Low Tier Egos | Dead by Daylight

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►Video Song: White Bat Audio – The Drop
►Ending Song: FSM Team – Eternal Spring

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14 thoughts on “Low Tier Egos | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Not quite about the low tier killer topic, but this behavior I feel is similar MMR complaints. A few weeks ago we, the DBD community, saw multiple content creators just hating on the stricter MMR. There was only one real valid argument I saw, which was build variety getting less common as MMR goes up. If build variety was really that important to these people, if they wanted to run meme builds, why are they so hung up on winning?

  2. Yeah, I've heard this mentality many times and I don't really play lower tier killers but I do play them sometimes, and like the killers I consider to be bottom 5 are killers like Trapper, Myers, Freddy, Pig, and Clown maybe, but for instance, I'm a P100 Deathslinger Main, I enjoy going for cool shots and chilling out and Deathslinger is considered that he's mostly sits the High,or Mid B tier area maybe Low end depending on someone's experience, but overall I consider him to be High B tier cuz i think he gets a little bit slept on, yes he can feel weaker cuz of his lack of map pressuring, and I've seen good slingers do pretty decent in the high end of MMR, but I might just be being bias, but typically you would want to have the higher end killers in the A tier, like Wesker, Oni, Pyramid Head, Xeno, Chucky they can do incredibly well in the high end of MMR, but not as perfect as the top 3, such as nurse, Blight, and spirit, but yes with the lower tier killers, i only tunnel when there's at least 2 gens left cuz in match reviews someone should be dead by 2 gens but if i don't have anyone dead and if i want to win i got to get someone out so I'll tunnel or chase a player i know who's dead on hook, but the bottom tier killers you can still do pretty well against a decent team, it's just not gonna be as easy compare to an A tier killer like Wesker, so the whole hard tunnelling as a bottom 5 killer is a little overexatrating, plus hard tunnelling might possibly hurt you as a bottom 5 killer cuz your kit doesn't have a strong enough tool for tunnelling especially with chases, anyway I've said enough here so don't get mad at me bran lol

  3. Just had a pig playing with the full scream head pop build bring us to midwich and slug people to death who wanted out because her totem got broken early. She then wrote a Manifesto of the struggles of a Pig player after the match.

    Choosing to play a lower tier killer while not being good enough to win consistently with them, doesn't mean you have an excuse to be a nasty poor sport. It would be like a Survivor bringing no mither and complaining about the killer tunneling them because they chose to play on hard mode

    Got her again two matches later. Slugs me to death on the ground while desperate for that 4 k. We lost because of a selfish and cowardly Anonymous mode player like always on Survivor

  4. This may be wild, however, I would like to think it should matter not the killers power that gets you far but rather your skill. Obviously that's the opposite of DBD cause some top killers you can just go brain numb and still win which is fair due to it being a Casual Game. Just for me, there shouldnt be Bad or Good Killers, just whether or not the Person is good with them in which decides they win. Thats just me, I know its not that way entirely but it'd be nice.

  5. I play a lot of Freddy, I just enjoy his basic toolkit and I like his franchise. I don't like tunneling or camping. So I'm playing bottom tier and playing in a way that's considerate to the survivors. Yet if I lose they're still mean to me at the exit gate.

    I don't care that much about tbagging, but it does feel a bit bad when they do it in that circumstance. So I think a lot of bottom tier enjoyers might just do it not out of ego but because they've seen many survivors have no mercy on them, so they see no reason to have mercy themselves.

  6. I am so tired of stupid people calling tunneling an angry playstyle. Tunneling is a smart playstyle if you don't like it get the fuck over it. If you are not a Freddy main you don't even deserve the right to speak on how to play Freddy, or anyone who plays Freddy. Only an idiot tunnels out of anger. Freddy is not as bad as everyone claims he is, most people try out these popular streamer builds and get fucked every game for using a shit build. Most people don't know how to play Freddy and just blame the killer for losing. Freddy is not the best nor the worst. I win way more than I lose, I have played 100+ matches in the past month and only lost 6 games, so if you say I am low mmr, you must not know how mmr works. As far as tunneling goes how about you just stop being pure shit in the chase and the killer won't tunnel you? A killer who tunnels a good Survivor is not a smart killer, if all 4 Survivors are good the killer will lose by default. So STFU about tunneling, only shit survivors cry about tunneling. In the previous video you was talking about playing like an asshole, this community has called almost everything a killer does to win as being an asshole, or toxic, or ruining the fun of 4 other players in the game. So what? what about it? Bitch I don't care about you having fun. I am playing for my own enjoyment, me winning = you losing, so it is not fun for you boo fuckin hoo get over it and learn how to counter it. The killer is not here to be your friend, the killer is here to give you a challenge, if you escape you earned it. I am so tired of these content creators constantly sucking off the survivor side of the community.

  7. I've been playing Hillbilly on and off. I know that a lot of people like playing against Hillbilly 'cause he's easy to "bully", so I know what I'm getting myself into. If somebody over 300 hours expects to 4K constantly with him, they are a GOOBER.


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