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#DBD #dbdkiller
That kicking speed thou, the wraith definitely didn't skip leg day.
I hate these builds, everyday you just make DBD more and more toxic smh 😔😔
Epic video mate, keep up the good work 😩
I didn't "complain" about it, it's a very stacked combo that is boring to watch, virtually impossible to counter, and doesn't really showcase even an ounce of skill. The point is that you're a better killer than that since a sleeping kitten can 4k with the gen kick meta.
Man, it does suck that to have the best builds requires such a boring playstyle. The problem is that lots of killers need some kind of gen defense, making it not a fun killer or being forced to lose if you want to have fun.
W video as always you should do bodyblocker exposed hag running the body blocker addons and rancor huanted grounds iron maiden make your choice
Another good video! I will say the editing might be a a smidge overdone. The big green text for subtitles was distracting.
Try more fun builds please like the coloulorophobia doctor you did or the aura reading oni those are so unique and fun 🤍
Man people bitching about what perks you use? Ridiculous you don't start the meta you just gotta play in it!
I've been having a bit of fun on wraith specifically using Pain Res, Gift of Pain, Dying Light, and thanaphobia
I call it "Slow and Steady"
Bro these subtitles were annoying
Sick intro!
Did not want to give you a thumbs up because of the number it was as but …. couldn't resist. Btw it was at ….. 69 😱
"guys I found the best wraith build!" shows meta
I got a kick out of this, keep it up!
Great build 👍
I believe 2 kicking addons would be better
No offense you can edit how you want but bro don't you think your tad bit overdoing it like why do you have big bold green subtitles under your videos now? It's a tad bit distracting don't you think? And also why does this bulid look like every other killer bulid you made?
Delightfully devilish, these survivors will be furious for sure 😈
It works. I just tried it. The only change i did is the perk that automatically breaks you out of stealth when you's good to use the gen kicking built and immediately move in for the kill
I’d love to see a jump scare build
them subtitles is too much
That is a insane build 👍
I love the new subtitle🙂 I can see the channel growing+keep it up🤍
Blind Warrior is also an interesting addon, it's easily overlooked by other addons, but it's basically a free Sloppy Butcher without using that perk
Brutal. I refuse to DC, ever, short of running into an obnoxious hacker. Still, as soon as I hear a bell- I rethink my policy. Instant 'ugh'.
the whole video looks like its in 1.5 speed omfg
If you wanna do hit and run you need either sloppy or the add on that gives you sloppy
Yo chris the subtitles and the new intro
You are some hard working piece of masterpiece
But why not let us use the caption built in within the vid 🤔
But hey u are proving love and care for us 💙💙💙
As a survivor main when killers play these builds I instantly just kill myself on hook and take the next lobby. They don’t deserve standard games.
man subtitles are toooo big and why you putting subtitles we understand you easily