It's Not "Anti-Loop" That's the Problem – Dead by Daylight

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24 thoughts on “It's Not "Anti-Loop" That's the Problem – Dead by Daylight”

  1. The knight should have 3 banners he can place anywhere that isnt near a Hooked person
    Each banner has its own Warden (Forgot the name) to patrol around its area
    Survivors can avoid the Line of sight of the wardens and get to the banner to destroy it and Temporarily disable The Knights power
    Itll be like a demogorgon situation
    Is the placement of his power Threatening enough for me To Clear it ?

  2. I have a better idea give players the option to have a killer skip list so that way they can choose what killers to go against. And im telling if this happens a ton of killers in this game wouldn’t see action because they were purposely built to stop survivor’s and everything they do

  3. Is it the lack of counter play that makes everyone hate playing against the Twins? Cause they’ve been out nearly two years and most survivors just don’t know/care enough to learn the counters.
    People are still getting caught at the exit gate with victor, holding victor hostage while simultaneously revealing their entire teams location, and never EVER crouching to avoid victors detection, etc.

  4. This is the one viewpoint I argued for a few years back. People don't like being hooked because they can't do anything, especially being camped. Having choices to make and effort to put in has long been known to be far more enjoyable than not having it. A good example was the powdered cake mix marketing back in the day. It sold terribly until a marketing expert said "take out one egg from the powdered mix and make them add it". Sounds stupid, right? Well, the sales numbers went up by like 500%, because people now felt like they were "cooking". Making people's lives a little harder and with more actions from them makes people like it more. Thank you for addressing this.

  5. Ive been thinking about these "high impact" killers as i call them. Basically goes along with what you were saying in which killers are fun to face or play as. An example of one of these killer is Billy. In my opinion playing against Billy is one of the most fun things in the game and if you get chainsawed by him then its mostly you getting outplayed but if he misses then he loses quite a lot of distance. This gives his power the "high impact" feel where there is a lot to win or lose where if you outplay him you feel like you won and you get distance and vice versa for the killer. The same applies to huntress and that is also why its kind of boring to go against tricktster. With trickster you dodge one knife but whoopty doo he has 3 billion others to hit you with. His power dosent have a high impact so its boring to go against. This is why PP head, demo and other "high impact" killers are fun to go against.

    Anyways just a crackpot theory by me and im sure there are flaws in it but ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  6. I hope you say the same about god pallets and maps like the game or preschool where there is 70+ % walking and pressing space bar. Not only is there no counter but also no mind game. Making gameplay stale, redundant and really unfun

  7. Ever since the meta shakeup, playing killer has become even more boring.

    Survivors have become extremely efficient at doing gens, and that's what the majority do now. Avoid interaction with the killer as much as possible.

    It doesn't matter what killer I play, most survivors will not loop tiles. If I have a basic m1 killer like Sadako or Pig, I can expect pre-dropped pallets. If I play Huntress, I can expect survivors to run into a tile, then immediately abandon it once LoS is broken, w key around the map.

    Playing solo queue or even in a swf, the amount of killers that camp and tunnel has increased significantly. It seems like camping and tunneling shouldn't be a thing, ever since killers had some decent buffs. But it's worse than it's ever been.
    And I can understand why. Survivors had to adapt. That meant to be extremely immersed and do gens efficiently as possible.

    I really don't blame survivors or killers for this. The direction the game is going, it's like the devs are pushing players into playing like it's comp. Taking away fun aspects of the game or making the fun things a chore to acquire. The things that bring incentive for survivors to interact with the killer are being removed, or nerfed to a point where it's best to just do gens instead.

    I main Huntress. I can immediately engage in a chase using lethal. It doesn't matter how short the chase is, by the time I hook them, the first Gen pops. Uh, okay.
    *I begin chase with another survivor shortly after.
    *I injure them.
    *The hooked survivor is saved, they are healed within a few seconds.
    *I down the second survivor.
    *Another Gen pops.
    *Hook the second survivor.
    *Begin my third chase.
    *Down them, hooked, now I have two on the hook.
    *Third Gen pops, second survivor saved.
    *begin chase with the survivor who saved, down them.
    *all other survivors fully healed
    *hook the downed surv.
    *while checking gens, they already have 50% or more progress on one gen, and progress on multiple other gens.

    You can already tell where this is going, end game hook trading. But most survivors won't even try for saves anymore.

    These chases can be very short, and I can have multiple survivors on hook at a time all match. Yet somehow gens continue to fly, and they all remain fully healed. I never see this in my solo queue matches. I'm not using any Gen slowdown or regress, but the speed they get done is still ridiculous. Now I can understand why killers stack Gen perks. However, I still see the same Gen speed happening even if I bring Gen perks. So now I can see why some killers default to camping and tunneling.

    I used to not mind losing if the match was fun, but survivors have become so immersed and Gen efficient, it's making me so bored that I'm considering camping and tunneling.

    Playing survivor is boring because all the fun stuff takes too long to acquire, or it's nerfed because baby Killers cry. Solo queue is even more pathetic because of this.

    I actually miss playing before the perk changes. And even more so before MMR. I had so much more fun during the ranked days. There was a lot more meme plays happening from both sides.

  8. "boring" is another word these kinds of people use to describe anything they don't like. A killer, a perk, they'll complain about any little thing about everything. If you can't easily win against a killer because you can loop them, they're just not fun to play against. If you're playing against a killer who you just run from the loop from, that might actually be fun to these kinds of people because if you're a fan of looping M1 killers, you probably love how easy it is to hold W. Huntress, I think, due to current map design, being so heavily played resulting in large variations of skill, all contribute to people not referring to her in the negative way you mention because you can still loop a Huntress.. sort of. Same with Nemesis, he's anti-loop, but people complain less because, well, you have to hit someone 3 times. Personally, I think if you can counter basic loop design, you're an anti-loop killer, and the Knight most definitely can be looped. DBD and players misunderstanding words, a classic.

  9. They tried to make decent counterplay with the Knight in all with the flag in play. But In reality it’s really killer dependent whether you’ll ever get that flag which is really risky. Your better to just leave the loop

  10. This is something I’ve been saying for a while.
    Artist is terribly designed because you just have to leave every loop until you get zoned out and hit. It’s boring.
    Nemesis has anti loop, but only at certain loops, and that’s how it should be. There should be some tiles that the killer can completely counter, and some that the survivor can use to clutch a game.

  11. Tbh id argue the dredge is the most fun killer to go against and play as (this is coming from someone who quit right before the huge perk reworks so huge grain of salt). His power enables him to have skill expression at a loop from both sides, as its explicitly known that the dredge can teleport to essentially cut the loop in half, survivors have multiple options, drop the pallet, leave the loop, or bait the teleport. Same with dredge, apart from the commit/respect pallet, you also have your traditional mind game and now a teleport, if successful, you get a hit, if unsuccessful, you are put out of position. Teleporting to lockers outside of chase also means that the dredge has virtually global map pressure, he can be anywhere at any time, so you're always cautious around lockers. You can lock said lockers as well, giving you a warning of the dredge's approach, so you can prepare for chase, but it punishes you if you lock them prematurely and the dredge swings by to break them. The game ramps up the tempo at times with nightfall, making it so that once the map goes dark you have to either hide in hopes of not being found, or risk carrying on with your current action with the possibility that you're found when the dredge is at its strongest. Dredge has alot of highs and lows to everything, from plenty of map presence to keep everyone "entertained", and a power that has plenty of opportunity for skill expression on both sides of the hunt.

  12. In addition to that the pay off of your skill expression is so rewarding. When you are being chased by a huntress and you quickly crouch and avoid a hatchet that definitely would of hit you if you were standing/running and vice versa when you're playing huntress and you hit that perfect flick shot and it catches the survivor perfectly or you moon walk into a hatchet throw and get the down. There's a big payoff for not just playing well but playing well successfully for both sides. The Knight provides little payoff in his interactions with survivors. People like to compare him to Carmina but it's at least gratifying to get that double crow down with her. It hard and takes skill. The Knight is does not have the same payoff as other killers do as the interaction is very linear for either side and it's a shame.

  13. Another thing about the knight is he's an INSANE camper and tunneler. You already don't have options in chase against him, now if he really wants to kill one person he can absolutely hard tunnel them out the game with minimal effort.


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