Is MADE FOR THIS Overpowered??? | Dead by Daylight

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►Ending Song: FSM Team – Eternal Spring

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24 thoughts on “Is MADE FOR THIS Overpowered??? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Good breakdown on the perk, I honestly agree with you 100% I think it’s healthy for the game and very fun too use for survivor and can be an annoyance to killer here and there but as you said, “it won’t carry your games”

  2. "I know you are going to be typing in the middle of it . . . "

    I just laughed so hard, because that happens so often! But, honestly, at first I thought that MFT was going to be really impactful; however, like you, I only noticed a marginal impact overall, and it was mostly limited to really strong SWFs (which might have been a forgone conclusion anyway). I think the core problem from the killer perspective is the design mentality for MTF; you got injured = you got buffed. Whereas killer activations are typically more convulated than that; for example, PWYF, you have to chase a specific player and then lose chase, and you lose that buff for performing any action. So, it seems "unfair" for an asym perk like MFT. Your idea of a timer is probably a nice balance; that or providing an exhausted effect at the end of the timer.

    Thanks for your content!

  3. I started maining Pyramid head not so long before patch and its heartbreaking for me, because all my muscle memory with his power goes to bin. Also I have intrusive thoughts about people running it, so I suspect everyone using the perk.

    P.S. For everyone interested, I am not the best player and for sure can't say for everyone, but as (mostly killer main) I feel this opinion is worth sharing.
    P.S. Sorry for any errors, English is not my first language.

  4. I feel like the only killers complaining about this perk are either 110 killer players or just killers that rely on bloodlust to win chases and made for this makes chases last longer….I don't know what they'd rather. The hold W SB/Lithe meta or people using MFT and actually looping.

  5. this perks ruins my muscel memory and punishes me for making player better then holding m1 because when i think i can lunge hit i miss meaning i loose atleast 6s from that making it even worse then the time it adds on already. the perk makes me feel like im forgetting how to play the game and having things be unpredictable is infuriating. i honetly perfered dead hard to this because even if it was more broken atleast i got the hits

  6. Trickster suffers the most from this perk. Survivors being 3% faster around tiles like Shack make it almost impossible for Trickster to use his power. Without this perk he's lucky to hit one or two knives around Shack. With this perk, Shack becomes an absolute nightmare and I have been refusing to entertain chases there.

  7. As a dbd player that’s played this game for many years this perk is insanely OP and will probably never get a nerf or balance adjustment. I judge the strength of a perk by how sweating players or swfs use it. U can give a moron broken perks and little Timmy or Sally will have a very marginal change on the game. A good way of seeing this is ppl even to this day believe that old DH and old DS were fair bc they were bad at the game and struggled to use the perks effectively. Where I stem my opinion from is the slightly above average players and the swf and what they do with the perk. I’ve typically noticed that the players who run this perk pair it with adren hope and unbreakable and they spend 99% of the match just trying to be chased. Where as the ppl who typically don’t use this perk are the prove thy self ppl or hyper focus stakeout group. Those players in the group just do gens and really don’t have a purpose to use the speed boost. Out of a lobby of sweaty players you see 1-2 pts you see 1-2 unbreakables 2-4 adren a few off the records etc. sweaty players and teams coordinate on who runs what and I have noticed this new perk a lot and it does impact the game heavily. The first surv you chase will drop 2-4 pallets make you waste about 60 ish seconds to get one down then by the end ime you hook them it’s gg three gens pop and you know the game is over. Obviously if ur playing nurse spirit blight with dumb add ons it will be a little different but for 90% of the roster it’s gg. Typically sweaty players can end a game in 3ish minutes and they know they can do it bc of how many resources that are on most maps. I got thousands of hours in this game as both roles and trust me I can kick the crap outta solo Q or average surv like everyone else but the true frustration comes from the swfs and the sweaty players. I can’t tell you how many groups I’ve played against IN THIS ANNIVERSARY EVENT WHO ENDED THE GAME WITH 10k points and was like gg ez and I’m like cool for you. I also for context play on console and typically play late at night/ early morning due to scheduling if I played at more peak hours I’m sure I would run into these groups less but between mmr etc just leaves you super frustrated when these games used to happen once maybe twice per play session and now due to players eveolving to match mmr but now I get a sweat match every other game and it’s exhausting. I’m sure there are gonna be tons of ppl who disagree and agree but the longer you play this game the more you notice things. 👍

  8. You don’t think the Hope/MFT meta encouraging scummier play (you even said “you didn’t play scummy enough”) is a bad thing? If avoiding Hope and MFT means I need to play OP killers with OP builds and/or play scummier then okay but I don’t wanna hear about it on Twitter. 🤷‍♀️ Anyone who already struggles with killer is not gonna be having fun right now and most people are just casual players. Stacking haste affects should literally never happen under any circumstance.

  9. I mean, while I agree that Made for This isn't specifically winning people more games on average, I could argue that it is possibly giving people wins that they would not have gotten otherwise sometimes. The issue I have with Made for This is that every other perk that gives a speed boost on either side has some pretty specific activation that makes it somewhat difficult to use properly, except for Overcome but at least Overcome has a duration.

    Sprint Burst is awkward to use, to use Lithe you have to vault, you have to use elevation to use Balanced Landing, Overcome maintains the injured speed boost for an extra 2 seconds, Smash Hit rewards you for stunning the killer, Blood Pact encourages a strange double looping play style with hard to meet conditions, Boon: Dark Theory requires you to bless a totem(let's keep in mind that this perk is actually worse than Made for This despite being harder to use), and Adrenaline/ Hope require you to complete 90% of the trial to get use out of them.

    Even all the killers movement speed add-ons have conditions or are rewards for specific play and the perks killers can bring that can give them speed can be destroyed or worked around in some way. Basically what I'm saying is that if you wouldn't like a killer perk that just gave killers some kind of ability AND a permanent 3% speed buff just for existing then I would probably say you're a bit biased.

  10. It is absolutely a top 5 perk (I have used it, I think it is better than SB). Otz also put it as a top 5 perk in his recent tier list if that is any indication. The bottom line is it hurts the m1s and 110 killers a lot (and niche killers like knight) while being a somewhat benign perk to the top tier killers. I think that it should be nerfed, it alters one of the game's fundamental design properties that the entire game was built around.

  11. I absolutely disagree cuz with win streaks in general that in my opinion that does not matter cuz it's not really that you think made for this is not that bad cuz you win alot but I personally view it from gameplay point of view because if you think about it, 4.4 killers struggle against this perk but thats because they have a chase focus power killers like deathslinger and huntress probably won't get affected as much but trickster and hag they will 100% Struggle cuz Trickster's chase is not very good but hag has 0 chase ability and if your on a bad map like grim pantry or the game or badham preschool or garden of joy or fractured cowshed, the tiles are strong enough on those maps I mentioned and that makes it impossible for a 4.4 killer to catch a made for this survivor and 4.6 killers mostly when their bloodlust kicks in that will give it a bit of a chance to catch up, and the ridiculous part is combining it with hope survivors are now moving at 4.4 and a 4.4 killer will never catch up on a strong map for survivors and a really good player and a good team will basically make 4.4 killers helpless so personally I think made for this is not an ok perk it should get a nerf and once again I go by gameplay and not wins or losses.

  12. Alright well this is a theoritical situation but I’m wondering if it’s too niche? I haven’t really played much DBD lately even with the event happening but… combine made for this with the we’ll make it and lithe or balanced landing. Get your endurance effect off and then use one of the two aforementioned exhaustions because made for this doesn’t apply exhaustion

  13. On killer i dont really see made for this getting value however when i play survivor id say it does indeed carry my games it feel like old dh oh im not gunna make a pallet now i do and i run dh with it just in case its a whole new level of fucking the killer and its hilarious not quite sure if it will be a problem for a majority of players but it hasnt really been too bad for me overall

  14. Since I started playing this game, I've noticed there's a ton of fear mongering done against survivor perks just about every chapter.
    Perks like Exponential, Dark Theory, Overzealous (and this is original Overzealous mind you, which was garbage), Reassurance, Hyperfocus, Potential Energy, and Blood Rush were all supposed to break the game.
    They haven't.
    They haven't even scratched it.
    Made for This is no different.
    It's nice, sure, but it's hardly broken.
    I like the Endurance part of it better anyway, so hopefully if it does get a needless nerf they only nerf the speed aspect.
    Nice job on the video. 😁

  15. With little exception, any gains that the killer makes after the gates are powered are either the benefits of perks or gifts from the survivors as the optimal survivor play is to open a gate and leave immediately. Thankfully, that rarely happens because it's anticlimactic and unsatisfying, especially for SWF's. I for one tend to enjoy strong endgame perks as long as they are available on both sides because it turns what should be a mundane ending into an exciting finale.

  16. heh, Killer mains will defend boring ass 3 gening killers with Ai that plays the game for them, or something that they can put at a 3 gen for an insta down, but the moment survivors get something like Made for This, it's OP and needs to be out of the game, cos they don't like it. Thank you, BraBran, for your reasonable out take on the perk as you always do, and not just hate to hate. If more of the DBD community had your mindset and logically thought about their inputs and not just getting angry at everything the game gets, the community AND game would be a lot better.


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