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In today’s video we are going to be body blocking for our teammates with this body blocking build, hope you all enjoy the video!
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My perks are pink by installing a custom icon pack which is available on PC, the pack I use is the pink galaxy pack
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Longer videoo?
New survivor 😮
Great video
New to this channel. First got to say, love the way you describe things and move. It's precise…question for you. How do I get into this? Obviously learning is key, which I'm willing. Knowing how many good players are educated and used to all these things, how do I start new? Advice from you or anyone else is wanted. I'm on Xbox and I'll gladly give my tag to anyone willing. Hijak Yurio – GT
Keep up the great work work bro, enjoy watching you even though I have basically no clue
i waited for this video because i saw everything else its always so fun to watch your videos but i wish you could make more killer videos 🙂 but anyways youre the best keep doing your videos like that youre making my day i love you <3
I think overcome may be better for mettle of man instead of dead hard.
It makes much more sense to me.
5:09 dont do this bro😭
YOOOOO finally some Jill gameplay 😀 her and Claire are my fav survivors <3
Why do you play with such terrible graphics? eww
7:06 and 7:32 are not really body block xD
Never stop posting
New here still watching the intro ad but already subbed
love your videos! <3
That perk is just uselles, great idea but if you are not good at looping ia game over for you
Dude your loops are mental.
Will you be on the Elden Ring?
Legend, no cap
Lol earlier today I thought you’d never use mettle of man
Wonderful love to see your vids😍 could you do a vid with the same build but self heal instead of empathy please?
It's weird too see that this is the first video where you used al capitals for your video name
Hi bro love from india
Empathy is great but no one uses it
What region in the UK is your accent from? My partner was curious 🧐
“Killers hate him. Survivors love him. Find out how Naymeti got to 10 million subscribers with one simple trick.”
Mettle of men definitely needs a re works , too hard to pull off.
My mettle of man build consist of
Build to last
And of course mettle of man
A good medkit duh for the build to last
Go in take a hit for someone and zoom away
Heal up and repeat
It's actually pretty good
Face reveal???