Killer queues take ages & cheaters are back | Dead by Daylight

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Killer queues take ages right now as there isn’t enough Survivors and the worst part is that cheaters are back and ruining games.
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40 thoughts on “Killer queues take ages & cheaters are back | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I play on the Playstation, I've only ever encountered cheaters when cross-platform was active. There are rare occasions when a cheater is accompanied by a psn friend, but it is certainly few and far between. Why not play console and shit on survivors and killers with the PC superiority and knowledge?

  2. Ive been head on stunned for a long time, and ive been blinded without anyone being there. And the hacker has been flying around the map. I was lucky i wasnt held hostage
    And solo queue isnt any better since atleast every other game someone gives up and then rest of the team gives up

  3. I haven’t thankfully experienced any cheaters yet, but I know it will happen to me soon. Also I have been having a lot of games where I’m playing as killer (Legion) and the survivors for most part just give up, when the game has barley started. Also the queues has also taken me between 10-15 minutes to even find a game.

    I just hope that everything just gets sorted and for everybody to actually play the game, as it is getting boring really fast.

  4. you tell bhvr to do something about cheaters, dont you think you should look at why? clearly, the influx of cheaters is because of the balance issue making survivors feel powerless. why dont you share your thoughts on this on youtube

  5. Bro, as I’ve been climbing up towards rank 1, I just noticed it last night. I was on Freddy’s map and there was a boon exponential that was invisible and I couldn’t break and then 2 ppl had boil over in the lower area so they would just run back there after wiggling out. I just had to keep knocking them after they just kept picking themselves up and only got 1 bleed out kill the whole game.

  6. Dbd is on a very VERY tight scale at this point in history, mainly thanks to or well because of Solo Queue.

    So Killers can't get buffed without over screwing Solo Queue, and Survivor buffs would screw over killers.

    The solo queue changes need to come or the problem will only get worse.

    How did dbd mobile get speeches before regular dbd? I don't get it they can even see their teams perks before the match starts, just insane.

  7. There are so many cheaters uploading their gameplay on TikTok and YouTube using extreme hacks. It's so sad to see that devs don't care about this and people can do this without any consequences. Also sad to see these people getting likes and attention from other people.

  8. It's every few games for me, zaps all the fun out of the game. I play on console so could turn cross play off to avoid hackers but it's then a 20-30 minute wait for a game 😒. They need to make it easier to report people in game rather than having to go to their website to open a request and send footage which just takes to much time.

  9. I’ve only ever faced one cheater. (that I know of) it was a feng who stayed subtle nearly the entire game. When there was roughly one generator left, she started flying around, and got flashlight saves from impossible angles. I didn’t want to dc because I don’t enjoy the matchmaking penalty (I WANT MY BLOODPOINTS) so she glitched herself to death; which caused me to become stuck in the match, until I DC’d.

  10. BHVR's official response to the patch is that they're "constantly monitoring" things and that they don't "want to make any knee-jerk reactions" so they're probably not gonna do shit for months until solo q is completely deserted

  11. Even subtle cheaters too. Went against some survivors one match. I message one of them gg and he sent me a clip of someone healing them. The bar shot up from like 20% to 90% instantly. They didnt have any healing perks, just a near insta heal.

  12. I even stopped using thana as legion since the midchapter (while it was often needed, using it now is overkill in many scenarios), yet many survivors just give up when they can´t just press E, attempt to force DS and get away with it. It is truly pathetic as it stands right now because while solo queue is more painful than before and adjustments to that are needed, the scale that is generally portrayed by "survivor-only" players is an overreaction. Sadly, many seem to be more than happy to jump on that without a question. I have yet to see a cheater in my game, but from so many reports around, they seem to be a real problem now as well.

  13. literally had a game yesterday as nemmy
    I picked up the cheater and he had like the horse perk x1000000 (you literally cannot move while trying to hang him), he stood up 2 times with no teammates to help, had an instant flashlight which had a blind duration of a minute (looking to a wall and upwards on lerys didn't help, it kept on blinding me like it was a blind on demand of a button), good thing I recorded at least a half of the game.
    the worst part is the other oblivious survs try to protect him because it seems like I'm hardtunneling…

  14. I felt like I played against a cheater yesterday in "the game" really felt like wall hacking, they always ran away from me perfectly at the right direction (was second floor they were bottom) always pertectly, when I was chasing he'd always turn around at the right time mid way when there was no vision of me, looked at profile, 2 friends lvl 0 and private, didn't record the game since it's hard to expose wall hacking, but well hopefully more do the same and will report him, name was boon dickery/dickerie, if you see that name, dodge

  15. I've seen a lot of former bully squads go to killer to ruin the experience for everyone else,hence the killer queues(that or its a huge temper tantrum from survivors)

    Also yeah,I had my first cheater a few days ago. Literally loaded in and that person already escaped,there was even a streamer in the same lobby. Like what the fuck? How bad is the coding of this game lol

  16. i used to be a cheater and it was hella fun. not one of those subtle cheaters that play to win, rather a funny one (all the ppl i played with told me they had fun). doing random animations, infinite flashbangs, flying a bit with the killer, playing with 3 killers at the same time etc… lol


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