Is The Knight Finally Fixed in Dead by Daylight?

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31 thoughts on “Is The Knight Finally Fixed in Dead by Daylight?”

  1. So, I think the guards starting the chase as well as they do is good, there just needs to be more counterplay to the actual guard chase. Hitting them with a pallet should destroy them and the first time they go through a window, they should be slower. After the first window, they move at their current speed through windows.

    Also, as a QoL for the Knight, he should be able to have a one button push to sick his guards on pallets, doors, and generators. I never use the feature because I have to be a few steps back, then enter the spirit form, then hit the button. Maybe a slight slow down in movement after he does it so he isn't gaining ground this way, he just doesn't have to do a bunch of unnecessary clicking and adjusting.

  2. Okay, so, I've mentioned this before in other places, but I'd like to hear ya'lls thoughts as well. Basically, if I were to rework the Knight, I would like to do something like this:
    Instead of having to stop moving and place down a patrol path, which takes a lot of time, I would turn him into more of a set up based killer. You would be able to carry 3 of your flags (which you would be able to select which one to use instead of just using whichever one the game allows you to use), and place them down in different areas of the map. You would then be able to set a patrol path within the radius of their flag, and they would continue following that path until you placed a new flag somewhere else, or a survivor uprooted it. Which, would take a few seconds, reveal the survivor with killer instinct, and possibly add some sort of status effect.
    Rather than just telling them to kick a generator and this ending a patrol, they will automatically destroy objects that interrupt the patrol. Gens, pallets, and walls.
    Let me know what you guys think of this concept!

  3. I think the changes were great. He feels so much better to play now. As for playing against, I haven't made up my mind because I haven't actually faced one post-buff.

    But in regards to reworking him from scratch, I'm not sure I agree. Having a proper 2v4 killer was always going to be oppressive and a struggle to go against if done right. But here's my 2 cents on this idea:

    I think due to Knight being new, and people only really picking him up post-buff, it will just take a bit of time to understand how to play around this new playstyle. Previously, it was hold W. Now you can't use that brainless strat, a new one needs to be found. After all, the new knight has been out for what, 3 days? Give it some time, and if no new strat is found then we can start considering reworks.

    And in regards to it being unfun, I can point to a plethora of killers that survivors have claimed are un-fun to face in the end-game chat, on the forums, through memes etc. Nurse, Blight, Legion, Nemesis, Pinhead, Pyramid head, Trapper, Trickster. Huntress. And that's just a few. Do they too all need reworks from scratch?

  4. It feels strange that his addons are basically necessary. It's the map, the call, the horsemeat, and basically nothing else. You could still do double jailer and greaves and just make your knight move like Sonic, I guess.

    The rest is true–the knight is now one of my favorite killers by a ton. But my god, when I'm survivor, I'm 90% asleep.

  5. i like the buff knight got, i enjoy playing him now since i tried him for the tome.. but the buff doesnt do anything if you just drop the guard at pallets and use call of brine eruption without the good patrol addons and pain res dms.. and im pretty sure if i face a knight playing as survivor he will most likely not do ANY cool long patrols like i do – and being fun to play against is something subjective, i dont get how is he less fun to play against than trapper or artist for example

  6. I've got his achievements and can safely say I will never touch him again.
    And currently while playing Survivor he is actively ruining my interest in playing the event or the game. I've yet to go against more than one or two that don't relentlessly tunnel and guard A 3gen or camp the hook with his guards.

    Somehow he has passed Deathslinger and Nemesis as my least favorite killer in the game.

  7. He's not that bad. Prime can still hold W, people started already learning to make unpredictable movement to avoid the trail. Even played against a knight earlier that still got 0k and was doing pretty decent most game but gen efficiency is at an all time high. Even with eruption he had no chance

  8. Idea for a slight rework to make patrolling less crazy and uncounterable: On top of the one that usually spawns during a chase, have 3-5 standards on the map (depending on its size) that just stay in place dormant. While a guard is chasing, they become active and can be collected. Once one is collected, it deactivates the gaurd, and the standard respawns somewhere else. This way, survivors can pre-plan their paths and locations to escape gaurds safely, but also have an option if the pre-spawned standards are too far away. Let's also say that the knight can see all of the auras of the pre-spawned standards, and can basic attack them to destroy them and have them spawn somewhere else, but only if the standard is dormant

  9. the change we need would be something to do with chase or the way guards chase survivors, the idea behind the knight (atleast the way i see it) is being a multi tasking killer, what makes him extremely boring to go against is that he can drop a patrol on you, then proceed to cut you off while you run away from a guard or straight up dark souls 3 gank you in a corner of the map.

  10. Idk, I've only played as knight since he came out and I love that I don't have to rely entirely on a 3 gen build.
    That being said.
    Can't say I've had trouble against him like, his guards can be countered and there's been times where I've just ran directly through a knight because I know his collision is turned off and most knights wait for that guard hit.

    Also very very important remember.
    Even if you are being hunted, the moment you start unhooking someone the guard WILL stop in his tracks and disappear after unhooking finish which means that placing guards at hooks does nothing against survivors who remember this.

  11. It is still sad that he's not still appreciated by many πŸ™
    The changes are great to me and now I'm use the guards more in chase than before, but I understand that he can be annoying for survs.
    Overall I'm loving him πŸ™‚

  12. I just knew as soon as I seen what his power was I was like "yeah that sounds super unfun" like it's a cool idea, they really took the nurse strategy of "here's this cool power, but it's unbalancable" I agree with the rework idea

  13. i wish they made it so the jailer could patrol for a lot longer, with the downside being he almost never can get hits, have carnifex walk around the map, maybe alerting the killer if he finds a survivors, and makiing it so you could call him to break a pallet, in which case he would run too the pallet from whatever location he is, so its not instance and the killer could only really use it if he finds a random downed pallet to break. and the assasin was used in the more, hitting survivor part in some way


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