IS THIS PERK EVEN WORTH THE SLOT? | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)

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Furtive Chase is potentially one of the worst perks in DBD, is it even worth the slot? Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
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13 thoughts on “IS THIS PERK EVEN WORTH THE SLOT? | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)”

  1. Always had an idea for furtive chase What if rework to make it a hex that work with hooks like a hex scourge hook but there's less then 4 hooks maybe something like 2 but how it worked would be something like object for killer of course keeping it's ability to change the obsession how it would work once the new obsession is made through furtive chase it goes into a cooldown for a while then activates once active it will work like object revealing the survivor to you and the killer to obsession

    Which at first sounds kinda counter productive but my aim is to bring in more blindness as an effective stays effect with this

  2. I feel like furtive chase is just one of those perks like Monitor or Undying that is less about doing something on its own and more about giving more power to other perks, in this case it could be really good to get PWYF or remember me stacks for example


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