JRM, AYRUN, COPY AND PASTE | Dead by Daylight

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If you ever get confused, on what a good dbd player is, remember this guy! The influence is strong with the dbd survivor mains it seems, but this was fantastic.

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


47 thoughts on “JRM, AYRUN, COPY AND PASTE | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Delusional comp player. Love the Content ManFaceJay. Dont know how u get so many weird cases all the time 😀
    Fun Fact : i am a Rap Musician myself and i just hate the Fact that people like this , are the Reason why Rap has such a bad reputation.
    Keep up the Amazing work !

  2. I'm sorry, like, not to be mean, but this shows an alarmingly low amount of brain function. Like he's so happy with a spinning character model and the camera going up and down.

    This was pure effing pain to watch. Beyond brain dead. Again, I know that's mean to say but Jesus Christ, brother. These are the exact types of players no one wants to have on their team.

  3. I agree he wasn't the best teammate but did you really have to focus on the type of music he was listening too? It just sounds awfully discriminatory. And you said it multiple times. As if you think there is a certain "type" that listens to it, a lesser type. It literally effects you and your gameplay in no way but you take the time to mention it, multiple times. Mad rude. I've been liking your content too! How upsetting 😔

  4. How is this ''fun''? he's even worse than claud hiding in bush. Survivors who don't get objective and don't get chase and don't do totems, do nothing and just run around or hide, should get timer that kills them. And replaces them with bot. Bot is more useful than him.

  5. @manfacejay are you just now realizing that the online community is full of people that act like they have skill when they dont this make you look bad more then it does him for not realizing this sooner the clowns in a community always out number the try hards.

  6. Why is he spinning so much? What in the world is the point of that? How is that entertaining for anyone to watch? What is the point for shaking his camera so much other than making everyone dizzy? Why the excessive moonwalking? Just play the f'ing game, mate…

  7. To be honest its honestly so boring watching this guy stream and play like this like what are you doing? is this how "comp players" play? showing a very bad showing for "comp team" no wonder oracle is the well know team because they are the only good "comp team" especially with "comp players" out here cant imagine what would happen if bhvr got rid of moonwalking or anything like that how salty this guy would be or anybody that you listed in your title

  8. It's called "having fun". Why is it always about killers/YOU having fun?? Also, it's a bit DIESOFCRINGE to keep using Ayruns name to profiteer off of…
    Again, yet another negatively toned video.
    These videos just seem lazy to me-very little effort or commentary, just using someone else's vod to capitalise off. The commentary is so bad, you're complaining about the music they listen to, which has nothing to do with anything, to try to squeeze a video out of it.
    "What are you saving me for" after you literally just complained about being tunnelled.. Mind. Blown.
    Then the guy is doing gens, trying to help you, and taking chase-all part of being a survivor, and you just sit there making noises? Remind me again-whats the point of this video?? Its like complaining when a killer hooks lol You come across as bitter and salty as all fook lol
    SpooknJukes does so well as he's truly charismatic, and a nice person…and he has a HUGE audience due to it. Copy & pasting his formula isn't going to work for you.
    Its funny, as this video is called "Ayrun & JRM copy & paste", yet YOU'RE DOING THE SAME thing with SpooknJukes lmfao
    You have zero self awareness AT ALL lol
    Hopefully other people are noticing this too, because it's so unbelievably blatant that it's comical. Your entitlement is unparalleled, and I hope the guy in this video sees this, and makes a video about YOU being a salty streamer. YOU are exactly the type of person who you are making videos about, and you can't even see it lol I can't believe you can't see this for yourself, or No1 has pointed it out to you yet.
    And btw-this streamer done a hell of a lot better in game than you, so I prob wouldn't sit there, insinuating how bad they are-BAD look for u 😉
    Ayrun & The JRM are amazing players, both with HUGE audiences, because they're skilled, but honestly both great people, who haven't built their brands around negativity… Name dropping them in video titles wont get you to the same place… Whining will never get you an audience, because it comes off as self entitled and desperate, especially when you have no self awareness AT ALL. Exciting, ORIGINAL content takes you places, not this kind of tripe, with little or no effort.

  9. This is why I don't enjoy playing survivor anymore. I have fun by winning and getting out but players like this, make it impossible unless it's a baby killer. They don't work on gens, they run around the map looking to piss the killer off all the time, they put unnecessary pressure on the team by doing nothing or they're just looking to juice the killer every chance they can. And most of them funny enough can't even last any longer than 30 seconds in chase if the killers decent. Its honestly like every game aswell I used to get this

  10. these teammates are the ones I am happy to leave on hook to buy me some gen time! I get motion sick so easily. Watching him move his camera up and down like that makes me uneasy LOL. "6K hours going down" he say while not knowing what hex: Plaything is 🙂

  11. I know I moonwalk around the map sometimes but I take pride in the fact I don’t just point in circles and do objectives. This honestly cracked me up – I personally adore JRM because he’s such a funny person who doesn’t take the game seriously which is a thing needed in the community! As ever thanks for the incredible content dude!!

  12. damn watching that JRM wanna be made me dizzy with those moonwalks lol Great video Jay yeah I see a lot of these in my lobbies who like to prat about. Yeah sure its a game and have fun but it is also a team game. I like having fun but I wouldn't be messing around like this guy. Even though I cant moonwalk I don't want to either. This is why I hate solo q its a pain but then again I haven't played in a while due to things like this, and the survivors who dick around like this guy complains when gens ain't getting done or they don't escape, yes because they don't contribute in this game where you are supposed too as its a 4v1 lol But yeah glad you touched on this again Jay as it happens way to often with the JRM wannabes and Noob3 neas everywhere lol

  13. I found that a bit hypocritical to be honest. I'm a fan and love your content but you spend a lot of time telling survivors to stop whinging about camping and tunnelling killers, we don't have a right to tell killers how to play, and you're absolutely right. We also don't get to say how our teammates play as a survivor either. You play competitively, which is sweet, you enjoy the win, but there are some survivors who just enjoy pissing about. Solo que survivors get farmed, camped & tunnelled all the time, and yes sometimes people moan, more out of frustration than anything. They can't really get pissed off with the killer but equally they can't get pissed off with their teammates either. Everyone can play however they want. You can't moan at people like JRM & Ayrun with their fan base and passing on subliminal messaging when I feel you've done the exact same thing. Anyway. rant over, keep up the content dude.

  14. Holy shit that was painful to watch. I think when we have long chases with the killer and see 0 gens pop we feel like the survivors are searching chests and shit, but to tune in after and see your teammate spinning in circles like a poodle chasing its fucking tail, that's a new level of pain.

  15. How can anyone watch this guy? The way he moves the camera the whole time is just headache inducing! Not to mention how anyone would be entertained by someone just spinning in circles for 15 minutes. I had to just focus on Jay in the corner for most of the video lol.


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