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#deadbydaylight #salt #funny
You got ZERO KILLS! GG R34P3R! You be…killin it….
lol, wtf? are the servers whack or is this still the result of unreal engine upgrade? 8:15
20:06 lol, not like survivor cares if killers are going for the adept or tombstone myers 4k for achievements. The only survivors I'll let escape for free is David. But I have been duped into thinking some Davids of doing adept challenge.
Edit: Lmao, Snek is so chill.
re malaka traba des kanenan kalo na matheis alla oxi amerikanos giati einai kolopoustes kai gamiountai gamaw agelades
Entitled people should stick to single player games
Classic entitled survivors.
"I lost so I'm going to treat the killer like he's an enemy in a single player game." Like I get mad sometimes at losing, but like entitled survs need to just SHH
Sounds like entitled GaMeR issues.
Great video, as always, R34p3r!
I still dont understand why people get upset at the game when they lose, but I'm glad you're still able to stay positive throughout it all!
Also, that weird lag back on the Decimated Borgo map was wild ๐
I got someone similar a while ago. I was playing Artist which i haven't played in like a year or something. And one of the survivors on PSN decided to be a sore winner i guess and complain on that i got only 1 kill from camping.. like what else am i supposed to do if there are no gens to patrol and i got no kills? They literally expected me to chase everyone at let them have an "easy escape".
Its embarrassing when people who wanna win so hard cry when someone else plays like they want to also.
if killers arent allowed to kill then survivors arent allowed to loop
Some told me that bhvr should nerf sadako and someone else got mad at me for running pop pain res but theyโre just salty much like most surv mains lmfaooo
This is EXACTLY why i havent played this game in over a month. The community is so bad. Like there are quite a few good souls i have found in the fog, but 99% of them will ALWAYS complain about something. The entitlement is so bad. Idk why people just cant play a game and move on. Am i one of the ones that get tilted. Yes. But in the same aspect. I know ITS A GAME. Its pixels on a screen. Just GG and Move on. These people who make it their job to talk trash in End game is the ones that make this community what it is. Toxic. I LOVE this game. I love Horror Characters. I love a challenge. But the community really needs to straigten up. Ive said it once, and ill say it again. If the community doesnt change. its never going to get better and it will be the downfall of the game.
โAccording to a dbd dev Kill is Skillโ – Dowsey 2022 (I think)
"Only way for u to 4k is against a bot XD" I mean… if that's true… wouldn't that make the ttv a bot since the guy did get a 4k???
The Killer: Exists
The survivors: ๐ ๐
They do not owe you anything because a player DC's!
that the number 1 survivor rule book rule
Survivors that behave like this need to get their heads out the clouds, plus at least you had a survivor like that instead of a cheater like I did earlier today.
Survivor mains are the oddest pair of husks I have ever seen. I had an Ada moan to me that I camped during END GAME COLLAPSE.. Yeah I was going to secure that kill, sorry I didn't play according to the made up rule book.
survivors when you dont kill them:
holy shit put this man in comp he would easily beat team eternal!
i dont understand why people act like this for a video game a bunch of grown ppl crying and disrespecting just cause they lost how about they get better and stop crying like babies
This is just like what you see in some animes. Its not actually the monsters who are the villains. Its the entitled humans that demand and act like the true villains. He played a fair game and they got a fair chance. They lost. He is not required by some rule in the game to give that person a free win. Until the devs put that in the game there is no requirement.
Soโฆ. Lost the game at 4 gens on a survivor sided map, decides to go AFK instead of continuing to play and then says โyour badโ.
Imagine forfeiting hoping for a free win and calling someone bad ๐
Ah classic the TTV mindset if we are making up rules then survivors cant flashlight blind or do gens and gotta lay down and let the killer hook them. Jokes aside these type of players are so easy to go against i just gotta fake and i get a easy 4k does mean i slug and it makes them SO MAD!!! its so good helps also that i play dredge
I swear its like every game i play as a killer there is a survivor main crying in post game chat about something.
You can't win with players like that. I had a game as Knight where two people DC'd, so I just killed the bots and hooked the other survivors I think once each. I let them go because 2K is fine with me, I don't need a 3 or 4K unless I am going for adept. I had the Leon tell me that I shouldn't play in a way that makes people DC … and I was confused because both DC'd after the first down which was neither of them.
You are damned if you do, damned if you don't. I personally go for bots if there are any in the match because I don't want to be mean to players who get stuck with one. I also tend not to go for a person just unhooked if I can avoid it and I still get the occasional salt at the end.
So the Nicholas cage player gets killed first and says he got no kills ๐๐ฎ๐
Lmao I don't know if it's like a Nemesis curse or shattered Square but a few days ago on the same map and killer, I had a similar experience. A ttv and her swf basically said I was playing toxic, mind u they had the average sabo, flashlight, breakdown and boil over build and the run to the top floor play. So I resorted to a bit of slugging and tunneling, and I thought they was just goofing off, said gg and they said "No u tunneled" and it's like okay, y'all were playing like asses ya selves and I wanted to win lmao, and instead of telling me I got no kills, they legit tried to tell me, I didn't win, like excuse me if getting a 4k mori isn't a win, then I don't know what game ur playing lmao.
'you dont need to 4k EVERY GAME you are bad if you need too'
uh….what? So he is 'bad' for purposely not allowing survivors to escape and kills everyone? (his objective) Im sorry how entitled are you to think that a killer on the verge of a 4k is obligated to always let a survivor escape? Why not just take your L and go next its not a big deal. You failed your objective and he completed his but some how he is the one that is bad? the logic
Also that argument 'i was doing adept' is just so stupid 1 how is the killer suppose to know that and 2 you arnt entitled to a free achievement. Ya it sucks you got a bot but guess what most bots are better than more than half the players when it comes to getting chased and the killer never ignored the bot either way you should be blaming your teammate for rage quitting not the killer
GGWP reaper
The entire game is toxic but I think survivors by nature are just gonna be more so because they make up nonsense rules like this
Maaann I dunno, I think you should do some self reflection too lmao. Like all these survivors are pretty annoying and toxic but…. You're smacking people on hooks and expecting no response? I'm a killer main and I get being frustrated with how survivors act but I don't think that's an excuse to be annoying back if you're gonna go online and complain about people being toxic.
I got family residence with 4 hook offerings and a full squad of instant sabo survivors…but…I was playing executioner. They got wiped with only 1 gen done. Even they gave GG at the end.
I didn't see anything wrong I would have tunneled in that game with the map offering they even made the hooks farther away say less. Plus Ormond is my best map to. Great games R34P3R! Nemi getting better.