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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
Super early
Damn my man true is putting in the work to keep us entertained like true you are the man for all these uploads. You never fail to keep the quality content, thx true sincerely
Boom 13 minutes, super early! Lol hands down best looper. I watch OHM and a few others but these are definitely educational on looping
tru3 with his giant ego like always thinking he is supreme and better than other people and feel good when he analyses then and he says that with proud, so pathetic man, at least be a badass to try doing that.
Just switched from PS4 to PC. The difference is staggering…
Is Tru3 moderating his comment sections? I see lots of these Bots who put timestamps and links and he isn't doing anything about it.
“Waaaaeeeht…Ohh gahdammeht Bylleh.”
For all DBD lovers check my vids for a lot of uploads. Chases, loopings, killer stunts, flash light saves and escaping🎥🔥 Greetings from Amsterdam🍁
2:30 he seems happy
At 7min that window would of been a hit on console
What could that Billy have done better? Ignored him all game? That sounds so lame. Also, what if the other 3 survs were good as well? Ignore all 4 survivors? Yeah…
11:25 Think wisely about healing when going against a insta down killer if you brought DH. The fact that they can down you at full health negates your DH completely.
Wow that was long
i wish i was this good im okay but I be making lots of mistakes ill be there one day
This is why bubba is better
That first chase was about 2 and 1/2 minutes. No pallets used, and a misstep with dead hard. Had I been in that chase as the rank 6 killer I am, 2-3 gens gone. Granted I would have left that chase sooner knowing I'm getting looped by a really good player.
Bubba > Billy
I think billy should have the same thing oni has on the end of his charge where you can turn and hit in different directions at the end of the sprint. It's still worse than oni, because you can't bump into stuff and have to charge longer, and you cant strafe.
I started hating solo. Now I’ll just play with my gf. The fact I can run the killer, save everybody, heal everyone etc and I still need to do 4 gens to escape got tedious. I like having at least one person that actually does gens instead of lollygagging around the map