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34 thoughts on “LOOPING THE TRICKSTER FOR 10 MINS… – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. its just sad this killer looks so weak, they need to add smth else to his ability, cuz i feel like currently u could just shift W away behidn objects and if he does hit 8 on u u just sprint burst miles away

  2. He's got the "Doctor" problem, I like to call it. You'll get a hit but you'll be running around that loop an extra two or three times just to get it.

    Even when up against strong survivors, I found myself making fast progress toward a hit, but even when you do it really well, it just takes longer than a different killer. And then they run to another loop and the process starts all over again. HOWEVER, you'd also be surprised at how much damage you can do in that transition. I see some crazy high potential once people get good at hitting medium range. He'll still get wrecked by a strong team though.

  3. I say this killer is controversial af, I watched some streamers playing as him and complete destroy high rank survivors and other streamers being completed outplayed by high rank survivors. The only thing I know for sure is that this killer's performance is heavily dependent on the add-ons, the better one is the ricocheting daggers(since ricochetted daggers deals double laceration), increase capacity, aoe effect when the daggers with environment or survivors and faster initial throw

  4. Give him 115%, some other buffs would be nice, is 8 hit too many to injure? What if he could chuck some knifes at generators to make the generators regress them without wasting as much time as going over to it and kicking. Honestly no clue but the PTB should find some way to balance him, I personally like the killer and want to see them as a threat.

  5. 5:42
    He looks so small and not intimidating at all… for example, compare him with the Executioner, every time a Pyramid Head is chasing me i'd shit my pants in fear and don't get me started with the chase music Pyramid Head has. I'm not hating the this new killer, it is just an observation.

  6. I think a good buff would be to let you charge survivors laceration meter to half way then it will stay at half way until they are downed that way u can target other survivors when they take u to God loops and come back

  7. They should make it so 8 blades can down someone, 4 to injury, and 4 to down. and have a little fewer blades or for each hit, it slows the survivor down and you have to rely on m1 to damage also countering speed perk

  8. Why do the survivors even recover from throwing-knives, in the first place? Like, you have 7 stab-wounds on you. That's not something you can casually walk off after running for a few seconds.

  9. Do you think designing around top players will kill the game? I feel like the majority of the people who play that game are decent or bad at the game which makes the game work. I think they need to find a middle ground.

  10. They have to design around people who can't play because there is no competitive league to play in. No one is going to get good at this for a living (besides the streamers). It's just a hobby for most.


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