Legion's 5th hit down makes Survivors DC | Dead by Daylight

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Survivors exposing themselves as boosted by rage quitting and DC against Legion’s 5th hit down… lmao


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Render by Tw1sted


19 thoughts on “Legion's 5th hit down makes Survivors DC | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I don’t blame people really, the constant mending is extremely annoying, and getting hit with the 5th hit just makes you feel cheated it’s not my fault my teammates mended before frenzy was over so they got hit again, I’ve hated this killer ever since his inception and his moon walking ways.

    He’s fun to PLAY as though I use them every so often but I just remember how miserable it makes me and I feel bad doing it to other people 😂

  2. Even if it isn’t balanced, the one buff for legion I think I would like is after the first (or second, take your pick) survivor is killed the number of hits for a frenzy down is reduced to 4. Again while unbalanced, I think the snowball would be fun


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