Sweaty Killer Rages at "Toxic" Survivors | Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight โžœ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

If you brought in the perks for a serious game and you fail this hardโ€ฆwhat do you expect?

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13 thoughts on “Sweaty Killer Rages at "Toxic" Survivors | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I mean the build is no fun but you can play what you want. Its kinda annoying true but yknow. He should have his mouth shut and survs aswell and there would be no situation like that ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. laughing at your little sassy gestures during this game (hovering over the console icons as you got hooked, the looks up/shining your flashlight at the trees in exasperation, shining your flashlight at the blocked window after the Dredge left lmao). your personality still shines through even though you weren't commentating the match as it happened.

    this gen kick meta is…a large part of the reason why i haven't even opened the game in a month, ngl. my mmr isn't high enough that i get sweaty competent killers that often, but i get sweaty tunnelers instead, so it's all the same in the end ig ๐Ÿ™ƒ really unfortunate meta. i'd love to see another shakeup sometime soon.

  3. Even as a killer main this was interesting to watch and the commentary made it pretty entertaining, i occasionally play soloQ and stuff like this is useful for tips on how to handle certain situations. I am not a fan of the gen kicking meta and Eruption has genuinenly made a lot of my soloq games miserable expecially when I want to get my challenges done


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