Is Dead by Daylight Killer or Survivor Sided? (Patch 6.4)

Read more Dead by Daylight โžœ

Woops! I meant survivor sided at 7:20. This is typically an ongoing discussion that changes from patch to patch, but I think it leans it bit towards killer for the average match of DBD.


41 thoughts on “Is Dead by Daylight Killer or Survivor Sided? (Patch 6.4)”

  1. I feel like the biggest problem with killer is that sometimes chasing a survivor feels absolutely pointless cuz there is no way to catch up with them, some survivors somehow are able to guess every mind game u can possibly do and u have to destroy half of the pallets on the map in order to catch up to them, and by that time 4 gens are done, i get it some survivors have played a lot, but when itโ€™s literally impossible to keep up due to map design thatโ€™s not fair, killer has no control over that, i think both sides are hard and killer is a bit easier cuz u donโ€™t need team work to win, but that doesnโ€™t mean there arenโ€™t some unfair things survivors can do, the difference is when a survivor is able to use the map to their advantage itโ€™s considered โ€œskillโ€, but when a killer does something that survivors canโ€™t deal with itโ€™s considered toxic

  2. Idk if anyone cares, but:
    When im in a 4 man swf: 80% escapes
    Solo q: 30% escapes
    Killer casual: 2-3k on average
    So in conclusion swf > Killer > solo q
    Edit: I dont use Noed as killer

  3. If you play more Killer, you will have to start sweating much more, play in a way thatโ€™s less fun for everyone involved or bring premiere gen defense every match to stay consistent. Also highly depends on what Killer you choose.

    If you play SWF of any number, you will have an easier time due to communication. IF your teamโ€™s callouts are good and your builds compliment each other.

    If you play SoloQ, youโ€™re going to be riddled with random disconnects, teammates throwing for no reason, killers capitalizing off your teammates poor decisions, and even your own inability to know whatโ€™s going on due to the lack of information you can get.

    SoloQ < Killer = Normal SWFs < Experienced 3-4man SWFs < Blight/Nurse (The 3-4m SWFs people love to complain about, but donโ€™t realize they donโ€™t face every single match.)

    Still patiently waiting for the SoloQ update where they add icons of what each survivor is doing. At least then, meaningful balance passes can occur.

  4. I canโ€™t even get killer dailyโ€™s done right now as an ash 4 that just wants to get dailyโ€™s done because I donโ€™t get survivor dailyโ€™s. Iโ€™m getting survivors that can loop for 3 gens before getting a hit every time. Iโ€™m going against high level survivors as someone that doesnโ€™t even play killer itโ€™s complete garbage. Iโ€™ve been wanting to get my dailyโ€™s done but itโ€™s so stressful I hop off after 2 matches of not being able to get any pips or dailyโ€™s at ash 4. This game is trash.

  5. Mostly agree however, the reason kill statistics are greater in high MMR is due to the imperative to play better builds and killers. For example, I'm a high MMR killer and if I play 10 games of Wesker, I lose about 2 of them, alternatively, I recently played 10 games of the knight and lost 6 games. Due to this, I have no reason to want to play knight, he's a weak killer and I don't have fun getting fisted, so I'll play the stronger killers I can do well with, hence the kill stats for high MMR

  6. In the current meta, killers can just bring CoB, Overcharge, and Eruption, just spend the match patrolling a three gen, and make the match fucking miserable to get through for survivors, if not outright impossible; all through minimal effort on their part. On top of that, camping and tunneling is basically stronger than ever.

    Escaping as survivor depends entirely on the courtesy of the killer simply not doing this. Even if you somehow manage to crack through their three gen, is it even worth the time and effort?

    Killer has never been easier, and survivor has never been more grueling.

  7. This is neat anecdotal evidence but it's just that. BHVR literally released the stats not long ago. Yes, the game has objectively swung more in favour of killer as at the time they released them, but it's still only like 62% kill rate iirc. Which means survivors still escape on average 38% of the time. So everyone saying they only escape 1/20 sorry, the stats objectivly say you're just bad.

  8. The meta shake up ended up murdering Solo Queue and along with the basekit killer changes it's nigh-on impossible to have a good time with solo survivor.

    Pair that with the MMR and getting locked into a downwards spiral of your rating where bad teammates result in more losses (the more teammates die the more MMR you lose now) and you get this monstrosity.

    I think 6.1.0 made this fucked. They needed to fix Killers' issues in a different,more granular way,but failed at doing that.

  9. I'm a killer main and for me it really depends on which killer i play, the map, and how survivors act. i have a lot of survivors that start the game and then don't play because they are afk. once i have them out of the game it's already a lot harder for the rest of the survivors. i also notice that quite a lot of survivors are more busy taunting me than doing gens or group up right behind me to unhook someone. If i have a bigger map and the survivors spread out to do gens then it's already a lot harder for me to find them all

  10. It's survivor sided in the sense that you don't have to play scummy to have a good time / feel productive / feel like you're having a good time

    Whereas when you're a killer, you're not getting a 3 or 4k without feeling like a piece of shit for something you did for the edge.

  11. All of those arguments fall in the water with this one argument: If you pit up 2 equally skilled teams (hypothetically) against each other… Survivor will always be easier due to the game design and game mechanics. As a 2K hour killer main, I have a much easier time getting to red rank as solo survivor, compared to as killer, it is not even a competition. I can loop every killer for a long ass time, except for nurse cause obvious reasons. All it takes is tile knowledge, and with tile knowledge the survivor is always favored on the vast majority of maps. Those are just facts you can't get around. I understand statistics say otherwise, and killer IS in the healthiest place its ever been, sure. BUT the question you pose is "is DBD killer/survivor sided". Statistics should not matter, only facts.

  12. Dead by Daylight is not killer sided,I think survivors dont wanna learn to play better and instead they just wanna chill and have a fun time.
    Which contradicts the killer role,than in order to have a good time,you need to play good.

  13. Had a match against a popular streamer who was live as I found out afterwards the other day. He played pinhead with the deep wound add-on, completly negotioating my DH and OTR, camped and tunneled me out as fast as he could with 4 gen slow down perks. He was doing a streak so I get it, but what really annoyed me was that he complained that my team got down to 1 gen left at 80% before he won. I was with 1 friend and 2 randoms and he played not great, just chasing and tunneling me in one corner of the map leaving the rest of my team to slam gens and then went on a tirade of how this game is so hard for killer by doing the most dirty crap he could and making sure he could avoid all the anti-tunnel meachanics (inclusive the basekit BT). Hoenstly, expected more from a streamer who also does comp.

  14. Survivor is such a walk in the park compared to killer, even solo ๐Ÿ˜‚. The main thing that causes losses are disconnects or mates that killed themselves on hook or afk. But those circumstances have nothing to do with the actual difficulty of the role. Such bad comparisons

  15. How can survivor possible the the harder role. It has been the same playstyle for 6 years, on the killer side, there are 30 different killer that require knowledge. You have the power role if you go swf. Come on, if a killer doesn't play 1 certain playstyle or he doens't go with an S tier killer, he loses. Survivors on the other hand have so MANY second chances to "survive", its getting ugly.

    You market the game for 4v1, where the 4 is your biggest audiance and has to be able to play or you lose the majority of the playerbase.

    As a killer main, you will never convince me its harder to play a survivor, cause it just isn't. It will never will be.

  16. Killer dominates solo queue, but SWFs can break the entire game in half with minimal effort.

    Solo queue survivors are fighting for their fucking lives, but a SWF can say "yeah he's by shack" and guarantee two gens pop. It's absolutely ridiculous just how large of a gulf there is between the two.

  17. I think you're title statement is wrong, if that makes sense. Killer is definitely HARDER to PLAY, but they win more. The game is definitely killer sided which you discussed in the vid, but saying its Harder to play has multiple meanings…if that makes sense. Specificity or somethin is my point here.

  18. Though I agree with every point in this video, I am actually inspired by the "call to arms." I'm going to record stats for 10 games as solo queue survivor and Clown both, using optimal builds/addons/items/offerings (maps of course) for each…and report back on your next posted video!

  19. I feel the game is mostly killer side but it can be really frustrating to play most killers still.

    I think/feel the โ€œfunโ€ factor is higher for Surv than killer. If you donโ€™t play meta killers you just gonna have a miserable time 3/4 games for average to new players.

  20. i have 2500 hours in dbd. 2300 are on surv i think. i ONLY play soloQ because i work and all my friends play at different times. With the recent "general" buffs to killer soloq has become literal PAIN. don't get me wrong i love playing the game and i am an efficient looper but the less experienced players really get easily rolled by any killer i play against. those 2 base stacks of stbfl really demolish people.

  21. We reached the point where the game is "killer sided", but only because survivors are constantly encouraged to throw or at least play suboptimally by dailies, archives, escape BP, and even just gens being boring. It's pretty rare that survivors go into a match with the goal of getting as many people being high on their priority list, let alone their only goal.

  22. I disagree for "Game is Killer-sided". This is too easy. On Killer-Side, you MUST compare each killer for itself, not just say "Killer-Sided". Some Killers are absolutely bad, some others are absolutely good.

  23. I think you forgot an important point. If you take the worst possible scenario for each side, the worst game possible for a soloQ survivor:
    You get found first, you mess up get hooked, camped or tunneling or both, you are dead. That's it you lose 3 minutes of your life into a bad game.
    Now from the killer side:
    You face a really sweaty swf, you get looped on, bm etc… They all escape. You lost 10 to 15 minutes of your life in pure anger and suffering.

    And that has a huge impact on people's way to see the game. You can throw all the stats you want, you can be right or wrong it doesn't matter, because people that play both roles with always feel the same way.

  24. A reason that's very underspoken is the vast majority of the killers in the game are pretty weak. Who you main is a big deciding factor on who the game favors. If you like to use the average killer against a SWF the game turns survivor sided. A good Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Huntress, etc would have the advantage but someone like Michael, Ghostface, Freddy, Clown, the majority of killers in the game would be survivor sided. So it's more or less an issue of who you play. As someone who plays weaker more common killers cause their abilities are fun it's difficult to win.

    Solution is to buff weaker killers, buff survivors intel to make solo players have advantages of SWF, and from there we can balance the game more easily without as much discrepancy

  25. Solo queue = you either get tunneled early, spend the whole game trying to unsuccessfully break the 3 gen until you just die and still usually have 3 or 2 gens left (happens often to me), or spend 15 minutes trying to force the last gen to pop until you just all die or give up and give free downs to get out of the match. Sometimes three games in a row have instant dcs. Some dc later during the tunnel or just go afk. After just an hour of solo queue, I'm starting to feel exhausted. I used to play an hour a day. Now it is every other day and I can feel myself starting to care less and less. That is just unfortunate because dbd can be such a fun game when people don't go to such extremes to just win. Of course swfs feel bad, but so does a DC, a tunnel, and then a slug/bleed out just to get a super easy 4k. Which one do people really think happens more often?

  26. While my opinion is going to not exactly be how the game is balanced, in a 1v4 asymmetrical game, it should be killer sided and you should be expected to die. The problem is "fun" and this game isn't necessarily balanced around that concept. The sweaty people on both sides ruin this game for everyone else, and everyone ruins it for a solo queue survivor. At the end of the day if you aren't sweating and you have an easier time as a killer, that means you probably have the leeway to be a bit more nice to the survivors in the match, which benefits everyone. But again, far too many killers will play like shitbags regardless.

    I personally have absolutely zero understanding why people talk balance in a game like this when what they should be focused on is how to make it more fun and enjoyable for both sides, and the fundamentals of DBD make that impossible. If your fun is determined by whether you win or lose, then that is quite a problem itself.

  27. Idk if this is an overly obvious point but the game is definitely not balanced around SWF and that's super weird to me. 3 and 4 SWF will always be broken regardless of the state of the game.

  28. i think killer is harder, however you're also the only person on your side of the faction so your skills matter more as compared to survivors having to rely on their teammates, killer has higher skillcap (meaning also higher potential impact you can have on the game) and it can also come down to what killer with what build you decide to play (obviously playing nurse with a stacked build is quite easy). I'm a guy who plays the game not so often anymore though I played a lot at release and then for a few years played a decent amount, but I am not dedicated to the game right now. At this state i find survivor much easier to play while killer feels a lot more challenging, many things you need to pay attention to and many things you need to perform well (though i don't play things like nurse and i don't bring slowdown perks a lot, nor do i camp or tunnel as i just don't want to). TL;DR i think killer harder but higher skillcap so more potential + you don't have to rely on teammates.


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