Is Nurse's strength ruining Dead by Daylight?

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Is it time to Nerf Nurse? In this video we’re going to be asking a lot of different questions from the DBD community to try and find a reasonable answer.

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40 thoughts on “Is Nurse's strength ruining Dead by Daylight?”

  1. Billy's power (No, not his M1 attack) is harder to learn than Nurse. When I attempted to learn both, I had a much more difficult time learning Billy's POWER as opposed to Nurse's power.

    I find Nurse boring, but please note I said nothing about Nurse being easy or hard to learn. Just stating my opinion.

  2. i dont have that much of a problem with nurse herself but the way she warps the meta and general power level of killer and survivor perks is unhealthy. i think a bigger problem than her very powerful ability is the fact that she does not lose anything close to what any other killer does for whiffing her power. sure youre stunned for a few seconds but being stunned on a billy and being stunned on a nurse are two entirely different levels of magnitude.

  3. In the current form Nurse is not broken.
    Just go and play her long enough to face actually good survivors who know what they are doing :). Reworked Dead Hard will be as powerful against her as it is now against other killers due to short window she can strike in… which is actually a perfect change to Dead Hard IMO. Be way weaker against normal killer just to stay powerful against top tiers of roster.

  4. Nurse should be completely reworked, because Blight exists, a strong killer who will let you win most games if that is what you desire (though those who seek victory at all costs are a plague upon the game). Blight is harder, has more interesting gameplay for both sides, and is generally more healthy for the game.

    This video is completely operating on the false notion that most games you play are against competitive SWFs at a high level, when in fact only a small minority of survivors are like this, and in fact I believe that most people have never faced such a team. The myopic view of content creators that you must always play hyper competitively to beat these high level players is one that is a fiction to most players. With this in mind, nurse is a complete disaster for the great majority of players due to her ability to stomp a majority of games with little in the way of resistance making for an unengaging experience for both sides (if the nurse is not a sadist), if the fictitious version of DBD was in place this may be ok as this power would be needed to counter the competitive SWFs. But again we have to look at DBD for what it is, and not what it is in many content creator's heads and in the head's of the audiences that they have cultivated. And what DBD is is a casual game where this sort of unengaging, fun killing, and gameplay limiting design should not be allowed to continue to exist.

  5. If you could only stun her while she is blinking towards you with a flash light and flash bangs and a pallet. Like you know that lil light she kinda turns into when teleporting? Well when timing it right you can stun her by performing the above actions put. Currently she can just blink thru all of these. I already know dbd code is just spaghetti and even these changes might make it so even picking up a pallet somehow stuns her because Behavior. But I mean I think these 3 counters would help a lot.

  6. Survivors would complain about nurse only on comp level, other than that they're actually excited to play against nurse or blight. I can understand that from a "Camping and tunneling" point of view… (Good nurses or blights don't camp or tunnel)
    It just happened that… Nurse was my first killer when I started to play dbd… And yes… As a nurse main, I can tell straight… It was a friggin nightmare, losing and losing game after game before "muscle memory" comes in. I can tell, all Nurse mains just got through this hundreds of loses before they got good. Also, (You play nurse coz you can't loop or mindgame" – False. I see every nurse main plays a different killer most of low tier ones. (I play sadako when I'm tired of Nurse)
    I think if they completely rework her (I don't see they removing her so…) to the point that she can't blink anymore, at high ranks be prepared to Obnoxious facecamping and tunneling from a blights, spirits, A-tier killers, coz there will be no other working options at high mmr to win.
    It might be true, that they can't change some stuff coz of the nurse and blight, but they still changing, am I right?
    AND NO! DON'T TOUCH HER BLINK ATTACKS! I don't wanna play a teleporting legion! xD

  7. The thing with nurse is she requires a lot of game knowledge, map layout what paths survivors can take and so on
    There is deep skill in learning where to position your first blink, knowing when to zone and feigning which direction you're looking to blink to
    However, range add-ons nurse is autopilot and removes the skillful counterplay for survivors.
    Nerf range add-ons and make her hits not count as basics would be my suggestion for bhvr

  8. The only thing I’d like to change about nurse. Is that they changed her attack to special and she could not auto mid blink. So she actually has an animation again it’s weird to have her hit before she appears and then swing again when the hit happened .5 secs ago

  9. I wish people would stop saying nurse has the highest skill ceiling. She has the highest skill floor. Nurses strength causes her skill ceiling to cap pretty early tbh.

  10. I think playing against nurse is hard, but not impossible. I main Nurse my self but even when playing against her, i sometimes have 2-5 gen chases in wich i dont even get hit or downed in the end. In my opinion you can easily outplay a nurse even if they are good. Go edge map double back fake double back whatever have weird pathing and youll loop her for literally an eternity. And if they have range Add-ons you can literally play the same way but with breaking line of site all the time.
    its not hard to loop nurse.

  11. nerf her base movement speed, nerf her max blink distance, nerf her range addons, and create a minimum blink distance that is around 5 meters away from her that way she cant do mini blinks anymore, and if nurse mains complain they can because no one cares

  12. Yes. Just simply yes. No character in a game should just get to settle in as "the best X" for years on end. Then we get situations like DbD where you might as well be trolling if you pick a character that isnt Nurse.

  13. Learning nurse is like riding a bike it will take long to get good and you will probably fall and want to quit but once you learn it it becomes second nature

  14. I don't play nurse but I do one trick blight so I hope my opinion still matters. I really feel like nurse and blight hurt dbd. Both sides have annoying perks ie survivors with dead hard and decisive and killers with ruin and noed. However, since nurse and blight are so damn strong, they give the devs a reason to not only avoid giving killers better perks, but a reason for survivors to use their "crutch" perks. While they are both unique killers, they both serve as a roadblock towards better killer perks. Personally, it could be just bias speaking but I think blight needs a small nerf but is overall not too bad. Nurse on the other hand really needs a rework. All you need to do is learn how to use nurse m2 and shut your brain off. The ability to ignore loops turns a match into just an extra lobby waiting for the next game so you can actually play without getting downed 9 seconds into chase everytime. (Also this is off topic but please can we start something to help slinger that nerf was so unneeded.

  15. Though nurse is undoubtedly strong, the skill ceiling keeps a majority of players ineffective with nurse; and a niche small percentile of players useful with her. I think she is a necessary evil to get a fair chance at VERY high MMR and even though she is strong you are less inclined to tunnel because you feel effective in chase so switching targets is not stressful.

  16. Nurse should've gotten nuked ages ago.

    I'm glad in my Region there's always 2 insta dc's and the other two follow shortly after. No need to reward borderline cheat abusers.

  17. i have 8k hours on nurse and it is a kind of a hill hard at first but gets easier and easier as you play to get 4Ks in higher mmr as i almost never get less than a 3k unless i make a mistake but playing against her when i play survivor is ehh for lack of a better term most of the time you can double back and fake double back and mind games but some (like vulpixia off the top of my head) dont fall for those and end chases really quick but i dont think that is the devs fault or the nurse mains fault i see it more of a reward for putting so much time in her (from my experience 5-7k hours usually)

    TLDR:she seems strong if you dont know her power well and mindgames only work for so long

  18. I personally love going against nurse, it offers a completely different way to play. I’m a killer main, but I do loop killers for 5 gens and sometimes I know a killer is much better than me but the problem with the game is that survivors on almost all maps can get CRAZY RNG to where there’s like 9 pallets and 3 TL walls right next to each other. I’ve had this and gone against it and it just isn’t fair. Nurse can negate that, and unfortunately because of that, entitled crybaby survivor mains who don’t like losing because their brains can’t handle anything other than fake window constantly and DH for distance will complain.

  19. how ridiculous!
    The weakness of all other Killers and the strength of Survs and in special SWF is ruining DBD.
    And stupid content creators with stupid Video Titles like this!
    Makes me not want to watch your Videos and instead just rant under it!

  20. A MOBA/battle royale blink type hero will completely break a game like DBD. It's not that complicated. Change her blink and problem solved. It's not the perks or add-ons.

  21. If tiles were balanced to be fairer for both sides and nurses blink attacks counted as special attacks instead of basic ones that would be healthy for the game. Nerf nurses range add ons too, they are so broken… Of course this game will never be perfectly balanced but hopefully the devs are striving for that goal nonetheless.

  22. it just depends on the person. if you're a god tier nurse that slugs at 5 gens with 4 slowdowns you're a massive dick. but once you know you've mastered her and if you just play like a decent person its pretty fun for everyone i think, i like that she's actually something to be terrified of.

  23. Whatever change benefits every killer will always benefit nurse the most… she can literally phase through everything that effects everyother killer, so it's honestly hard not to change something that helps her the most if it helps killers in general. If they want to make more killers similar to her for variety, or want to "fix" her, they'd need to change the entire gameplay aspect of DBD seeing as she breaks everything. I do kinda feel like she's this ball and chain around the devs neck when it comes to game changes like this, however I find it interesting to have a killer like her in the game… it's a hard balancing act, that's for sure.

  24. IMO, Artist needs a nerf too. She shouldn't be able to injure survivors with birds alone, only when survivors have birds on them already. This would make looping/mind games much fairer and much more tense, as survivors frantically try to repel birds before she sends more. At present, it's essentially impossible to loop artist with birds that can down you regardless.

  25. Nurse is the most broken killer at high MMR. If you end up playing against a sweaty Nurse, then you might as well quit because the game is already over before it even starts. She needs a rework in order to make her more accessible to lower tier players specifically console players.

  26. You can’t do much against a good nurse if your team is casual… Especially if you do tons of solo & duo que. A good min chase is nice & all but gens are 80 secs, now 90s with buffed overcharge, deadlock unchanged, & countless other changes that will gut matches against any nurse that isn’t just “okay” at the game…

  27. Most loops are definitely survivor sided if you don’t mindgame, lose chase a lot (meaning you don’t get the ez blood lust), and the survivor has good pathing. Other than that a lot of the RNG isn’t insane it’s rare enough I’ll get sickening RNG.

  28. Playing in high MMR almost forces you into playing top tier killers (blight, nurse, spirit) because of these broken tier perks. Now that they have obliterated the perk and others, people won't be forced to play top tier killers just to counter BS deadhard SWF groups.

  29. I'm in the red ranks as a killer and I don't main a killer… I actually hate playing the same thing over and over but I've been changing between nemesis and onyro and the doctor and I guess people are glad to see something different in the high ranks I didn't realize it was that bad since I never play survivor

  30. Nurse is literally the reason why nobody can have nice things. Survivors can’t have fun games because they have to fight a basement dweller with 9k hours, meanwhile killers can’t have good perks because the devs have to consider nurse, the devs are so scared of nurse that 80% of all exposed effect add ons are completely useless because the devs fear that nurse will blink into that game and get a 4K before the trapper could get 4 traps set

  31. How does nurse benefit from the new dead hard? That's still a blink hit she loses out on either way, and now it's much easier to time for a blink. If anything it affects her less than it does other killers.

  32. I said old spirit at her extreme was too much because she ignored loops and included nurse as well and want the game balanced around the majority of killers who have to run in circles but no people hate spirit and love nurse based on this sense of perceived difficulty when they both break the rules and wouldn't mind if blight got a addon nerf but the base was left alone.
    People doing this mental gymnastics to justify this one killer being left at the detriment of the 20 something other killers is crazy to me and makes play8ng other killers on certain maps or against certain teams a chore.


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