"Lag Only Benefits Killer" MYTH | Dead by Daylight

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#dbd #commentary #rant

Video Song: Slave to the Grid by White Bat Audio
FSM Team – Lucid Dreaming

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7 thoughts on “"Lag Only Benefits Killer" MYTH | Dead by Daylight”

  1. This is also an issue with M1 killers too. Now you must start a chase all over after a player just vanishes in front of your eyes. You have no way to recover from this as an M1 killer for sure.

  2. Nothing is more frustrating than the game giving me 200+ ping then I run a speed test and get like 100 download with 40 upload and a ping of 30😂. The other shitty part of these sporadic dbd induced lag spikes is as killer having to constantly have surv get either free distance or free vaults/pallets that they otherwise normally wouldn’t get bc the game is rubber Banding me around in 45 ping or just straight up making me teleport. It’s even annoying when you mindgame or do something properly just to have the game refund ur hit bc the stupid hit validation system put in place to counter vpning. Like game explain to mw how I can be literally touching the surv and I’m still not close enough to “properly hit them”. It also gives the surv a speed boost as if you hit them it just gives them their health state back. It’s not 100% of my games but it’s a portion of every game, sometimes it happens once other time it happens constantly. Furthermore, the surv I get in my lobby sometimes play on ping that’s like 150 plus and it never shows them lagging. Idk why but I never had these server issues till they changed from concrete numbers to the retarded symbol system for which you don’t know exactly how bad ur ping is you just see red like ir a red circle 🤦‍♂️.

  3. i have suffered with lag everytime i play and i must say, this does NOT benefit me in any way, shape, or form, if anything it makes it impossible for me to somewhat land attacks (not really but feels like it) unless I'm on a tiny map or indoors map which then i don't get as bad of lag as i would


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