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Yeah I don't understand either why so many people think basekit ub is going to favour killers. I guess that if no one has ub then a nurse with startsruck or a blight with iri tag might be able to slug everyone in 45 seconds, but that's assuming all the survivors are grouped up, which is something they shouldn't do anyway. But again, if no one has ub it would have been at least a 3k anyway, the only difference being that the killer doesn't have to "waste time" picking everyone up and hooking them. Also many people claim that slugging a survivor for pressure will actually be better for the killer because the slugged surv will not be doing anything for 45 seconds (again assuming he/she doesn't have ub), but they probably don't understand that the point of slugging for pressure is to force survivors to stop what they're doing to come and pick up the slugged survivor. Idk the whole debate around this seems silly af.
Easiest solution to not getting downed quickly is to split up, which you should do anyway. It won’t be that easy to just kill all survivors.
I saw absolute perfection when Jane was healing you on that first hook.
9:44 – what happened with her head 🤣she’s obviously in dreamland but she looked possessed and I peed myself laughing haha
The only buff to Oni that basekit UB brings, is that there will be more blood on the map, meaning they should have access to their power more often.
Fun fact: The lingering aura of Awakened Awareness is still there, it's just coded to 0 seconds, so if you bring lethal pursuer with this you can bring back the original effect to 2 seconds of extra Aura
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Thats what i was saying its just a faster way of finishing an already won game and gives u an actual motive to go for a 4k doesn't really change the game play the only change that would actually change anything is the base kit unbreakable literally everyone on the ptv say the finishing mori is op because it exist and im still fail to see how the game would have ended differently if the mori wasn't in play if an oni gets everyone down in under a minute then the only thing that would affect the outcome is crutch perks but even with those crutches the killer all ready has so much pressure that it would be almost impossible to come back the killer still wins mori or not
12:17 is tru3 a hacker?
I Thing she wanted to Tunnel the gen…but sie should heal you in this Szenario
Oni smashing one person and then going after another person is weaker with base ub. Idk what that other person was talking about saying that it will be stronger. It will be like, impossible to slug anyone