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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
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Noice video
I want to P3 and unlock all perks with Jill before Leon but first I will P3 and unlock all perks with Nemesis
I played nemesis once in the ptb got one kill and a lot of fun playing nemesis
Jill sandwich
Is nemesis 115%?
You’re making me cream true 😩
It’s so damn bad on console rn man, can’t even play killer, I have like 16 puddings on nemesis w bbq and chilli and I wanna grind but every time I pull out the tentacle my game shits itself
5:27 Me going for hot pockets at 3AM
1:10 I thought Nemesis was 115%? I didn't realize he was 110. Cause otherwise why tf does it take him so long to catch up jeez it's one loop.
Nemesis is overrated. Maybe after he gets buffed he'll be a good killer.
Is the new map back in or they still fixing it??
Hi guys and sorry Tru3 for spam but can somebody please help with the trophy “where did the go” on ps4/ps5?
Are they still fixing the frame drops?
Love a good Tru3 jumpscare
OMG 5:29 i literally jumped in my seat
Bettet include that in the weekly highlight