IT ISN'T OVER, TILL IT'S OVER!!! | Dead By Daylight

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The new mmr system for Dead By Daylight is live and the results are interesting. I’ve been a rank 1 killer for quite some time and the new SBMM system has made my games pretty sweaty.
But, don’t forget that just because survivors are doing gens, that you can’t comeback!!

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39 thoughts on “IT ISN'T OVER, TILL IT'S OVER!!! | Dead By Daylight”

  1. My MMR experience has been me looping the killer for 4 gens, getting facecamped, and left to die on first hook by my teammates who are all hiding in a corner. As for killer, I get potatoes one game that literally have their monitors off, and then I get sweaty try hards that have DS, BT, DH, and Adrenaline. On top of that, they all have flashlights and bring purple hook offerings. I wish there was a mid ground that offered fun, but challenging, gameplay. Hope that is not how it is for everyone else.

  2. had a brutal game as twins on my first time on them followed by a 2 hook on nemesis followed by getting absolutely stomped by a streamers on legion not one hook perfect loops etc all killers first time on them during this "MMR" thing

  3. I'd say I'm more of a casual killer (I only play killer), I don't do well against good teams who can loop and juke competently.

    I've had 2 matches where the gens were nearly done and I only had 2 or 3 total hooks and I just sat in a corner til the game finished.
    TBH, I should probably pay a Fiverr coach to help me play killer.

  4. As Killer I'm getting super sweaty Survivors seven games out of ten, with some newbies thrown in for another two and the last one some actually chill people who run memey or off-meta builds and don't slam gens in the first five minuets of the game. I'm not a sweaty Killer player so I've not been enjoying my games as of late, which is a major change from the previous two MMR tests where I had really fun challenging games as Killer.

    As Survivor I've been getting mostly camping Bubbas with some tunnlers thrown in, so no fun there either. But that's not really a change from before MMR so. ~Throws hands up.~

    Yeah, I noticed the Twins thing last night when I played. "Gen complete" sounds after switching back to Charlotte from Victor.

    I hate Dead Hard so fking much. It's easy enough to play around but it's not fun to play against. You know fun? The thing I play a game to have? It wouldn't be so bad if only one person per trial could have it, but when all four are running it I'm about ready to smash my keyboard. Give me a Sprint Burst, a Balanced Landing, I'll even take four Head On's over a single Dead hard any day. Stun lock me for five gens, I don't care, just don't invincible dash to make up for your bad plays because you knew you could get away with it and didn't have to be good, just good enough for The Almighty E to save you.

    Jonathan's sounds are so odd and I'm not sure why. They just don't sound like they fit him, but I know some people are just like that.

    Seems like a normal Trapper game. All it takes is getting two or three traps and you snowball, after losing the first three gens of course. Also a normal enough three-gen, because Survivors just can't help but finish gens even when Ruin isn't in play. Yeah the 25% from Pop hurts but letting yourself get three-gened kills so maybe 99 a few gens along the edges and hit central ones hard together.

    Thanks for the video Spooky.

  5. 5:12 What looks like what happened: Ping delay caused the visually missed swing to actually connect in the server. What actually happened: killer missed but brought the machete back up causing the pointy tip to strike Jonathan Byers' butt.

  6. 2-3 gens should be done by the first hook almost as a rule especially on this map bs this killer…map is huge and the trapper simply can’t cover ground. This team wasn’t very good but still managed 3 gens fast. If they were any better it’s a squash match in favor of them. Edit: why not slug the girl that stepped in a trap going for the rescue? They made the mistake and they barely get punished. That’s two downs there.

  7. For me, MMR makes me not want to play the killer.

    With survivor you can screw around, do totems, check boxes, gets some unhooks for the funsies. And then do gens. And your teammates will be competent enough to not get brutally murdered.

    For killer, once you go for good perks, you're expected to throw games in order to get to an MMR made for a more casual take.

    I literally can't play killers anymore because bringing any sort of brutal build makes the casual one just more frustrating. Survivor who cares, you can at least do something even if you're the odd one out, but with killer it's all on you.

  8. my MMR has been horrible like so horrible playing killer gets my blood boiling like never before. I don't like using meta killers or perks so I'm don't want to play this game anymore unless there is actual change to this game. Seriously camping and slugging for 1 kill every game isn't fun

  9. 4 gens done only 3 hooks. super immersed survivors with 5x my hours on badham with nurse hex build, 3/4 perks were left. I had devour, barely saved the totem and had a comeback. Needless to say I shitted my ass

  10. My first game as trickster and I literally bought him yesterday was 4 red ranks and I’m still in the lowest rank and they had dstrikes, Borrow time, unbreakable and haddenfield map. Literally all the messages I get gg ez baby killer get good or kys to me. I dislike playing killer because of survivors

  11. Been accused of hacking, tunneling, camping (while doing none of the 3) and being an awful killer a few times from survivors that got 0-2 gens before I got my 4K. SBMM has given me some interesting, entitled survivors.

  12. In my experience, killer hasn't been terrible nor great, basically in the middle. I instantly went after Pinhead's adept and couldn't do it due to bad maps or survivors rage quitting.

    Survivor on the other hand, killers have been camping and tunneling A LOT since MMR came out. The game doesn't really punish you for it anymore, so it happens more.

    I mean, it is what it is, but it's just boring to me.

  13. I've only been playing as the cenobite since SBMM was enabled and I've noticed that most of my matches have been much easier than were before. And when I play survivor I swf and I haven't noticed much of an overall difference the killers we go against.

  14. i have noticed this in both my survivor and killer games it gets down to one or two gens and people dont want to get off gens to save heal or do totems so the game just falls apart quick

  15. The new MMR system has made me lose the love I had for the game. I used to be a consistent red rank but I always played very casually. Now every game is insanely sweaty and I just dont find it fun anymore. Makes me really sad actually.

  16. I mean, we now know for a fact, that this MMR system only takes into account "kills/escapes/time spent in a match", so it's pure dogshit and shouldn't even be in there in the first place.
    It was clear right from the beginning, that nobody could measure "skill" in a game like DbD, but THIS system paired with the fact, that the devs think we're stupid, is just insane…

  17. this happened to me yesterday on huntress the gens were flying so i forced a 3 gen and managed to win in the end because dead dawg 3 gens are legit danger. Good ol dead dawg saving my game


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