Made for This is STRONGER Than Old Dead Hard. | Dead by Daylight

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#DBD #dbdkiller

0:00 – Intro
0:40 – MFT vs Normal Speed Comparison
2:22 – Free Time
4:15 – How To Fix This Perk
5:39 – MFT Hope Combo.
8:12 – How does this perk exist?
9:05 – The Removal of Skill


41 thoughts on “Made for This is STRONGER Than Old Dead Hard. | Dead by Daylight”

  1. BHVR will do nothing, they know how unbalanced this perk was even before it came out. At this point there's much hand-holding for Survivors that had made terrible players even more terrible for the fact they have stuff that carries them. You see endgame screen and there's minimum X3 MFTs. 💀. BHVR knows their majority of the player base is dogwater which is why MFT is such a thing.

  2. 1. Cheaters, it's still a problem. If you're not blatant with it, you don't get caught. you can't tell if it's skill or subtle.
    2. Filters/Reshades For some reason survivors are too stupid to realize killers can use it too, scratch marks look like hot lava. Good luck with that. It's all fun and games until the other side does it.
    3. Gen speeds, the logic here is that it's a chase based game but you can't chase anyone. The game is over in 4 minutes? Who is actually getting chased?
    4. Now we get to perks/add-ons For killers its a skill issue, get gud they say. matter of fact we're nerfing you some more. Can't camp, can't tunnel, can't gen regress, can't 3 gen. Don't do anything, just chase survivors in circles and let them have fun while you get stunned and blinded. For survivors, if that's not enough, let us help with that. here's made for this, buckle up for the people, head-on flashbang, prove thy self, adrenaline, lithe, sprint burst on and on and on. We are making sure, the ONLY way you lose is that you are incompetent. Otherwise have fun and buy our skins?

  3. Thank you. Tho we differ on twins to a degree, your stance on this perk is phenomenal n mirrors my own. I say it on. Stream all the time. This perk, lol is too much. N that survivors arnt even beating by talent now. Just freebies. Eruption should've Ben reduced Incapacitated to like 10 sec not removed completely esp if this bs was clearly already planned (9 mo to yr to make a chapter). N the healing nerf being taken back…ok shouldn't ha e Ben 75 fuhkin % to begin w OFCOURSE that's too much. But 30? No. It should be a tactic, bodyblocking…not a sure 100% full proof defense. The endurance on mft is Def overkill n nobody mentioned it but you but yea…why tf does resilience give them 9% repair speed? Lol I say it all the time: survivor is easy mode. Survivor takes little to no talent to preform. Generators are just too simple to do as well n older killers struggle to most from all this bs. I was wondering tho…what if gens took different speed times for diff killers? For exp. Less for nurse. More for trapper, pig etc. This would eliminate the need for such continues buffs n nerfs to killers, tame the op killers some more, n be adding another attribute to a killer (gen speed)? Yes some work afterwards would mean gen speed perks on both sides but better than needing updates on every killer every time the game evolves n makes it more difficult for outdated* killers.

  4. The counter-play to literally every survivor with more than 5 hours in the game running MFT and Hope every single game is hard tunnelling (and occasionally camping if it comes to that).

    MFT is so broken by itself, but if the survivors are also running Hope which literally takes the skill out of the game and makes survivor so easy that literally anyone could loop any killer.

    The upside is that when every survivor is running the exact same build in almost every match, that means that not a lot of them are using anti-tunnel perks or anti-camping perks.
    The most effective counter-play to the survivor meta right now is camping and tunnelling.

    You don't HAVE to camp and tunnel to win, but every survivor running this build makes it so effective and so easy, and the consequences for letting survivors make it to endgame are that every survivor will have MFT and Hope and will

    SO if you're a survivor main and you are seeing an increase in camping and tunnelling killers, stop running this boring build that the only counterplay to it is playing this way. It's your own fault.

    The most effective counter-play to the survivor meta right now is camping and tunnelling. You can't blame killers for playing like that when every survivor is running the same build.

  5. not just boring, with the most killer its kompletely unfair and not winnable with some killer… i enjoyed to play killer but atm its so boring and frustraiting that i concider to stop playing dbd

  6. Made For This does need a nerf, Resilience could get a change too. I love DBD, it is more survivor sided though. If the killers had a too strong or broken perk it would be nerfed. I have not been playing much lately, I have been playing Texas Chainsaw Massacre! I would love to see Greyletters play Texas Chainsaw Massacre, does anybody else agree?!!

  7. The 3% wouldn't be a big deal if killer's were able to loop just as tightly as survivors and survivors couldn't grind their face into wall as they run a loop basically in two directions.

    Another issue i have with this perk that i hear nobody mention is that the perk doesn't actually cause the exausted status effect allowing survivors to run loops longer before having to drop the pallet then using Lithe to escape or even using Dead Hard to not even have to drop the pallet in the forst place.

  8. Nah old dead hard is way more op than mft and that is just a fun perk and I don’t want it to change, I want to have fun not hate the game because it’s doesn’t have good perks (And I’m saying that as artist main)

  9. i agree with resilience. definitely not in need of a nerf apart from the gen speed. besides i typically run overzealous and some boon so i can actually go and boon a totem and get a free 10% repair speed boost. something about getting a free boost because the killer did what they were supposed to do just doesn’t quite sit right with me but i digress

  10. I think a boon giving you 2%, while mft giving you 3% haste at all time is just bad game design.
    If they want to keep mft a strong perk, at least make other perks comparable so we can have variety.

  11. Don't forget Hope+MFT which pretty much prevents you catching up to anyone injured near an open exit gate. The altruism is so strong even if you do manage to hook someone and damage them afterwards the 10% movement speed makes it impossible for you to even get a last second down.

  12. Preach brother Grey. PREACH it should be a 3%haste for 10sec 20tops and the endurance can be shortened but with faster healing speed … Resilience is just fine but not when combined

  13. Im a killer main but dint mash on my windows as a veteran player and solo que survivor resilience and windows resilience is fine the gen speed rewards you for staying injured the problem isnt resilience everything was fine b4 MFT and windows is nice to see what areas my teammates havent destroyed …. lets keep it simple MFT is the problem, not resilience the 9% speed repair is a high risk for staying injured kits been the same since release and never was problem let's just focud on the ACTUAL problem MFT

  14. I've been recording my gameplays and in 94% of my matches atleast 1 person had mft + resi combination, some of them had it paired with dh and deja vu, hope and even if I tried my best, I couldn't perform as I should have. idk bro, it is so frustrating to play against it, I can't try meme builds as everyone is sweating and gens flying if I don't bring gen defense perks and on top of that they are being salty at endgame. One guy who was running mft + Dh + resi legit told me "shame u are running 3 gen perks" and I had only deadlock, dead man's switch, nowhere to hide and bbq

  15. Yup I actually have a Clown gameplay where I was almost ran for 3mins and almost didn't get the 3k because of a survivor running MFT + Hope on Lery's. I was getting frustrated because I was wondering why were they moving so fast? That crap is disgusting. First MFT should no longer be able to have the Endurance part of the perk since they reworked Buckle Up into the same thing. And I would like it if survivors performed a rushed action they become exhausted for 20secs or 30secs. Another thing I wanna touch on is how survivors are being breast feed by bhvr like baby back b!tches…. hand holding the hell out of survivors. Like how many perks gonna become basekit for survivors before killer gets even one? Killers should 100% get Corrupt as basekit, hell I'll even argue Gearhead as basekit. Shattered Hope or anything. Survivors are becoming worse at the game because of the excessive hand holding bhvr is doing for them. Games I play or watch with survivors messaging me complaining about losing in a video game like holy hell go outside buddy 😂

  16. From personal experience made for this only makes a major difference on the long run when you are trying to make distance around long loops (like in the video) or just holding W in general, around tiles where you have to check corners and pay attention to mind games it doesn't do anything + prevents use of exhaustion perks.


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