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8 thoughts on “WHEN BOTH SIDES HAVE TO SWEAT! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Failing is a human thing. But sadly true not everyone has the same upbringing and role models and on average most ppl are whining quiters. Not shown the true value. Your lucky to have a better perspective my friend

  2. I hope that eventually, all or enough Killers will stop playing, even if it's only for a week or so.
    'Cause I'm afraid that's the only way the Devs will learn that a treat from time to time is not an equal exchange for all the whiplashes the rest of the time.

  3. you can fail and still have fun but getting punished for it while also getting mocked is aggravating and im sure every survivor main can agree.. even if we die, if the killer isnt being obnoxiously toxic we have fun.. imagine learning to ride a bike, if everytime you fell down you get held down by a bully and laughed at, actively stopping you from even able to get better.. thats why we complain about certain mechanics, the same way you lot complain about ‘special event snowmen’ and survivor perks while you literally have a power to kill us, with passive abilities, with add ons 😂😂 i mean what more do you want us to do… seriously?

  4. Imagine playing killer and just standing there, looking at level props like that horse… you probably lost 2 gens by the time you're done. That's why I play a lot more survivor than killer these days – with some exceptions (everyone gets tense matches now and then) it's just much more chilled out. A few minutes ago I played against a Nurse. Her own Autohaven offering brought her to Blood Lodge, she lost her Ruin before she entered her first chase (one of my teammates must have spawned near the totem I guess) and we broke her best chance at a 3-gen while she was busy defending the basement. The only reason she still got a 4K in the end was because of a trolling teammate that doomed us (was probably unhappy that she got unhooked before she could suicide and decided to screw us over even though she could've just opened an exit gate and escaped, talking about being malicious) – otherwise this would've been a 1K most likely (Nurse had no NOED or NWO). I literally saw the Nurse twice before the last gen got done, when she spotted me I always ran towards parts of the map I knew she didn't wanna take a chase in (because all gens over there were) so I was left unbothered for the majority of the game, meanwhile she was definitely sweating like hell to make a play and get a snowball with Infectious going. Case in point.


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