MAKING A BAMBOOZLE CLOWN RAGE QUIT! – Dead by Daylight! May 23, 2021 by TrU3Ta1ent Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at source
Roses are red, nunu has a snowball, would you rather shit out a watermelon or piss out a golf ball Reply
Actually there is a bug, when game just dc you from the game to loading screen, saying that there is some error. Reply
Maybe its just because I never noticed but I have never played this map on console. Is it a pc thing? Reply
Toxic true
Roses are red, nunu has a snowball, would you rather shit out a watermelon or piss out a golf ball
True was camping Gens the whole game "sarc"
Baby killers. When they find someone good playing they just rage quit.
I mean, can you blame him? He had to play vs TrueTalent
Bestie, what is your Zarina wearing?
Of course he had noed
Damn True, I didn't know you did another speedrun.
Actually there is a bug, when game just dc you from the game to loading screen, saying that there is some error.
Just your average bamboozle player
Only the best killers run NOED
Poor man
He realized he forgot to bring his ebony mori
It looks like his game just kicked him out.
What’s that crosshair when you get hit with bottles???
Maybe its just because I never noticed but I have never played this map on console. Is it a pc thing?
i just got done healing a Bill when he DC'ed, and he was supposed to heal me next
I want to see tru3 and reudig in a team