Is YOICHI The Perfect Survivor? | Dead by Daylight Lore Deep Dive

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Let’s talk about Yoichi Asakawa, the Survivor of the Ringu Chapter and, in my opinion, one of the best written Survivors in DBD history!

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45 thoughts on “Is YOICHI The Perfect Survivor? | Dead by Daylight Lore Deep Dive”

  1. This is a nice video! Though, I noticed you pronounced everyone but Reiko's name properly. I'm not sure how accurate you want to be on it, but it's pronounced "Ray – koh" or more precisely "Reh (like "eh…" – i(in ear) – koh" depending how accurate you wanna be, still, great video! 🙂 I always love what you have to say!

  2. Honestly, I think Yoichi is absolutely fine. But I'm still disappointed they ignored the obvious choice for the Ringu Chapter-Survivor:

    Meg Rainman, protagonist of the critically acclaimed Survival-Horror-Masterpiece "The Ring: Terror's Realm" for the Dreamcast.

    And just for the record – I'm joking. The game is terrible, I love it. They turned Sadako's ghost-body into a physical virus to turn people into ape-men or something like that. Also, instead of a Videotape, the curse is passed on through a videogame.

  3. Honestly, i totally agree with you that yoichi was a better choice. Dont get me wrong, reiko is really hot, but i think she would do alot better as a legandary skin

  4. Not only does his story work out perfectly and make sense coming into the fog, but Yoichi has some of my favorite perks that feel strong but not frustrating to deal with. Parental Guidance gave life to Smash Hit & even Head On, Empathic Connection as someone who loves healing my teammates feels great knowing they can come to me, & Dark Theory is a very subtle but helpful Boon if you get one of those annoying "out of the way" Boon totem spots like in the top of the ironworks. But isn't nearly as frustrating to deal with as a killer like Circle Of Healing.

  5. Yoichi is kinda cute.
    But most of them seem to be really good players, I had one survive 2 RBTs, he earned hatch.

    PS: Will you do a video about how Sadako freaking "sucks"?

  6. Yoichi has easily become my favorite male survivor to play as. I just hope that some how, some way, a ringu tome comes so we can get more for Yoichi in both cosmetics and stories, I'd love to hear more about him growing up, as long as the story is treated with as much care as his base lore was.

  7. I never watched Ringu and knew nothing about the series before getting the chapter but I loved the flavor of the perks for both Yoichi and Sadako.

    I also have a soft spot for biologist characters and characters with a psychic/supernatural aspect

  8. It's like how Quentin was more fitting for Nightmare on Elm Street. Sometimes, the main character just isn't the right one to pick, and that's okay! Hell, IMO it's cooler to see a different character added and try to see the lore reasoning as to why they were the better pick.

  9. What's so wrong with RPD? Each room is color-coded, and there are signs identifying each and every room. It's my favorite map in the game, and I dare say the best map. Most people I know who hate it have no sense of direction.

  10. was anyone else going to tell me that ringu is about generational trauma? maybe that’s why i main sadako.

    jokes aside, i love this analysis. you did a great job picking apart yoichi’s character. i hope to see more ringu content from you!

  11. The text present at 5:31 confused me in the novel in terms of Sadako being a victim. I get it’s portrayed as such, but it seemed ambiguously written to imply “she asked for it” as to imbue her powers with the last remaining sample of a virus to procreate the evil tape? The tape prophetically saying she will birth a child, despite unable to have a kid + never seeming to care for her father previously, seems like she knew what she was doing + is a testament of how evil she is? Or was she actually a victim and the tape is less revenge incarnated and more an accident caused by the assault? I was very confused on what the author was trying to get at there,or if just unreliable narration from the main character. Thoughts?

  12. Reiko's story is done. I like that BHVR chose Yoichi instead. What's important to me in a character is whether or not they have agency. Yoichi growing up to pursue the supernatural gives him something that his mother didn't have: active agency in his own life.

  13. I remember being in a discord call when the sadako update dropped, and out of the 4-5 of us that were there only 1 of us knew anything about Ringu, so when we saw Yoichi was the survivor it was a mix of about 80% "oh, neat, that's a character I guess" and 20% "YO-CHAN!?!?!?!?"

  14. Yoichi is like Mikaela for me, it's difficult for me to like them as a character because of an absolutely broken perk they introduced that made the game overall worse with their introduction. Dark Theory is literally just free subtle speed hacks, completely removing any hits you'd normally get during a window vault and making some loops almost unmindgameable

  15. I know it’s unrelated but I highly recommend watching Ring 0, I like it as much as ringu but for different reasons and wish that this dress sadako wears in it was a skin. I also think Reiko and Ryuji should be legendary skins someday. Since James Sunderland took so long I’m still hopeful that they can get skins someday too

  16. I remember being so hyped for the Ring chapter because Ring is my favorite movie ever and I'm just a huge fan of horror from Japan. I distinctly remember seeing the survivor and going like "who is that" and when I read that it was Koichi my head just went crazy because of how creative and good that choice was. Ring is all about generational trauma and having the character that was most affected by it represent the movie just makes the chapter near perfection, imo it's the best licensed chapter.

  17. Yes, this is why I am looking to main him once the update hits and gives him all the perks. It’s definitely not mainly because he’s hot. I’m a sophisticated individual. Definitely.

  18. They could have continued Jill and Leon's story because it's been awhile since Jill or Leon have been in a game. They probably didn't because they could return in a future installment.

  19. I understand this is probably a me thing, but I love Nemesis's lore. Mainly because it can be summed up as "The fog isn't enough, I want Jill dead" Which is honestly pretty in character for Nemesis. But I do wish Leon and Jill were more fleshed out. (Also wish that Pinhead had more lore)

  20. the best survivor in my opinion is jeff johansen. His appearance attracts attention because he looks like a big Jesus, his perks are medium but not weak, his story is interesting and as far as I'm correct, this was the first time the story of the survivors was linked to the story of the killer, and the map has graffiti that connects Jeff to the legion . What I love about this story is that it must be very strange for a legion and Jeff to meet each other in fog trials xD

  21. I was so excited when I saw they’d released the Ringu chapter, I immediately bought it and fell in love with Yoichi’s addition. His lore is perfection to me that melds into the game flawlessly, and the fact it’s the original film series and not the American remake makes it so much better! No offense to Ring (2002) fans, I just prefer the original. These movies were very much part of the team of movies that made me fall in love with horror, and the handling of the integration just pays respect to that while adding to it which is perfect to me. People either loved or didn’t the new scream but I thought that was well handled too and it does a similar thing of respecting the art of the original by keeping the characters in a plot line that makes sense and then adding it’s own thing so it’s still recognizable as something new. Either way I’m just super happy they chose Yoichi and I love sadako’s morí!

  22. The Ring/Ringu was my dream chapter for a long time and I honestly think BHVR knocked it out of the water with this. The close attention paid towards Yoichi and Sadako are both respectfully so true to their characters. I love Reiko, but Yoichi I felt was a very unique and out-going take for BHVR and it turned out amazing. Later down the line I would love to see Reiko added as a legendary, that way we can have both.


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