Is This 500 Demogorgon 4k Streak Real? No – Dead by Daylight

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39 thoughts on “Is This 500 Demogorgon 4k Streak Real? No – Dead by Daylight”

  1. You need to give him props tbh, 400 k live streak is impressive. Even Otz had 104 killstreak with plague and only lost cause of lack of concentration, so if you put your mind to it its possible. Ther are players out there that put 5k hours in the same killer.. anyway 400 streak, even with this broken mmr (first ever game from Anna Chess gets 2k+ survivors), is impressive.

  2. My judgement is not the best but if you put the statistic claim aside, if he really is the best demo in the game, does the gameplay show for it?? I think that's what truly matters, we're usually able to tell if someone is good or not just from watching them play

  3. he admits it… why are you attacking this guy? maybe should have led with that in the video. It’s like calling out dr disrespect for his video game world championship claims. It’s just a show, albeit a not so funny one for this guy.

    the vilification of this guy is sorta lame, or maybe it’s what he wants.

  4. This guy is essentially using a logic along the lines of: a fresh install Trapper that has only played 10 games so far and lost 2 of them is better than a Streamer that played 1000 matches and lost 201 of them because technically he has a better win rate.
    It's all a question of perspective. What baffles me however is the point where he just claims to be better than essentially everyone in this game.

    To put his claims into perspective, if he is better than 99,99% of players this game that would mean, with approximately 36.000.000 downloads (not even active players) that would mean he would be amongst the top 3.600 players of all time which makes even Tru3s usual "top 5%" claims with 1.800.000 players look tame.

    Honestly I would love to see this guy in a custom skrim against Oracle just for him to be not humiliated but at least humbled.

  5. Bros statistics are as manipulated as pharmaceutical companies
    btw im not like "Anti-Vax" Im in the industry and I know how shady the shit higher ups pull to get approval.

  6. Bro I’m thinking he’s pulling off the biggest troll of all time and you’re falling for it. If his description literally admits to it in detail… it is just hilarious.
    Honestly it goes to show just how much the DBD community wants to disprove stupid logic because we see it everywhere in bhvr’s shitty dev team


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