Toxic TTV Reports Everybody Then DC's! – Dead By Daylight

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In this video we’ll be showcasing a very cringe Twitch streamer who reports basically everyone

👉 Want to see the more Toxic Salty Streamers, if so click here:

As you can she’s insanely toxic, has no self-awareness, and rages like a toddler throwing a tantrum with many DC’s. Thanks so much for watching and please leave a like if you enjoyed the DBD video!

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DISCLAIMER: Please do not try to find this person, BHVR has already addressed the issue, and there are enough eyes on her to keep something like this from happening again. Public witch hunts can cause serious harm and I don’t condone them. Any comments saying this streamer’s name will be removed.

Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. If you try to copyright and take-down this video, I will fight it and pursue legal help.

00:00 Intro and Rage
02:28 Griefing Teammates
04:54 The Most Hypocritical Thing You Will Ever See
11:56 Zero Self-Awareness
15:21 What About Lights Out 2.0?
19:02 The “Cheating” Clown


40 thoughts on “Toxic TTV Reports Everybody Then DC's! – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Hey, sorry for the reupload everyone. I love this video but YouTube has been ridiculously cringe with their obscure community guidelines and I wasn’t able to get it back.

    The original video was only up for a few weeks and managed to hit over 100k views before it was removed. Regardless of how it performs in its second run I hope everyone enjoys it!

  2. hmmm…. complains about the game but yet knows nothing of the game… I used to be around ppl that did nothing but complain about the game like them… like if it's that bad, why play? No matter what the killer did, they were cheating! When it comes down to it, just get better at the game. This video shows they know nothing of teamwork, but act like they do. Random tries to help them, but gets mad and sandbags them…

  3. Im not a psychologist, but I'd be willing to bet Ms. Crabtree here is an actual narcissist. Even if she isn't one, she is definitely a self-centered jerk with anger issues who deserves to be forgotten to time. I hope she fades into obscurity.

    Also, it's clear that the dracula should have dropped her after the failed pallet save out of solidarity. They are an absolute toxic jerk for taking advantage of the survivor's mistake. That's why he deserved that report. He is obviously the problem in that match!

  4. Well sometimes I also get mad when I play dbd that's why I will never decide to become a streamer. It's a shame people don't care about how they act live. I wonder if a person like her ever thought that maybe her teammates are two 13 year old friends lol

  5. People like her are the reason I am sometimes hesitant to risk my life for randos since I have been the brunt of a grief for helping someone. I try to help out but there is always a chance you are helping a Ms Crabtree and nothing you do is enough.

  6. I always laugh when in endgame chat i get called names because i tunneled someone. OF COURSE I'M GOING TO TUNNEL YOU IF YOU MAKE ALL GENS IN LESS THAN 7 FCKIN MINUTES. OR IF YOU CONSTANTLY GET IN MY FACE AND CLICK FLASHLIGHT

  7. This is why i only play 2 games because i generally cant stand this game people are hypocrites and narcissistic on this game people play the victim card , people harass people and make fun of each other which is not cool and very unhealthy for the community this game will fail because of the community people are entitled too much and dont get punished the devs dont talk about it on there streams so they definitely dont care how the community treats each other, or they just love when chaos is in there game and its sad this game was good while it lasted the community is what makes a game and this game is not it

  8. I love it when people say they just want decent teammates when they’re shit at the game. It’s like yeah love I think your random teammates feel exactly that way towards you 😂


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