Let's find out if I like Deathslinger… [Dead By Daylight #48]

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Been learning Deathslinger lately and thought I’d put up a video showing my progress! Having a good time with him, he officially goes into my killer rotation!

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27 thoughts on “Let's find out if I like Deathslinger… [Dead By Daylight #48]”

  1. Let's fucking go, I was just thinking on my walk today "Gee, I wish John would post something. Be it some DbD or the first episode of the new Dead Space game…" And wouldn't you know it, my wish was granted!

  2. I am tired of the map offerings just take em out all together at this point. especially if they are adding all the new changes to being able to see what everyone is doing and whos being chased and what not take out map choice for everyone let it be random every time.

    Also to me killer is more fun but can be more stressful trying to do well, where as survivor is a little more boring but less stressful at time and losing as survivor just feels irritating more than anything losing as killer is really frustrating since you are the only one really responsible for if you win or lose basically so it can be frustrating, to me that's why it's always annoying to see survivors clicking and teabagging when they don't even do well in chases or anything but they have a full team to help them but I guess that's just the way the game is for now I can't wait for some more changes and different game modes are much much needed

  3. Love rewatching the Twitch matches, miss chat goofing off on the side but it's so nice to see them edited together for a fun lil highlight reel. <3

    I've never been much of a Deathslinger fan because of all the edgy people who used to play him, and I do still prefer Huntress to him, she's got such a cool design and I love the hatchet plays, but he's growing on me. Landing the shots with him still gets that serotonin rush, and I love the moment where the surv on the Game got dragged through the hole in the floor. His design isn't too shabby either: evil zombie cowboy isn't quite as cool as big woman with animal mask and spooky humming, but it's alright. If only he had some cool cosmetics…

  4. i get that it feels shitty to die with many gens still up, but it's still very interesting to see how different the sides see the same match. i wonder what john would think if he went up against his own deathslinger😄 personally i don't mind going against someone stronger, bc it gives me opportunities to improve myself. the only thing i don't like is being toxic. that's when i get trigger-happy with the dc..😅 wonder what the jeff thought tho, cause there was no toxicity whatsoever.

  5. Don’t mind Sabo squads unless they all have Boil Over and Exponential. Most frustrating game I had was a Boil Over swf that brought me to Haddonfield and used 3 hook distance offerings. 3 of them tried to bully me nonstop while the 4th was slamming out gens.

    Luckily I was playing Twins so I could counter it pretty well, but I don’t like having to bleed people out. I won the game but had to take a break for a while.


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