Killer Tracking Perk Tier List | Dead by Daylight

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I don’t know why I don’t just make more tier lists, it’s such free content. We rank all the killers tracking perks but we tier them BASED SOLELY ON THEIR TRACKING AND NOTHING ELSE. I will be doing more tier lists in other categories as well, and maybe an overall tier list eventually too.

Whispers Guide –

0:00 – Intro
1:56 – Blood Warden
3:59 – A Nurse’s Calling
6:46 – BBQ & Chili
9:14 – Bitter Murmur
12:09 – Bloodhound
15:12 – Dead Man’s Switch
20:05 – Deathbound
23:47 – Deerstalker
25:39 – Discordance
34:00 – Dragon’s Grip
36:41 – Gearhead
40:56 – Overcharge
43:20 – Hangman’s Trick
45:50 – Hex: Retribution
49:25 – Hex: Undying
52:08 – Hoarder
55:09 – Hex: Huntress Lullaby
58:56 – Infectious Fright
1:05:05 – Iron Maiden
1:09:11 – Lethal Pursuer
1:14:54 – Nemesis
1:17:39 – No Way Out
1:19:57 – Oppression
1:22:42 – Predator
1:25:28 – Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
1:28:31 – Spies from the Shadows
1:31:22 – Stridor
1:35:40 – Surveillance
1:38:28 – Territorial Imperative
1:41:04 – Thrilling Tremors
1:43:30 – Tinkerer
1:48:06 – Trail of Torment
1:49:25 – Unnerving Presence
1:50:58 – Whispers
1:57:37 – Rancor
2:00:49 – Merciless Storm
2:02:29 – Call of Brine
2:04:11 – Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage
2:05:53 – Final Adjustments + Outro

I stream Dead by Daylight 6 nights a week over at Twitch –

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29 thoughts on “Killer Tracking Perk Tier List | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Bar b q is S tier perk
    Nurse calling better than bar b q? R u kidding?
    There is a very rare occasions where u get value from nurse calling, smart survivors don't heal in killers terror radius

  2. Whispers in S tier = hard agree. It is the epitome of an exceptional tracking perk.

    Can be used to exactly pinpoint where immersed survivors are. Can be used in endgame scenarios where there’s 1 survivor left so you dont need to go between exit gates. It’s a perk that gives value every single second of the game whether it’s activated or not (ie. Go to a generator with progress, see that Whispers is off, you know no one is there so you can kick the gen and head elsewhere). Also to top it all off, there is no single survivor perk in the game that can counter it (ie. Shadowstep/Distortion with auras, etc).

    It’s hands down my favorite killer perk in general.

  3. As someone who likes to use Stridor, I can say it is surprisingly useful. The breathing is useful, and good for countering stealthy survivors, especially in places like the swamp maps and the saloon with tall grass and bushes. It's even good for revealing survivors who're hiding in plain sight, and you'd otherwise miss. The louder grunts of pain are useful too. Ignoring iron will, you'll know when a survivor leaves a loop, you can track survivors a floor above you, like in Midwich and the asylum's main building. So like Bloodhound and Predator, it's a chase tracking perk. But unlike them, the information it gives is actually useful. So yeah, Stridor underrated. [Still probably not a high tier perk though even though I love it, rip.]

  4. I agreed with every single perk tier that you chose but not tinkerer
    Tinkerer gets you so much info
    And when you run it with ruin its OP.
    The fact that the perk procks everytime a gen hits 70% which could happen alot on the same gen if you have ruin is insane!
    Also It is very scary good in indoor maps making every killer a freakin stealth killer

  5. bbq is 1 of the best tracking perks for pubs imo, games where u dont need to only worry abt gens or tunnelling out a specific survivor bbq lets u immediately find another chase after hooking someone keeping ur pressure constant. in comp sure its useless for tracking cuz pingponging between chases is a guaranteed loss

  6. Ruin actually gives you tracking when it's up. If you're in a chase and you hear progression on a gen off to the side somewhere you know there is a survivor on that gen. If it sparks and starts regressing you know you just missed them and they are in the area.

  7. Old gearhead was better than current gearhead, change my mind.

    Gearhead was "buffed" so that it can have an easier activation requirement. Before it needed 2 basic attacks for it to activate, and now it activates whenever a survivor loses a health state. However, the information it gives its not nearly as good as old gearhead, nor you can control when it activates.

    Old gearhead activated for 45 seconds after 2 basic attacks and during that time if a survivor hits a good skill check on a gen, that gen's aura will become yellow for as long as its being worked on. Not great but still better info than current gearhead.

    I also found that it was used better with killers that can injure survivors with special attacks (like Huntress for example), that way you could control when you wanted old gearhead to activate. If you were on a scenario where you needed only one more basic attack for old gearhead to activate, yet felt like you wouldn't get much value out of it, then you could just go for the m2 and save gearhead for later.

    Honestly, old gearhead wasn't that bad of a perk, it was just outclassed by some other information perks. But current gearhead? That thing is hot garbage.

  8. DMS: I think the perk is a bit self defeating. You want to chase survivors who are working on gens and it only lets you track survivors who just stopped working on a gen. It is decent from a macro perspective.

    Deerstalker: It's decent on the Twins.

    Discordance: It's great on Nemesis to get zombies to interrupt gens. But as you said some games it never triggers.

    Lightborn: Wasn't included but I've seen a youtube video of someone using Blast Mine and hiding by a gen when the killer kicked it. They forgot Lightborn had aura reading and were immediately found and downed.

    Thrilling Tremors: I would put it on par with BBQ because of its cooldown. Having a tracking perk only work once every minute is rough if you're getting fast downs.

  9. No one is hiding that much to use whispers+ it has a lot of noise! Imo u r overrating the whispers, it could only work perfectly with Doctor “literally only” since the explained reasons in both videos about the perk are not viable most of the time.

    Other than that, this is a really fun video! Keep doing em!

  10. I still think Undying as a tracking perk is at least C tier if not B. Circle of Healing is in every single game at mid to high MMR. The quicker you can stamp it out, the quicker you can force a survivor to waste another 16 seconds re-establishing it and perhaps get some free hits to boot.

  11. Trackingwise, nothing beats Thrilling Tremors. It has to be the #1 S Tier.
    It tells you where the survs are, if they stack or if they split up, it tells you about every single gen, it can't be locker-dodged or outplayed (a swf can choose to prevent the info but then has to eat the block). If they split, it can forecast your eventual 3 gen and you can pinpoint what exact gen to pressure to fix it. It has no weakness.

    Infectious and Whispers are B tier, maybe A. Infectious is super situational – if survs don't stack to begin with, it does nothing for you. If you want to hook camp, you can force some value, sure. Even then, a good team that sits on 3 different gens will completely outplay Infectious. It only works for snowball – and that's a decision of the survivor more than the killer. Zero macro intell.

    Whispers is super vague. You again get zero macro intell. In chase, you get no intell at all. For me it only helps in a won game, finding that hiding 4k. Anytime before that, I want to have another tracking perk.

  12. Hey Tofu, enjoyed the video but think you have forgotten a few perks Grim Embrace which lets you see the obsession for example, or even thrill which lets you know when someone pops a dull which is still tracking info (just very poor info), furtive chase also tells you who unhooked – which isn’t terrible to know


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