Is TUNNELING OVERRATED? | Dead by Daylight

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41 thoughts on “Is TUNNELING OVERRATED? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Survivors like to cry even when they bring broken 💩. I get hate messages from time to time because honestly i will use all the tactics at my disposal to win the game. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  2. I had a match earlier where i was playing as wesker and i “tunneled” according to the survivors. They got mad because i kept going back and forth between the 2 survivors that kept getting fully infected and in my head im like why wouldnt i chase the person fully infected thats just a free down. So they accused me of tunneling because i went back and forth between these 2 survivors because they wouldnt spray themselves. So instead of giving me props for getting a 3k when they had 1 gen left and i had no hooks they resort to calling me bad cuz i “tunneled ☝️🤓” survivors are just adults with the mental stability of a 5 year old. They have to cry over EVERYTHING 🤣🤣

  3. Most of the time on low ter killers you have to tunnel. even with high ter killers. Gens are so fast and pallets everywhere. Then the second chance perks. BU-FTP, FB-BGP. They will always blame the killer. You can play nice and you still get tbags with DMs saying EZ killer kill yourself. The way I see it fuck them play how you want. I had to stop playing DbD because the death threats an the bugs they abuse.
    Any Good video keep them coming. number 1 trapper on DbD "Hold this"

  4. Only thing I hate about Tunneling and Camping is when it's so bad, that a mf who is having it happen to them isn't able to play the game because of it.😭

  5. I'm just kind of comparing it to other games. You don't go after the healthier person, you'd usually want to prioritize the one who you know is injured first. In this game it's the same thing, doing the opposite is just throwing and making a terrible decision.

  6. From what i see, both sides complain about things that are “op or broken” and they can’t just have fun. I play both sides and i dont see a problem with having to tunnel at 2 gens or less bc Ik how it is on killer

  7. I am a survivor main who plays solo Q and would complain about tunnelling and camping, recently started playing killer after a long while, almost bursted to tears because I kept playing against blatant SWF who I couldn't work against with my killer, and now I remember why I don't play killer. If I didn't tunnel or camp, I would still have survivors waiting for the timer out at the exit gates or standing 10+ minutes (had this happened) on the hatch, when I could have slugged the 3rd survivor and downed them.

    People don't realise this game is balanced around SWF, BHVR assumes all survivors are playing in a premade group. People have issues about what's in the game, but not survivors using voice chat which is cheating because you are using a 3rd party program, there is a reason why VC isn't in the game, it is BROKEN. Same people who are using filters to brighten up their game.

    I get called a tunneler when the unhooked survivor walks into me as I am heading to the hook.

    Trust me, survivors do not acknowledge if a killer has NOT tunnelled or camped. I gave survivors many chances in my matches, which made me lose, still Tbag knowing I let them go. No matter how you play, they still complain. They are hating the player, not the game. Show no mercy. Becoming a killer main because survivors are pathetic, always throwing the game almost all my matches, like they are angry at everyone but themselves.

  8. “IF” the devs wanted this game to work proper they would do it where there is no external coms, no perks, no items, only map voting before the game starts. Than you’ll have a a balanced game. Realistically a horror game based on killers is more favourable for survivors than the killer itself 🤦🏼‍♂️ that shouldn’t be the case

  9. I played one game where I was artist on meat plant. I hooked an Ada twice in a row because they were healing under hook against an artist for some reason(second and third hook for Ada). After tbe match I noticed they were a live streamer so I hopped into their chat and said ggs. Instead of receiving ggs back for a game I thought was well fought, they actually banned me from their chat because I was “tunneling” and all I said was gg

  10. Just slugging one person to add pressure is enough to get the survivors bitching. All the second chance Perks in the world wouldn't be enough to stop them from whining. Half the time I "Tunnel" I'm not even intentionally doing it dumb mofo just walks in front of me again

  11. I’d say at least 90% of the survivor mains complaining about this never played a match as killer in high mmr a single day in their lives. Your whole thought process of the game changes once you encounter going against high tier survivors that will abuse everything strong in the game. Crazy thing is that a lot of times, survivors literally be asking to GET tunneled.

  12. People hate skull merchant because she is genuinely the least fun killer to play as/against. Find survivor, chase to a loop, put a drone up, get a free hit. Rinse, repeat. There’s no outplaying the drones. There’s no out-of-the-box drone placements. You just spam them everywhere. Brain dead gameplay.

  13. I think it's the solo queue. For me anyway. With friends, I lose a lot regardless, but I do much better. On the solo queue, it's different. I'm not high level at all, and I don't have good enough perks to counter tunneling or anything, so it's tough. But when Bubba is proxy camping and you just got unhooked and he does the power and kills you like 5 seconds after an unhook, it's tough.

  14. Tunneling is the easiest way to win the game because you get someone out of the match and make it a 3v1 but at the same time I don't think people know what tunneling is

  15. Im a person who plays both sides and during a survivor game i was being camped and tunneled but it was counter-able my teamates did gens and i was using a shitty build of made for this dead hard hope and were gonna live forever in the end i escaped

  16. im hoping they adjust the comms, that survivor can also talk or hear each other if they nearby, each other like the normal comms in real life😂

  17. When I play the game normally my brain in general sometimes tunnels the same survivor automatically, Cause I don't know that skill well enough to do that. cause me personally I worry about generators way too much sometimes and when I see a survivor I go back to patrol the gens. For example which I do: All I do is walk around going to gens expecting to find a survivor but I don't be that much open minded sometimes to actually find the survivors if you know what I mean. Now it may not be the best strategy in the game to do that. That's just me cause it's my brain wants to do more than what I am already doing. It's like it's still stuck in the same mode if you know what I'm trying to say.

  18. I have been having better games recently and to all the killers that dont tunnel you deserve all the 4ks to the killers who failed tunneling me you deserved the t bag

  19. 14:25 those survivors players be like you hook, leave 10 meters and glance at the direciton
    gratz, you camping, trash bag.

    and it is funnier because on that situation in specific, you did nothing wrong, you just hooked someone and then there is a swarm of survivors around you, what the hell they want you to do? leave the hook alone and wait for the gens to open the exit gate?

  20. What you said about camping is true but to say tunneling is not needed imo depends on the build you use. Certain builds require certain strategies, like me I use my end game build and it does require tunneling to work. With end game builds you need one out as fast as possible so 3 survivors are remaining at end game because 4 survivors at end game are very difficult to manage. You are also right certain killers don't need to tunnel such as the S Tier killers, but once again certain killers run certain builds better than others that do require different strategies and one of them does involve tunneling especially low tier killers. It would be dumb to play end game Trapper and not tunnel at some point.


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