Leatherface Could Be Leaving The Fog! | Dead By Daylight

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Leatherface Could Be Leaving The Fog! | Dead By Daylight

Source – https://twitter.com/TheOnlyChoy/status/1611034734599233536/photo/1
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42 thoughts on “Leatherface Could Be Leaving The Fog! | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Just seen some coding saying the override for Leatherface was on
    , the only other chapter that has this is stranger things. It’s really not looking good for Bubba in the fog.

  2. I hope Leatherface doesn't leave, but then again Evil Dead game came out and we didn't lose Ash Williams from DBD so I hope he doesn't leave, even though he's annoying to play against but still I like him

  3. On one hand, if he gets removed, an opportunity is created in which Barbecue and Chili can stop being a perk and instead become a basekit feature with a similar effect (maybe only survivors that haven't been hooked). I don't know if it's a good idea, but the opportunity would be there.

  4. Even tho I’m a survivor main and I despise bubba imma miss him on dbd bc sometimes it’s fun going against them, same for demo and I wish they could do something like keep the killers but whoever buys it, the money doesn’t goes to bhvr, it goes to the original company

  5. I'm very very sorry for call you a boot licker back in the day…. I'm sure we all were frustrated with the game and world events. I hope your doing better then ever, I'm a glad but flawed supporter.

  6. What I think the alternate names might be:
    BBQ&Chili: Predictable Roundup
    Knock Out: Heavy Slugger
    Franklin's Demise: Slippery Grasp

    What names do you think they'll use as alternate? I know the devs would use much more better vocabulary than mines, but that's what I predict. What's yours?

  7. Why would they get rid of two notoriety and revenue generating sources for Leatherface. wouldn't that be a bit like burning every copy of spiderman with toby maquire? Not saying that's a bad thing…

  8. I really hope this is not the case I really don’t want to see this license go i hope this is just rumors. I already have him so I am not concerned for that reason. I am concerned that dbd will lose a part of the variety it has I liked that bubba was another chainsaw using killer that used his chainsaw differently. And sure he camped ( there is nothing wrong with camping but it was annoying to spend most of the match hanging on the hook) however bubba added a slice of life to dbd and I love dbd due to the various original characters mixed in with iconic horror movie/ game characters such as bubba Freddy wesker nemesis and myers. Whenever I got into a match with bubba I sometimes thought it was possibly hillbilly which added to the excitement of figuring out what killer I was facing. Like I said I hope this is just people freaking out and worrying and spreading rumors.

  9. I still don't get why multiple companies can't use the rights at once. I'm sure Dead by Daylight having Demogorgon was going to harm all the profits Stranger Things was going to make elsewhere.
    This is partly why no one likes copyright laws. Good in theory but in practice they are just a tool for the greedy.


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