Jason Voorhees Killer Concept – Dead By Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

#dbd #shorts #friday #build
Jason Voorhees Power Perks and gameplay…just a concept!


Time stamps:
00:00 Intro
02:10 Power
06:13 Perks

If you’ve stumbled across this description the name is Jugglet I’m a nice guy…I mainly play Hunt: Showdown and Dead by Daylight even though I’m open to NEW games…DBD is an Asymmetric multiplayer horror game and Hunt is an FPS battle-royale PVE game…


I mainly play new killers like Dredge or Wesker but sometimes I enjoy playing as a variety of killers like Legion, Blight, Freddy, The Hag… and Huntress for those Hatchet throws…
The Oni is probably my favourite killer right now, especially when playing at high MMR since the NEW skill-based match-making came in…Before Ranks reset I was playing at Rank 1 for Killer and Survivor…I main Bill for survivor for those flash-bang saves.

I take inspiration for my DBD videos from content creators like Otzdarva Thejrm Dowsey and Spook N Juke…

Sometimes there will be SALT/TOXIC behaviour sometimes it’s purely educational or guides…Other videos might feature other TTV/YouTubers

Most of the time though it’s fun and that’s what the games are about…

If you have gotten this far in the description I think it’s time to go outside for some fresh air… Most of the above is clickbait…I have no shame 😉

Anyhow enjoy the video VOIP

#challenge #killer #survivor #dbd #hunt

#hiya #peeper #cuni


16 thoughts on “Jason Voorhees Killer Concept – Dead By Daylight”

  1. I feel like rage is a little too strong to have every minutes if he is also going to have all of these other skills. Id make it his sole power or keep the weapons and not do the rage feature

  2. I think the only thing I would 100% change is the perk you suggested "Jason's Shrine", in it's current state it's just a better version of Territorial Imperative from the Huntress, seeing as it has no range requirement and though I understand it shows the aura of all other survivors and not the one in the basement you can just use common sense to go "oh there's someone in my basement".

    I don't know how good/bad the burning status effect would be on the other perks but it's interesting to think of new status effects from killers being universal through perks.

    I think the weapon swapping is something I would of liked to see on a different killer, like the Knight actually in addition to his guards.

    I've never really found Jason that interesting but I like your videos so I watch them either way.

  3. I honestly think that if the Friday The 13th Game didn't exist this would be possible, but, sadly, with it being already a thing I think we are not gonna be getting Jason in dbd

  4. Jason is very topical right now, and now that he’s basically confirmed I gotta come here and say I hope your idea is the closest to what we get. It captures the spirit of F13th very well.


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