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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
Is the latency only on PC right now? Cause I went up against a billy and he downed me when I was already over and away from the window.
Shout out to the dude at 2:42 opening the chest
I always see Bubba, Nurse, Legion and Spirit in red ranks. Hardly anyone else. It is so saddening.
When going up against a killer who doesn’t care if they lose and keeps up with a long chase best believe they face camping once they get you or someone lol. That’s a sorry red rank bubba, a good killer would’ve have know when to stop chasing if the survivor knows how to loop. The game would’ve went his way if he had chase others cause look at how fast he got someone that is purple rank but didn’t even know how to loop.
I ran a bubba for 1 minute
Poor Bubba. He's not smart but has a good heart.
Great looping tru3!
True's face says it all.
Like "I made this Bubba into this and now it's happening smiles
That chase was intense. You got some tru3 ta1ent (see what I did there? ;))
Feeling a bit sorry for him but it was his choose to chase or not to chase.
God damn those hitboxes are amazing. Fully expected a hit at the T L
red rank is see
Damn you're really good at looping, looking up to ya. You're teaching us very nice plays. Thank you for that!
You know the new trickster hex perk could be a new meta perk for bubba and billy if combined with undying. Being able to block windows without you vaulting it saves alot of time and leaves the survivors vulnerable
5:03 Leatherface just standing there thinking of all the mistakes he's made in life
Wow another camping bubba, what a surprise. Noob.
Killers like Billy and Bubba are so in need of Bamboozle, it's insane. There's only a small amount of people who can play without it
that leatherface was garbage
TRU complaining about hits being GOOD makes me a bit irritated
why is he rank 3? i don't get it
that claudett thought: if he can hold him up for 4 minutes then i can do that too!
and then a nice dose of reality hit her with the speed of a riving chainsaw.
OMG that was amazing lol
Even tho this bubba didn't bring bamboozle, he sure as hell bamboozled me into thinking that he's a rank 20 with his gameplay.
Bubba's should be banned along with barbecue and chilli
How is that red rank
Did the devs intend to make bubba run like a toddler?
"Red rank" bubba playing with Sloppy Butcher…
It’s pronounced “straight “, but OK tru3
Like I always say windows op
I literally hate when I'm the person that runs the killer around for the last 4 minutes & they finally get me with bloodlust 3 & set up a tent & start roasting marshmallows while staring at me & nobody on my team has BT
efficient team on gens
Those long chases must be satisfying
This is the exact same game I had for 3 games in a row 🤣
Very good chase, killer sees another survivor, down in seconds 😆 makes me laugh lol
They were obviously boosted