the game!

  8. Iron Will is the absolute steongest perk on DBD Mobile. It removes all indicators for you when you're injured as well as nullifying all the sounds you make. It's straight broken.


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