THE LICH is such a good addition to Dead by Daylight #dejatwo

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14 thoughts on “THE LICH is such a good addition to Dead by Daylight #dejatwo”

  1. He's the only one that scares me – and not even playing the game. I heard a loop of Matt Mercer voicing Vecna in the introduction and about cacked myself. Also took an hour to get my cats out from under the bed. Can't blame them, I almost tried to get under it to since I didn't expect it out of nowhere.

  2. Imagine if the chest mimic monsters evolved to have different varitents like a magic bag that can devour a whole bunch of people, sleeping bags, scabbard for your sword and when your about to pull your sword against the lich he tells his creature to devour your sword making it all useless 😂 idk

  3. I’m sorry THE CHEST CAN BE MIMICS?? Have I just gotten lucky, is being mimic’d™️ rare- I’m absolutely bamoozlied now and kinda sad I wasn’t able to experience it first hand

  4. I remember a glitch that happened where the animation of the survivor still being stuck in the chest played even after escaping it and it was so funny you could do some very… quirky things with it


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