Is Plague the Key to 5 Pentimento Stacks? | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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Attempt number 4 at getting to 5 stacks of hex: pentimento, this time we’re going with plague to try to make survivors not want to use boons, as that was our biggest struggle in our last attempt.

Thumbnail render made by Niina! Check her out here

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42 thoughts on “Is Plague the Key to 5 Pentimento Stacks? | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. I'm thinking of two ways to approach this, mainly regarding totems.
    You could run Devour to incentivise cleansing, causing some bones to get cleansed by other teammates thinking it's the Devour totems.
    You could also play a killer with instadown ability to make it impossible to leave your Plaything totem up. Permanent T3 Myers would scary af while oblivious, likewise for Billy with iri brick.
    I personally feel like Blight gets less value out of Oblivious since he spews information everywhere he goes. You might not hear the heartbeat, but you'll definitely hear Mrs. Frizzle crashing through the realm!

  2. I think indoor maps are good in combination with plaything.

    Also if you hate plague that much trapper might be a good idea to protect the ruin until it pressures them to cleanse their hex ruin thing. Then on the other hand it might give away which totem is the ruin :S

    Still loving the series.

  3. Im just asking maybe its dumb but do rekindled totems still spawn noed? If so … if you have all 5 totems rekindled before the last gen pops and then noed spawns….. wouldn't that be broken if the totems are blocked…. or am I just stupid to think that

  4. Nothing is the right killer for this this perk is not meant to be useful at all. It's just serving BHVR as a prop while they try to trick you to believing they care about killer players too when in reality they just babysit the survivor main brats

  5. I imagine Midwich would be much better than any azarov map, with Plaything revealing the totem auras for survivors in a closed and square map it should be more common for them doing it. Finding the 5th bone without aura reading could be tricky there but you could pretend to be dumb and drop someone near it if it never got found

  6. Calling Plague "weak" or "terrible" because you're playing her like shit isn't exactly fair. Shes one of the strongest killers in the game. You're subjectively and objectively just playing like shit and blaming the killer which is pretty fucking childish, to be honest. Like…YOU edit these videos, you know. You don't HAVE to upload your whiniest failures as content. Between this and your stupid "tournament" videos that actively encourage tunneling, camping and meta bullshit, I'm kind of starting to wonder why I'm subbed here.

    Don't even really want to be an asshole here, because I am a fan, but listening to you whine isn't as entertaining as I guess you think it is.

  7. I've been saying this every video…

    Trapper with auto reset add-ons. You can light your totems and trap them. Gen slow down protected by traps. It'll also drive the suvivors to cleanse your totems to find the pebemento.

  8. As a solo queue survivor main I don’t think I’ve ever given a fuck about Hex: Plaything even when it first came out. Once I realized how little the of an effect it has on slowing down Gens I don’t see a point in wasting the time going to look for the totem, when I’ll more than likely come across it at some point or someone else will once the timer runs out. Plus, with Boons being a potential upside for my team busing totems just doesn’t seem like a good idea.

  9. Was able to get this to work on the Game Map using Devour, Haunted, Plaything, and Pentimento. Having 3 Hex totems at the start helps cut down on them booning… then the Plaything was more of a threat cause of the Game map and the survivors not wanting to be oblivious on it. Hope this helps and GL getting all 5.

  10. Tbh Tofu the worst thing going for you is that there’s reason to cleanse anything with play thing. And half your build is always dedicated to getting pentimento. The only way I think you can do it is to double down and do a hex build. I’d say your best shot is Hex Build Spirit. Spirits not fun to play really but if you had Thrill, Devour, Plaything and Pentimento. Scare them into cleansing everything

  11. Plague should be one of the best options to get this to happen, probably just swap Corrupt or Ruin for Thrill.

    That and maybe actually take some time to learn to play Plague instead of just saying the killer sucks.

  12. Maybe billy or bubba, no terror radius and a chainsaw might make people more eager to cleanse plaything. Billy could also get around and light up totems pretty well. With chainsaw volume add-ons, plaything stealth billy could be pretty threatening.

  13. I just feel like this is never going to happen. They need to completely buff this perk in terms of making it fewer totems to have all of them blocked. Even changing it to 4 totems instead of 5 could make a difference. idk I feel like this is just a waste of time at this point man.

  14. Plague thought: When all four survivors have been sick for 20 consecutive seconds, plague gets her blood puke indefinitely until someone cleanses. … OP? IDK. Probably OP.
    Make a sound queue when all four survivors become infected, and another, more intense sound queue when she gets permapower.

  15. Why not try pinhead ? Like the chain Hunt unable a survivor to boon (and cleanse but cleanse a hex is faster) chain Hunt help you in chase and to find survivor but idk if they will cleanse their plaything


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