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9 thoughts on “KILLER IS THE BEST ITS BEEN?! Dead by Daylight”

  1. The best it’s been (me thinking back)

    Era 1: infinite infinites, insta popping brand new parts, game breaking bugs.

    Era 2: hook sabo meta endlessly holding killers objective hostage leading to slug meta on killer,

    Era 3: never ending second chances just Ds, Bt, Dh, Ub all day every day.

    Era 4: circle of healing takeover era of nonexistent pressure.

    I quit after era 4 I don’t expect this game to ever get better.

  2. What the hell are the lockers made of? Killers should be able to hit the door a few times to dent it in, letting you hit anyone who tries to hide in it or making it useless for the rest of the match. Balance it by only making it destructible if someone is inside, and give Dredge the ability to repair ones he's broken to restore his teleport points. Also if you break it you can't reload from it, so you have to be smart about breaking them, and survivors can bait you into breaking them either to restrict your reload or bait you into "head on".

  3. I had an epic killer moment once. Back before killer could close the hatch, one of the worst things was hatch standoff. If the survivor tried to jump, killer could grab them. But if the killer hit or downed the survivor, they could jump before you recovered, so it was another thing that was in survivor's favor and generally wasn't worth the time. But I played Tombstone Piece Myers which can kill a survivor in level 3 EW and I 99d it and played the whole game without executing anyone until Claude was the only one alive.

    So Claudette comes walking into the road with me standing above the hatch and I shake my head no. She nods yes. I firmly nod no and then hit EW 3 and kill her xD

  4. Killer is pretty easy now. Non-swfs rarely use endurance, rarely body block, usually too scared to loop or mind game… You're really only fucked with a coordinated team which it's supposed to be like in every competitive team game.


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