IS THAT NOED?! – Dead by Daylight!

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23 thoughts on “IS THAT NOED?! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Maybe devs implemented the new MMR system in a shadow patch but didn't want people to know so they don't get a placebo effect or start complaining without knowing what they're talking about just like it happened before? 😆

  2. Yeah the whole -rep thing is hilarious. Before playing this game I had 2 comments from my friends. I stopped playing, but I did reach a whole 9 pages of pure salty comments.

  3. But wait freddy is overpowered! How could this be??.. in all seriousness. Hope they dont gut him when they change him. Hopefully it's a fun rework instead of an outright stupid nerf

  4. Gotta love console players there the best, got gen rushed while as wraith at red ranks all 4 where alive when the last gen popped I got called a camping prick when I managed to get all 4 still. Some ppl just can't accept they played bad

  5. Noed is a good perk, it's just boring to use and go against. I have a couple ideas to make noed a more interactive perk for both sides but still having the same effects.

    When the survivors are down to their last gen, they all get a notification that the killer has noed. Now the survivors have a choice to not do the last gen and look for all totems on the map (would require some sort of dull totem-counter) or they can choose to pop the gen and activate noed.
    This makes noed a more strategic perk for both sides, and killers such as trapper and hag can have time to set up traps while the survivors are cleansing totems and that makes dull totems actually worth defending if the survivors choose to leave the gen.


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