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We out here looping that Legion like there’s no tomorrow! Seriously, how does anyone lose to Legion?
Dead by Daylight
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#DBD #intothefog
Tat why, the video should’ve been called “LEGION THOUGHT HE CAN HAVE ME!!”
Alright let's do this one more time
I just realized hunk run like he was yelled by drill sergeant
Legion is fair and balanced, and since the update it's not a pain to play! JOY!
great chase! GG!
TL;DR – Tat, you're talking out your ass.
A. They should remove Hemorrhage as a status effect, and anyone suggesting it should be on more addons (thus making more addons basically worthless) needs their head checked.
A.i. the status effect works optimally when paired with Mangled, because the heal speed reduction is what allows a killer to actually interrupt a heal for it to regress with Hemorrhage.
A.ii. the status effect being better for a couple killers out of the roster doesn't change that it's basically worthless on its own.
B. The meta is still "Don't heal against Legion", so the Broken status effect is kinda meaningless against Legion.
B.i. as shown, even with Thanataphobia it's usually better just to power through: a 20% reduction in repair speed at all 4 injured means gens are getting done at around 140 seconds (or better), rather than 90 seconds. Seems like a lot, but when you factor in healtime of 16 seconds (or even a fairly optimal 10 seconds) you start running into pathing/placement efficiency reductions which mean that a generator can take 200 seconds or more due to having to find safe places and times to heal, and potentially wasting more than one survivor's time.
B.ii. as also shown, Legion's fairly easy to loop provided people don't bunch up, even with suboptimal loop chains.
Alright let’s do this one last time
man why is legion's base walk animation so goofy
I feel so bad for that Legion…Tat you were completely savage lol
I've actually used both Joey's and Legion Pin as a build
12:07 yes please
I love the excitement in your voice when you heard the distant chase music lmao
Tat, what do you think some good Legion buffs would be? Or maybe what some cool additions to his power would be?