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  1. Are we really surprised the P3 Claudette with a key left her team mates to die lol. Although the fact she did that then called True trash is honestly icing on the cake. 😂

  2. I play on console, and I’ll only message a killer if I genuinely feel they were running a completely unfun build to go against. I ran into a huntress running iri heads, devour hope, NOED, Iron Maiden, and I think BBQ. How is that even fun to play with. This man brought in 4 ways to insta down you.

  3. I just feel disappointed when I play a fair game as killer, and then you get raging toxic survivors like this. I always assume they are fairly young, at least that's how they act lol

  4. They were most likely trolling and fucking around. They saw they had very little points and got last, they then saw they were going against a very popular streamer and figured it probably wouldn’t happen again so yeah in my opinion it looks like just some troll messages and general fuckery lol

  5. Playing dbd since 2 weeks, i have the feeling, that as a killer, I have to turn around and look to a corner when I spot a survivor. When somebody is „camping or tunneling“ and you don’t capitalize on it and do the gens, why is it the killers fault? Wth is up with these survivors

  6. Some people just play for themselves. I just got done with a match where I was on hook, two left and a hatch next to my feet. The killer was far gone at this point and the other survivor just opens the hatch and jumps in, leaving me behind.

  7. Guys give that survivor a break, his mom probably came in and slapped his bitch face afterwards for screaming into his monitor while furiously mashing his keyboard

  8. Lmao did nothing all game, let his team die for the sole purpose of getting hatch, failed, and resorted to being a toddler who can actually use words

    Sounds about right

  9. In all of my years of competitive gaming, I've never seen a game like DbD draw out so much angst from someone over losing in my entire life. Seriously, the level of player entitlement in this game, and how the wrath of losing just erupts like a volcano while tossing all logical maturity out of the window in the process, is absolutely off the charts and truly a sight to behold.

    According to this Uwu clown: he never lost. So self deceived and self important he is, that he will use every slur imaginable to create and enforce the fantasy that he still won somehow even though the results say otherwise. "EZ," "Trash," "Git gud,"…these are things a trollish (yet possibly sane) person says when they've WON…not LOST, but when you think that you're of godlike tier, a special snowflake, and you have loser friends that magnify your ego over the internet…it's absolutely unthinkable that you could possibly lose to someone, and when it happens, you completely lose your mind and damage not only your reputation, but your health.

    You start firing all text weapons (even if none of them are applicable in the situation), and bashing your keyboard in hateful desperation to try and hurt the individual that dared to sting your egotistical entitlement. You don't care about how much of a clown you look like in the moment, all you care about is damaging the one who dared to show you the reality of competitive gaming, which is that EVERYONE LOSES EVENTUALLY. The sad part about the whole thing? This kind of person will leave the chat thinking he/she actually did damage when in reality, he/she received nothing more than stomach aching laughter from those on the other side. ::Sigh:: When are people going to grow up? Take your loss, lick your wounds, get over it, and move on to the next challenge.

  10. Make sure you listen to the guy who let his team die on the hook, couldn't get a hatch with a key, Spine Chill, and Urban Evasion, and ended up with 4k points. I'm sure he knows how to help you "git gud".


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