Items need to be nerfed | Dead by Daylight

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My live presentation of how I would nerf most items to make matches less dependent on them and more dependent on skill and decision-making rather than what items you brought

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26 thoughts on “Items need to be nerfed | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I don'T aggree about the charge needed for the addon… it's gamewise logic… but not logic in reality…
    the addon is a syringue or a bottle of pils… using that syringue in no way would force you to use anything in the box… actually I woul dgo reverse:
    logic wise… it doesn't make sense that the addon consume the medkit.. it should only consume the addon…
    same for brand new part.

    But using the addon should take time… much like the antidot of nemesis tiume to use… it's an injection as well… so other addon should take time to be used… like the sceptic agent… it doesn'T make sense to be usable in a chase instantly.

  2. Heya Otz, i didn't watched the stream, but i want to participate
    I believe that another problem in the tool boxes situation is prove thyself. Maybe it needs a nerf that it's only 5% or 8% (that being on level 3), cuz right now it doesn't really matter if the survivors bring toolboxes or not, if 2 or more survs hop on a gen that it's say, 76% progress, it's GG cuz that gen gets easily completed
    Also i liked the Full repair idea, but one thing i thought was a Pop buff, where when a gen have a full repair of 10% and a normall progress of 20%, when a killer pops the gen in this example, it looses the progress and it breaks a little bit of the full progress (say 20% from the gen – 25% from pop = 5%, that breaks the full progress of 10% to 5% FP)

  3. The Key Nerf is not even life and Killer Mains already crying about the next stuff xD That the Trapper can trap you on the other side of the map where you can do by yourself nothing against it, is absolutly fine, but that a Survivor can heal himself in 16 seconds, has to be nerfed xD I also ask me, why they don't just replace every Killer with a cockroach who can drop Nuclear Bombs, would solve all Killer complains at once.

  4. I think all these ideas are horrible nerfs. Most of these items are what makes the game fun as survivor. I play killer a lot it’s a very rare occurrence where everyone has great items like this in one match. There is already a perk to hurt survivor items and it’s called drum roll Franklins. If items are that much of a problem just run that. I also don’t think that Michael add on is that bad either, its rare that you’ll see it lol

  5. I feel like these changes would make solo queue a worse experience. This is a big balance change for SWF's. I don't see anything wrong with a slight nerf as medkits are easily abusable, but it's a big pain trying to find teammates to heal you in solo queue without using a valuable perk slot to find them. I do think maps should be buffed, though. I agree there.

  6. Pinhead is a weak killer in terms of his 1v1, the Mechanics Fang is the ONLY way to make his 1v1 bearably competitive to other killers. If you made the mechanics Fang base kit or removed all environmental chain breaks and take it slightly longer to break the chains THEN I could see this happening. For the tool boxes….the perma fixed is tool box only right? If not that is broken on the survivors stand point. If it is tool box only then ok that sounds like a good plan. For maps I agree with everything you said about it. Flashlights best spot. Keys fantastic nerf with hatch. Not sure what will happen to the keys normally. For killer add on nerfs….those nerfs can happen when every killer base kit is tournament level with skill

  7. dont really like the med nerfs, if they are as slow as self care, which is the worst perk you can bring due to how slow it is, it will make meds useless. You dont bring an item to trip your teammates and give more value to your opponent, which is what self care does. Meds will be heavily add-on dependent, and brings negative value to the team, imagine sloppy self care. DX


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