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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
did he forget about his best exhaustion perk in the game or something
Pineapple juice is my safeword..
You needed ds. I hope you use it next time. Awesome chase. You are amazing. Liked!
Anyone know what time he streams?
Isn’t legion enough of a buttfuck to play on haddonfield without spending all that time on one chase?
Just wondering why he didn't just throw pebble at window
That Laurie completely and absolutely screwed Dwight at the end there by accidentally healing him. Though it didn't help that the Dwight didn't just leave before killer even got there.
I think they need to add more generators for higher level MMR. I think maybe 2 or 3 should be fine. Alternatively, they could make the gens take longer to complete.
On a tangent, I want to see them experiment with the idea of 2 killers + 8 survivors + x number of generators. Maybe 10?
YouTube compression does your green screen dirty. Unless all my devices I watch you on are just screwy.
When are the new survivor animations coming ?
So both deaths this game were mostly self inflicted. Dwights was worse
Question: Are 360s considered toxic?
Thank you some much for the content True! I plan on buying your merch. I can't wait to have a shirt with my favorite YouTube on it. Sincerely
This game is rigged against killers at a high level im a red rank killer its rigged
Legion is so thick…and for what? Smh
What happened with the cards, where people from chat gave him random tasks during a game? I haven't seen them for a while.
Many 👻 gos coming in my dream due to playing this game 😂
Anyone else getting a ridiculous amount of ads on Tru3's videos recently?
how many hours does he have on this game?
Haddonfield experience
First 30 seconds ain't ever gonna be more true it sucks to play this game at a high level
2:58 lad what that pallet waste u serious
Tru3 is my favorite German gay streamer
These titles are progressively getting more and more simple
I didn’t know pebble went through buildings lol
True you complain about bodyblocking when u play killer but when u play survivor you appreciate it
Watched it only for Julie's thinkness.
True, how dare you lose to F tier killer x)?
Did BeHaviour told when the New HUD / Matchmaking, ect will be out ?
Adrenaline would have came in handy at the end lol Oh well, good video as always!
After last gen pops run as far away from the basement as you can. Tru literally got himself killed.
MMR based games will def make it more stressful to killers, and less fun to survivors. Imagine being a top ranking survivor and queueing into spirit and nurse 17 games in a row and maybe getting killers like huntress/hag once every 30 matches lol
Thats y like dwight, u shouldn't be cocky at gate