Is This Onryo Strat Unbeatable? | Dead by Daylight

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This video is from scrim nights, which is a new event that I’m hosting every Friday on my Twitch channel.

This Onryo had an incredible strat that our survivor teams were struggling to find a counter for. The way they play makes it seem unbeatable, but feel free to sign up and try your luck if you want 😉

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Thumbnail render made by Ev3ntic! Check her out here​​​/

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35 thoughts on “Is This Onryo Strat Unbeatable? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. when I started DBD that's the kind of gameplay I was expecting, each killer havign different win conditions, and way to reach "mori"
    the hook seamed to make sense for booba and billy, and maybe trapper…. but otherwise…
    I wished that freddy would be something like that killing you in nightmare etc…
    myers to fully stalck avery survivors to reach tier 4 "ultimate evil" where he is locked into it and now can mori everyone…

  2. The problem with turning in tapes early, is you'll have to turn in tapes 3-5 times for each survivor through out the match. All that time wasted instead of on gens. On this map, the onryo strat is almost unbeatable. I would love to see a full 4k-5k swf team go against this.

  3. You have to think of the stacks as being like Pig trap and Myers stalk in some sense. Issue is, this is on a stealth killer that can pretty freely teleport around the map. It's possible to beat in general, but I feel like someone like nico who mains this playstyle will very rarely lose even against good teams.

  4. I think onryo is fine, other than he base-kit tv time for turning back on (it should be a little shorter to turn on). But that iri add-on is a MASSIVE problem ESPECIALLY for solo queue. I’ve faced it about half a dozen times in the past couple days and it’s extremely frustrating to just be slugged the whole game, and it’s really hard to face

  5. the last few onryo’s ive played against have been doing this, cringe how they all see one person on yt doing this and then all these sheep do the same thing lmao but anyways it’s really boring and cancer and i just dc or give them the kill especially if they pick lery’s

  6. The fact that they didnt bring a proof and got only two gens done with two bnps?! Like what were they doing?! The strat against an onryo like that is gen rush and after every gen use a tape to refresh the condemn.. I have no idea what these guys were doing. Like how did that one leon still have a bnp when the game was half over? Was he saving it for the next game?

  7. Tofu pls try this build on Onryo:
    Floods of rage, make your choice, agitation, pain res.
    Addons: both tv cooldowns
    Strategy: get 1st down, probably lose 2 gens and start snowballing, use agitation to secure scoorge hook near tv, as soon as they unhook teleport to it for easy down using aura from Floods. Then try to harass unhooked person, because off the record will counter Floods.
    The only time this build didn't give me 3/4k was a racoon city and poor hook placement
    Hope u will try this 1!

  8. This really shows how free Onryo is for survivor. You can play super relaxed, completely ignore your condemned until it's maxed and then you're able to insert the tape before she even finishes her weapon cooldown. They really need to make you exposed when condemned to make it an actual threat

  9. Willie popularized this play style. It’s actually been making onryo fun to play. I just need to learn all the ins in outs of how it works so I can do it more consistently. Also odd he didn’t use the ring drawing strat but I guess since he’s on midwich it doesn’t matter

  10. Overlooking the killer building and strat as good as the concept is I can't help thinking scrims would be way more interesting if survivors weren't allowed to stack petrified oaks BNPs syringes and bottled time. It seriously limits what is viable even for the best killer players when you have that level of BS to deal with.

  11. I feel like whispers would be good, cause then you would be able to tell exactly where the survivors generally are; Which would allow you give them condemned stacks much more consistently without having to play a small map like Midwich or the game


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