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Juking Killers as a Default Nea at Rank 1 was very fun! I know you guys enjoyed the Claudette, Meg, Jake, Dwight, and Laurie versions of this video so I had to do the last legacy survivor before her face rework! Like and subscribe if you want more videos like this and turn on post notifications (the small bell beside my name) to see my videos as soon as they come out!
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#dbd #deadbydaylight #probzz
Had to pay respect to the last legacy survivor before her face rework! 2nd Channel: Follow my Twitch: and Join my Discord:
How do you know when tinkerer goes off?
Can you pls say hi
still got the best outro beat!
Baby feng?
I always let Nea's go she is the entity
I gotchu too kate<3 nice vid! ^^
“No shotty on a stack” yessirski made it into a probzz video
Why did demo dc

that last save was honestly awesome haha
Every time my teammates act like a noob they forget to turn the switch off
I love how you can beamer save anyone who saves you. Best player ever.
Is it me or does it seem like probz goes against demo and blight a lot
At the end of your vid why do I hear a girl laghing
Awesome dude!
Oh my god… that was you. I played against you im praying I’m not in this video
Probbs might be the only reason I still play dbd
inspiring me to mess with killers I have no business messing with…like bubba
how do you play against so many demos.. demo is super rare for me to face, i get twins even more than demo. which is sad cuz i love demo
If only that demo at the end looked towards the escapeee xD he mustve panicked tho
10:07 i'm only hapy to see that someone like probzz can do that too & not just me
What’s the end audio
this fucking laugh about baby characters
it kills me bro, so good
Your a sweat
Probzz POV: he’s a pro duude.
Killer POV: he’s a pro duude.
10:36 thats a wall mate
How does he know when tinkerer goes off?
Such a humble person and great survivor. I gotta get better looping and use flashlights
The demo could have just faced towards the escape line that way there's no way of a flashlight save
how have you got the old nea instead of the new reworked one that came with the new recent patch
You remind me of bum
love your videos!
Followed you on Twitter
how did you make your game so bright?