Is Reworked Sadako Too Strong? (Dead by Daylight)

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I had a lot of ideas and thoughts on this video- proposals of changes to her kit are not at all my final thoughts and I’m more than open to criticism of my ideas and suggestions/changes of your own in the comments!

Intro: 0:00
Addons: 0:39
How to Play Against Her: 3:37
Her Basekit: 5:26
How to Fix It: 6:07
Outro: 9:38


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Dead by Daylight


34 thoughts on “Is Reworked Sadako Too Strong? (Dead by Daylight)”

  1. You bring up a lot of good points in the video.

    I do agree that most of issues with sadako is mostly her add-ons (iri tape and comb). Basekit sadako isn't that annoying.

    This is a great point, they seriously need to add a way for people to read patchnotes/changes in the actual game.
    For example when they decided to remove lightburn from wraith, nurse and hag there were still survivors trying to lightburn wraith.

    I actually like the idea of her having more of a chasing power.

  2. Yeah it's pretty much the addons that make her a menace. Went against her with and without, night and day difference. I had the same idea about making her teleport only give half a stack of condemned but also maybe increase the length of her teleport cooldown by 5 more seconds. Seconds can mean the difference when you're trying to put a tape in and she teleports right to the T.V you are at but that's more a problem involving the iri addon. She's close to being a more balanced killer than the sad state she was in before, hopefully they can make it right.

  3. I don't see how the Comb addon is as miserable as you say it is, if you pay attention to what TVs are on you should be able to tell where the tape got pulled out.

    She needs an addon rework, seriously. She only has like SIX decent addons only TWO of which aid the Condemnation process. And so little originality in design. Blindness, a TEENSY Undetectable buff, and, what really rankles me, an OBLIVIOUS addon on a killer with BASEKIT UNDETECTABLE AND A LULLABY.

  4. I don't understand why they don't just make it a timer-based system like Freddy or Pig
    That would be so much easier to fine-tune and would stop the killer from being able to manipulate the time

  5. I think you have the best take on rework Sadako that I have seen so far. Taking the time to really understand her and how to play as and against her really shows. I think a lot of people just rushed in and overreacted to her changes either saying she is OP or super weak. However, I think you articulated your points very well in this video and I agree with all the changes you suggested. Hopefully she can receive some tweaks soon that balance her out to not have super high highs or super low lows; a more balanced killer overall. 👍

  6. So less "We have to nerf her", and more "Ok, maybe we need to rethinking a few addons." Which is fine.

    I'm just tired of the "It's been out for 2 days, IT NEEDS TO BE NERFED!" bullshit that comes with every new thing. No "Ok, maybe we should figure out how to play against it." Just immediate "NERF IT! NERF IT NOW!"

  7. Against solo queue randos? She's unstoppable. There's no way to coordinate to get the gens done and grab tapes to stay ahead of the condemned curve.

    Against a SWF, she's about normal. If you gen rush and alternate tape retrieval, more pressure is on Sadako to get the condemned up as fast as possible.

  8. My idea was this: Tapes once again give passive condemed, but slower then before (like 1 every mintute), so you cant just hold onto it forever.
    However, in return, max Condemed no longer gives killer instirict and just gives a loud noise. Instead, when survivors get half condemed, they become 'marked'
    Marked survivors are revealed with killer insict when she teleports, and if she hooks them, they lose 1 stack but every other survivor gets a stack (to encourge hooking)

    Her post manfiest buff will now last for 12 seconds or until she hits someone, and mantains her stun imminity and undetcable for 5 seconds after. Additonally, each condemed stack on a survivor reduces the range they can hear her lullbay by 2 meters.

    Would make her stealth better, better chase, and max condemed a bit less tunnely

  9. For an entire week, since the release of the new patch and Nicolas Cage, 90% of my matches were Sadako. I've seen way too much Sadako to the point I'm burnt out of this game again.
    I'm a solo queue player as my friends are currently very busy IRL and they don't have that much time to play anyway. Usually I don't mind solo queue that much, but recently I'm just sick and tired of the new Sadako. I'm sick and tired of only seeing Condemn Sadako that ejects people out of the game under 3 minutes where everyone has 6K bloodpoints but she has 20K. As a solo queue player, I can't choose my teammates, but even so, while you are being chased, she can manage to condemn you, and once you're down, it's over. May you have been hooked or not. This Sadako is as boring as playing against Skull Merchant in my opinion and at this point I might DC against every Sadako and close off the game for a long while, even though I like DbD, but this is just so boring, especially when you have quite the wait time in solo queue at night. I waited 30min for 2 minute game against a Sadako. She's not in a very balanced stage, she's not OP, but she's not useless either. It's tiring…

  10. 😂😂 it’s crazy cause most survivors complaining aren’t even trying to counter her against good survivors it’s way more balanced nothing is op about comb she still is m1 and gotta find you 😂and y’all won’t have an issue if instead of just gen rushing actually monitor your condemn and keep it below 3 stacks once you hit 3 then go on tape run

  11. Honestly, without a small handful of addons, she's almost worse than before if people just grab a tape ASAP.
    She still has literally no chase potential and now she doesn't even have a passive if people have a tape, and all her power does is encourage hit and run, but she's still just a 115% M1 killer that you can pre-throw against.
    Pretty much all of your reworks to her are things that I would want over what she currently has going on, because right now I feel like she's just in the same spot Myers is in where she's like a D tier killer with 3-4 good addons after playing ~20 games with her and only condemning ~5 people in total because I just don't like to use addon combinations that bring up a killer 3 tiers and force me to play a gimmicky way.

  12. TLDR: almost entirely agree, with anecdotes on recent experiences that validate the claims of this video

    Ill echo what you said about base kit sadako without those addons- My solo experience vs her in that situation has improved substantially in a very short time now that people are up to snuff with her kit. I AM however playing at the level with other nerds who keep tabs on patch notes, so making that information more accessible sounds fantastic.

    As it stands my only issue with her is that condemn specific playstyle(Shocker). Once a sadako smells you being close to condemned, if she wants to there isn't a damn thing you can do as the target, barring her misplaying. People are getting good enough to punish her in terms of game tempo for doing so, but yeah its still a bit too easy to pick one unfortunate sucker and remove em just like that. Ive seen people who were actively managing tapes and playing correctly STILL go down to condemn once a sadako decided to force it. There shouldn't be a way to override her counterplay entirely, and yep those addons are absolutely how she can do that.

  13. I normally don’t complain about certain type of killers, but the only two killers that I do not ever wanna go against right now is Westgor and this bitch I played several matches against one off. Apparently the person that whoever I went against is pissed off against me give me a Alton no no just for the last until the timer ran out what I’m trying to say is not enjoyable and this is why I say that community is toxic and they blame one side even though it’s the players fault I was just Vibin 🙄🙄 so I feel sorry for my future teammates and also to the people who want to play her because when people act like that now I don’t wanna play against them. I’m going next. So get mad at me if you want but if people are gonna play like this, I’m going to go next. Just like Ariana Grande thank you next.

  14. I think it would be better if they let you grab a tape from a TV that is currently turned off, if at maybe the cost of 1 condemned stack. The spam TP strat is designed to prevent tapes from being grabbed as well as build up condemned. Also maybe to encourage hooking, make healing from the ground remove 1 condemned stack on the slugged victim and the healer. That way Sadako is slowly losing stacks if people are getting picked up by their teammates, but not if they are hooked. This would encourage hooking, which gives the other Survivors time to run a tape if need be.

    Also the lullaby I believe is only when she is demanifested, similar to Freddy and being asleep. Since the update chase/bloodlust removal of demanifestation, there isn't much reason to roam while demanifested. Roaming while manifested seems better, and also makes using the Oblivious TV add-on still quite decent for jumping people.

  15. The turbo-condemn playstyle still being her optimal play pattern is clearly not ideal, and I agree with all of your changes with regards to that part of her basekit/add-ons. There probably shouldn't be any add-ons that enhance the lethality of condemn, since that is the biggest problem for balancing.

    Hard agree on making her lullaby non-directional, I believe Huntress at one point had a directional lullaby and that's awful. As for improving her chase, I think putting in the extra effort would pay off as I'm not a fan of the no-slowdown during manifesting part as it makes manifesting a zero-cost action. I do wish manifesting was stronger, particularly by buffing the ever living hell out of her intermittent invisibility. Make it so she has enough time to mind-game and make the survivor have to guess her action instead of just watching her small bursts of invisibility which unless you are running add-ons are so short that she's easily predictable.

    Going through pallets/breakable walls would be interesting but windows would be a nightmare (especially since demanifesting breaks chase now). Also, I don't know how they would handle the scenario of trying to manifest while in the middle of a pallet–would there have to be a dead-zone where if you are too close to a pallet (.05 m) you cannot manifest? That you cannot finish manifesting if you walk towards a pallet? I can see that being frustrating and super predictable just based on where the sadako player starts manifesting.

  16. I really like you’re idea with pallets and breakable walls. That would make her so unique and playing against that would be very interesting. Sadakos my main :>

  17. Gonna be honest, I REALLY hate the idea of making Sadako a more chase-focused killer, while making condemn less of a priority. It's the absolute last direction I'd want the devs to take her.

    The rework wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, but part of why I was so nervous about it in the first place was because I thought they were trying to do just that. A big part of why I love the killer so much is because she feels unique and lore-accurate as a killer that really has an alternative win condition that she can work towards; you might not be good at the usual "chase and hook" thing, but that's ok, because you can also just kill survivors by maxing out their condemned meter, if you're smart about it. (Pig might also have an alternate method to kill survivors, but that's much less in her hands. Every time the community finds out some new way to force trap kills, it gets patched out.)

    Being able to focus on condemns for a more slow, insidious kill not only helps her stand out among the roster, (much less the whole subgenre of "killers with passive pressure and a meh/alright chase tool," like Pig, Pinhead and Freddy," but is surprisingly faithful to her movie. Sadako isn't chasing people down the halls in Ring like a generic ghost monster, she waits out of sight until her victim's time is up, at which point they're pretty much doomed.

    Take too much of that element of her power away though, and I feel like the killer would lose her identity. She'd be less of "Sadako, the ghost girl from Ring who kills you in 7 days after you watch her tape unless you pass it on," and more like any old slasher villain that just so happens to look like Sadako.

  18. While i do think some of the add-ons are a problem, i find her base kit is mostly fine tbh. Seems like a lot of the people complaining really are those who just don't know how to play against the new rework yet.

    Only thing i would like to see is improvements on her stealth. Maybe make it so if she does HAVE to keep the lullaby it is map wide whenever demanifested and not directional? Would add to the unlease while keeping people alert AND would probably allow her to get some stealth hits to punish those who don't stay alert.

  19. She is mostly fine. Survivors have enough counterplay, she has no anti loop (the momentary invisibility is really not doing much most of the time) and is basically M1.
    Sadako's only problem is the lack of Skins.


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