The "just go to the next match" argument does not take into account how fucking boring the game is for the other 3 survivors. Nor does it even work if you're playing with a friend or 3. Tunneling and camping completely ruin the fun gameplay for most of the players, and guarantee that the tunneled person has no chance of winning, which is always a bullshit situation.
I agree with this but its not always you getting tunneled. So 1/4 games you're sitting on gens all game with 0 interaction. Then if that person gets downed and out of the game instantly, im now forced to try and win the game on hard mode. If they don't im playing space bar simulator all game.
I usually agree with what you gotta say scott but this is all copes.
Ive been playing both sides pretty equally since the beginning and tunneling isnt fun at all, for anyone really (unless if the killer is very insecure and needs a power fantasy).
When I play survivor with friends I want a game with a little bit of everything – I want to get unhooks, do some gens to get blast mine value, cleanse totems, point at my friends for giggles. Like yeah you can use DS, BT, and now OTR but if a killer goes straight back to hook theres typically not a safe pallet in sight meaning that second chase is going to be much shorter than the original + you dont get a second health state if the killer patiently waits 15 seconds or so.
Tunneling is scummy. I agree that killers have had quite the hell of a time since the dawn of the game but that doesnt excuse douchey behavior. Plus, Tunneling a weaker looper out of the game early on basically guarantees the killer will get a 3k in a realistic scenario. I dont understand how thats fun and a fair strategy. Sure a streamer who has like 6k hours in the game might be able to handle the heat but a person who doesnt play competitively (90% of the community) is just going to get sacrificed with no enjoyment whatso ever and its a problem that needs to be solved with more than just a loss of bloodpoints and "meta" perks
Honestly they should have a built in mechanic thats a timer multiplier that increases/decreases your wiggle strength relative to the time since your last hook and goes away if you work on a gen or something. IE if you were just unhooked seconds ago you could theoretically wiggle out ~4-5 seconds meaning gunning for the unhooked survivor right away would literally be throwing
I think tunneling sucks the most for the survivors who are NOT getting tunneled. They're the ones who will be stuck in a 3v1. The tunneled guy can just move on.
What if DbD got rid of or reworked gens? No player boots up DbD thinking about how to fix/defend gens. Survivor highlights are looping the killer for 10 minutes, killer highlights are staging a comeback against SWFs. Gens are an arbitrary obstacle, a 'unit of time' ig, to keep survivors from 'just leaving' immediately. None of our favorite youtubers have compilations of skill checking a gen up to 100% or kicking a gen down to 0%. Now idk what would replace or rework gens I just see a very common thread across survivor & killer mains
Scott literally checks Reddit everyday to see what to make his video about and give another kinda dumb take. Youre never completely wrong but every situation U explain isn’t really that accurate to the avg player’s experience. Like ever
Idk bro this isn't really an answer. I love getting chased ofc but I want time to reset, do gets, set up a boon, something to progress the game and help my teammates. I solo queue as well so my teammates are not the best. Usually have the equivalent of 2.5 real players. So I feel better helping everyone out getting stuff done. Getting tunneled just isn't fun. It isn't even fun doing it for me as a killer main just feels lame af. Like if someone runs into me and wants me to chase them then yeah I'll tunnel but otherwise, it's lame
I actually feel way more frustrated with solo queue. What i notice as days go by is that i'm looping without DH at about the same time i did with DH but for some reason no gens get done.
Just today:
I looped a killer around the map 2 times with no break in between and only one gen was done this whole entire time. I don't say i looped for 10mins or smth but i'm pretty sure 3 gens should be done by then. Anyway… Killer camped me cause my team applied no pressure and they let me die on my 1st hook.
The game after that, Pinhead tried to tunnel me. he got 1 hit after i looped him for 2 gens. What he did was simple, he had applied thana to me, he left me and i started healing but my teamates couldn't loop him for 10sec and they went down back to back to back to back. He ignored me the entire match while we had 3 ppl with thana applied to them and i did 2 gens alone like that. Everyone else in the meanwhile was hidding being afraid to die and guess what happened. All 3 of them died. In the end i couldn't find the hatch resulting in me getting killed cause not only they did not last in chase they dropped all the palettes leaving no loop around.
Another one, where Meg was crouching everywhere and Leon did nothing but trying to moonwalk and being toxic with his flashlight and he failed doing both, me looping the killer for 3 gens that only David did and i almost popped the 4th gen before getting downed and camped to death because this is important and worth mentioning, this Leon brought 99% T2 Myers to me…. Btw after i died Leon decided to touch his first gen in the game that was already 85+% by me. Meg and Leon also let David die on his first hook while doing nothing, Meg went down and the hatch spawned next to Leon where he camped it till Myers came Tbagging him and doing shit with his flashlight before jumping in. After game i asked him: "why do you bm like you did smth?" and his reply was this: "what's your problem, it's just a game LOL".
I had many more matches like that but these are the ones that frustrated me the most. I feel like i try too much and do so much and i get nothing in return but getting camped to death because i pissed the killer for some reason. The only actual games i managed to play and had fun were when i swf, we gen rushed, unhooked, looped, did everything correctly most of the games we got 4ked and 3ked 2-3 times but in general we did 3man-4man escapes. Thing is not everyone has the same timetable with others so solo queue is my only other option where the quality has gone downhill compared to previous patch.
Do you think your thoughts on people not liking being tunneled has less to do with them not liking survivor and more to do with you having played such a stupid amount of survivor chases are the only thing you can enjoy now and you don't care how you get it?
Bro the simple answer is that majority of the player base is average at best( thats me and u) and the meta was so fundamentally imbedded into our gameplay that it didn’t really require us to learn or really try against most killers ( unless you obviously try escaping an omega blink nurse or dirty blight with his tinkerer, haha it got nurfed you mouth breathers) people are now required to put in some effort since “oh shoot the killer is actually scary and can drop me whenever hmm maybe standing in front of him tbagging isnt going to help” so people are just mad. To the players base go watch otz or scott or the other guy with the funny hat and accent (im sorry i forget ) and take your time to learn this amazing but flaud game that we call Dead by Daylight because it’s actually really fun and there really is nothing like it( at the moment ). Be patient its hard to play both roles although killers feel the sting a bit more since the lonely and all but survivers have it tough too. All in all the game is millions of miles better than what it used to be like( infinites , vacuum pallets and god… original nurse.) so don’t get down when you lose just dust yourself off and go break some ankles again or maybe hook some pesky megs and claudette’s but remember… have fun be nice and enjoy people thats what its for
I wonder if the killer knew when a surv had endurance would lead to less tunneling, I'd imagine when you get a choice of who to chase the easy one would be the injured target as they presumably would go down in only one hit.
If you as killer knew that both targets would take two hits perhaps it'd be easier diverting the killers attention by running to a worse area/closer to the killer.
Ofc things would need rebalancing, but lack of info is clearly a part why these starts are so prevalent.
I hate tunneling because even if I loop for 5 gens I get 10k points max. I've legit looped for 5 gens and gotten gold even though they never left me. I like to earn BP that way I can buy perks to have more variety. But the gain is so slow because if I get tunneled, I don't gain anything. Especially since the rework where the survivor has to be prestige 1 (which takes 1.6m on average to do) to get level 1 teachable. If I get tunneled every game it would take 160 games assuming I actually get to chase and not just downed because of Iri head or chainsaw at the start.
Actually run sprint burst instead of overcome for that anti tunnel build woops
As a dwarven miner I was about to have some strong words for you tallfellow
The "just go to the next match" argument does not take into account how fucking boring the game is for the other 3 survivors. Nor does it even work if you're playing with a friend or 3. Tunneling and camping completely ruin the fun gameplay for most of the players, and guarantee that the tunneled person has no chance of winning, which is always a bullshit situation.
I agree with this but its not always you getting tunneled. So 1/4 games you're sitting on gens all game with 0 interaction. Then if that person gets downed and out of the game instantly, im now forced to try and win the game on hard mode. If they don't im playing space bar simulator all game.
I usually agree with what you gotta say scott but this is all copes.
Ive been playing both sides pretty equally since the beginning and tunneling isnt fun at all, for anyone really (unless if the killer is very insecure and needs a power fantasy).
When I play survivor with friends I want a game with a little bit of everything – I want to get unhooks, do some gens to get blast mine value, cleanse totems, point at my friends for giggles. Like yeah you can use DS, BT, and now OTR but if a killer goes straight back to hook theres typically not a safe pallet in sight meaning that second chase is going to be much shorter than the original + you dont get a second health state if the killer patiently waits 15 seconds or so.
Tunneling is scummy. I agree that killers have had quite the hell of a time since the dawn of the game but that doesnt excuse douchey behavior. Plus, Tunneling a weaker looper out of the game early on basically guarantees the killer will get a 3k in a realistic scenario. I dont understand how thats fun and a fair strategy. Sure a streamer who has like 6k hours in the game might be able to handle the heat but a person who doesnt play competitively (90% of the community) is just going to get sacrificed with no enjoyment whatso ever and its a problem that needs to be solved with more than just a loss of bloodpoints and "meta" perks
Honestly they should have a built in mechanic thats a timer multiplier that increases/decreases your wiggle strength relative to the time since your last hook and goes away if you work on a gen or something. IE if you were just unhooked seconds ago you could theoretically wiggle out ~4-5 seconds meaning gunning for the unhooked survivor right away would literally be throwing
(scott) let's talk about tunneling

(his camera) ok..
I think tunneling sucks the most for the survivors who are NOT getting tunneled. They're the ones who will be stuck in a 3v1. The tunneled guy can just move on.
What if DbD got rid of or reworked gens? No player boots up DbD thinking about how to fix/defend gens. Survivor highlights are looping the killer for 10 minutes, killer highlights are staging a comeback against SWFs. Gens are an arbitrary obstacle, a 'unit of time' ig, to keep survivors from 'just leaving' immediately. None of our favorite youtubers have compilations of skill checking a gen up to 100% or kicking a gen down to 0%. Now idk what would replace or rework gens
I just see a very common thread across survivor & killer mains
"…and she blinks 7 empire states buildings away…" man americans really do use every other way of measuring distance to avoid meters
Can….can you link the Skill Check Simulator?
Scott literally checks Reddit everyday to see what to make his video about and give another kinda dumb take. Youre never completely wrong but every situation U explain isn’t really that accurate to the avg player’s experience. Like ever
not everyone plays the game for a living and is able to deal well with being tunneled repeatedly or find the enjoyment in it
Idk bro this isn't really an answer. I love getting chased ofc but I want time to reset, do gets, set up a boon, something to progress the game and help my teammates. I solo queue as well so my teammates are not the best. Usually have the equivalent of 2.5 real players. So I feel better helping everyone out getting stuff done. Getting tunneled just isn't fun. It isn't even fun doing it for me as a killer main just feels lame af. Like if someone runs into me and wants me to chase them then yeah I'll tunnel but otherwise, it's lame
I actually feel way more frustrated with solo queue. What i notice as days go by is that i'm looping without DH at about the same time i did with DH but for some reason no gens get done.
Just today:
I looped a killer around the map 2 times with no break in between and only one gen was done this whole entire time. I don't say i looped for 10mins or smth but i'm pretty sure 3 gens should be done by then. Anyway… Killer camped me cause my team applied no pressure and they let me die on my 1st hook.
The game after that, Pinhead tried to tunnel me. he got 1 hit after i looped him for 2 gens. What he did was simple, he had applied thana to me, he left me and i started healing but my teamates couldn't loop him for 10sec and they went down back to back to back to back. He ignored me the entire match while we had 3 ppl with thana applied to them and i did 2 gens alone like that. Everyone else in the meanwhile was hidding being afraid to die and guess what happened. All 3 of them died. In the end i couldn't find the hatch resulting in me getting killed cause not only they did not last in chase they dropped all the palettes leaving no loop around.
Another one, where Meg was crouching everywhere and Leon did nothing but trying to moonwalk and being toxic with his flashlight and he failed doing both, me looping the killer for 3 gens that only David did and i almost popped the 4th gen before getting downed and camped to death because this is important and worth mentioning, this Leon brought 99% T2 Myers to me…. Btw after i died Leon decided to touch his first gen in the game that was already 85+% by me. Meg and Leon also let David die on his first hook while doing nothing, Meg went down and the hatch spawned next to Leon where he camped it till Myers came Tbagging him and doing shit with his flashlight before jumping in. After game i asked him: "why do you bm like you did smth?" and his reply was this: "what's your problem, it's just a game LOL".
I had many more matches like that but these are the ones that frustrated me the most. I feel like i try too much and do so much and i get nothing in return but getting camped to death because i pissed the killer for some reason. The only actual games i managed to play and had fun were when i swf, we gen rushed, unhooked, looped, did everything correctly most of the games we got 4ked and 3ked 2-3 times but in general we did 3man-4man escapes. Thing is not everyone has the same timetable with others so solo queue is my only other option where the quality has gone downhill compared to previous patch.
Do you think your thoughts on people not liking being tunneled has less to do with them not liking survivor and more to do with you having played such a stupid amount of survivor chases are the only thing you can enjoy now and you don't care how you get it?
Bro the simple answer is that majority of the player base is average at best( thats me and u) and the meta was so fundamentally imbedded into our gameplay that it didn’t really require us to learn or really try against most killers ( unless you obviously try escaping an omega blink nurse or dirty blight with his tinkerer, haha it got nurfed you mouth breathers) people are now required to put in some effort since “oh shoot the killer is actually scary and can drop me whenever hmm maybe standing in front of him tbagging isnt going to help” so people are just mad. To the players base go watch otz or scott or the other guy with the funny hat and accent (im sorry i forget
) and take your time to learn this amazing but flaud game that we call Dead by Daylight because it’s actually really fun and there really is nothing like it( at the moment
). Be patient its hard to play both roles although killers feel the sting a bit more since the lonely and all but survivers have it tough too. All in all the game is millions of miles better than what it used to be like( infinites , vacuum pallets and god… original nurse.) so don’t get down when you lose just dust yourself off and go break some ankles again or maybe hook some pesky megs and claudette’s but remember… have fun be nice and enjoy people thats what its for 
"Don't like getting tunneled *and chased*" mans really tried to sneak that one in
I wonder if the killer knew when a surv had endurance would lead to less tunneling, I'd imagine when you get a choice of who to chase the easy one would be the injured target as they presumably would go down in only one hit.
If you as killer knew that both targets would take two hits perhaps it'd be easier diverting the killers attention by running to a worse area/closer to the killer.
Ofc things would need rebalancing, but lack of info is clearly a part why these starts are so prevalent.
Tunnelling is the hardest to counter. Slugging is easiest, then camping.
I hate tunneling because even if I loop for 5 gens I get 10k points max. I've legit looped for 5 gens and gotten gold even though they never left me. I like to earn BP that way I can buy perks to have more variety. But the gain is so slow because if I get tunneled, I don't gain anything. Especially since the rework where the survivor has to be prestige 1 (which takes 1.6m on average to do) to get level 1 teachable. If I get tunneled every game it would take 160 games assuming I actually get to chase and not just downed because of Iri head or chainsaw at the start.