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My perspective/POV on the Artist as a survivor:
“Ok, here we go, spawned in. Time to look for a gen- Here we are, time to hold M1 to work on it. Oh, I’ve been hit by crows through a wall from across the map. Time to move slightly further back and keep holding M1 to remove the crows, then get back to the Gen because the fact I can’t hear her heartbeat means she’s so far away she can’t capitalize on the hit. Oh, here she comes now, better run as far away as I can. Whoops, a chase- Ok, there’s a tile I can- Nope she put a crow on it. Ok, here’s another- Nope, crow. Ah, another one- Crow. Well, time to keep holding W until she catches me.’
It’s probably a severe tiring of killer as a whole currently, if you ask me, now that people can’t deny where the game is, watching a killer win loses the charm in a lot of cases because you can tell half the time it’s not really on the killer, now this isn’t all cases but, more than should be tolerated
She looks cool I just never want to play her because the indicator for her power is so ugly. They need to just remove it, no other ranged killer has an indicator or crosshair anyway.
She is good at guaranteeing hits on most maps unless there's like a second level
The noises she makes trigger my misophonia. That's why I hate go against this killer
The Artists is great and fun to play against and we should encourage every Pinhead player to uninstall Pinhead and only play the Artist when they would normally play Pinhead. Pinhead is a pile of crap and I wish whomever developed him falls and chips a tooth.
Too much map pressure for free.
I havent played against her much but she kind of gives me a pre nerf deathslinger vibe, where if she draws her power then you cant really do anything except try to predict when shes going to launch it. I don't think shes particularly boring compared to some other killers, but that might be where some of the "boring" feeling comes from.
Plus, if you ask me, there just isnt a lot of creativity in how one plays the Artist. Seems relatively one-trick.
Press W is just not fun most of the time, and she's the de-facto best anti-loop killer right now.
Twins is the de-facto camper killer.
From a survivor POV (haven't bought Artist to judge from killer), IMO she's the most boring thing to play against in the game, somehow swiftly knocking Pinhead off that top spot. The fact that it's boring means little interaction and I find myself just not trying in games. If people playing killer are finding that to happen often I think it makes sense why they'd stop too, not too dissimilar to how you stopped playing Spirit games as much due to DC's. If the survivors really can't be bothered, it'll effect killers too. I personally believe that's all it is, and quite happy about it too, selfishly speaking!
am surprised that you haven't played against her, I personally played against her a lot and she seems really strong (not a complaint), I guess people are just sick of seeing her all the time.
Add a dummy thicc skin
Idk i kinda just been maining billy now
She’s boring because she’s just more of the same, we’ve seen all types of ranged killers before, why can’t they just add a jumping killer or something? Plus, she doesn’t seem as brutal or grotesque as hag or bubba let’s say.
Her hitting animations are unsatisfactory and her power just looks like you’re getting hit by magic fairies. Even when you’re aiming as her the sprite used for aiming looks so cheap and lazily made. I want killers to actually feel like killers.
Idk, I found this chapter to be very meh overall and I stopped playing just cuz if how bored I was.
Generic looking non licensed killer that doesn’t offer anything new (she’s a portlandia huntress)
This killer is fucking annoying to play against. That simple 🤷♂️
she was taken by the entity, duh
Honestly It's burn out of dbd. I just think she didn't bring much into the game that we haven't seen before. she feels like a slightly different Nemesis.
I simply don't care for her, it was kind of neat when she came out but it only took one single day for me to just yawn and stop caring so i suppose i wasn't the only one
I don't care about the Artist, because BHVR doesn't care about the game's health. DBD is just getting really, really boring, just because of one sided buffs. And why are they not even letting anything out about the security issues? Not even updates on why it's taking so long? My disappointment in BHVR right now is immeasurable
dont like her sounds
Shes just boring to watch
I dont own the killer, cuz I dont really wanna spend money on this game rn, but from videos, she seems fun. I dont think she needs changes
I personally just think she's so incredibly boring to go against so I don't really play against her, even playing and doing stuff like the 1 crow from far away just feels like the less rewarding version of huntress.
It's because her main counter is still the most boring thing in the game. It's not fun for either side to just hold w. Every "fun" killer has interesting interactions. Billy and Oni are fast, but decently easy to juke if you guess right, blight is visually hilarious and has equally high octane counter play. Nurse is such a fun mind game on both sides. Myers is really good for funny moments. Huntress can hit cross maps and do really cool stuff.
The most boring killers in my opinion, are the ones where there is no counter play or the counter is boring. I have no fun with Spirit on either side, trickster is "hold w, move weird, find wall" but is saved partially by his aesthetic. And The Artist is "hold w, you just can't loop her" so it gets really really boring on both sides. IMO, Demo is the perfect killer. I love blight, but demo is fun in every way.
Artist has Hag syndrome. I dont like playing as a 4ft tall wierd goblin girl. I also don't like playing as a 7ft tall bird lady. Just aesthetically not my thing. If she had the exact same power but was called The Dragon, looked edgy as heck and the birds were Dragon heads that breathed fire as they animated id be all in.
Them removing damage walking through crows made her not fun
My main problem with the artist is that you are not really rewarded for playing her skillfully. Cross map shots are cool and all, but I can do that as huntress and feel much more satisfaction from the knowledge of what a high skill cap it takes to make such shots. Furthermore she incentivizes the worst and most boring gameplay possible, which ironically, is similar to twins except instead of it being a killer playstyle, its a survivor playstyle. Really like pain resonance though, that perk is my new bae.
she's not rewarding to play as or against. against her, hold w wow so much fun. as her, spray the loop or chase them down. undeniably she's a great killer but she's so boring to play as/against. can't get with it. i'll stick to huntress
i just think the market is oversaturated. she’s boring to watch at the moment but maybe she’ll be less boring in a few weeks
It's interesting to think about what exactly contributes to spectator appeal with something. Overwatch had this issue, because the first-person view of a Genji flipping about told you nothing, because no human being can process colors that fast, and an external cam doesn't even work well either. While fighting games have issues keeping players, they have no problems getting people with no game knowledge to watch, because those moves are so slick and cool to watch.
Probably the main thing is that the Artist doesn't have impact to her attacks, and that can be a very satisfying thing. Landing an axe throw as a Huntress, a chainsaw curve as Billy, or even a good Shred as Demogorgon is usually rewarding on several levels. You almost always see the survivor go down, which may not be the case with a double crow-hit, and the audio is up close. Even M1 killers like Clown and Cenobite get an element of audiovisual feedback on the pinning-down, then the ensuing strike (heck, I'm sure some people like playing Clown just because of that flip he does with his knife). I don't think people feel that moment of satisfaction from birds flying around someone's head.
To a good player, it probably sucks that you were expecting to hear strategic elements and pros/cons of picking the killer, but I have to admit it's funny how things work. I think to a degree, there's also merit to what people are saying about increased numbers of hackers in the game and other issues making it demoralizing. I know how much of a dead horse it is every year, but I still want the game to present some thoughts about what designs could creatively attack hook camping – at the very least to push people back towards the interesting, fun gameplay.
I think she’s neat, I’ve been into other games recently but playing against her when I have is eh. Anti loop in general can be annoying, since I play a lot of survivor, but I also haven’t played against her enough to understand interesting counterplay
i dunno what it is with artist. she's fun… for a bit. then she's not. then she's fun again. then she's not. and when i'm playing survivor, i rarely come across her. i dunno if people dont understand the power, dont like the killer, or just cant be bothered levelling her, but hell, even twins had more players around the time of their release.
Scott your the reason I stopped playing dbd and mostly stopped watching videos about it.
Your fake patch video got me so excited for a future where dbd could be truly great, and of course it was a joke video. But the fictional patch notes you made sounded like a fantastic game, and when I realized none of it was happening and I was going to be playing the same shit game, I realized I need to go cold turkey and stop playing for good.
This also happens to be when the artist came out, so I guess my point there has been alot of frustration accross the killer community (who I assume make up alot of your viewers) so maybe alot of people are just fed up with the game and the timing in which aritst came out is just an unfortunate part of that.
Takes survivor skill out of the equation, boring to watch.
I stopped playing in August. Was a huntress main but seeing how the game was going I just decided to stop playing then rather than be there as it slowly died. The artist looks fun but, I just don't see killer or survivor enjoyable anymore
I'm not sure why people aren't wanting to watch her, because I find her to be extremely fun to watch and play. Although definitely on the survivor's side of things, she's really frustrating to play against. Maybe it's just an influx of survivor players not wanting to watch what they know is frustrating to be on the receiving end of? Hard to tell.
I love her. she is fun really good and i think she is super fun. the map control is amazing the birds are fun i can predict people through walls. i love her so much
– I like to loop and she doesn't allow me to loop very much. At least huntress, trapper etc have restrictions on the loops, the artist just shoots through the structures. I don't really mind her too much depending on the map but she's far from a favorite killer to face.
– From the start I never thought her gameplay looked that fun, she might be fun to play though. Not boring but not fun.
"Chase, get to loop. If survivor loops, put birds. If survivor runs, chase. Rinse, repeat." it's just unfun and can't even compare to blight, billy or bubba, all which have dynamic and fun chases for both sides. Anti loop is just boring, like the name says it literally removes the ONE fun mechanic for survivors, cuz if you're not able to loop then just hold w while others hold m1 at gens lol
shes just so boring in my opinion. and shes really clunky (and difficult)
My problem with her is that she's just not fun to play against. A game is like sex, it's supposed to be fun for both sides. Even if a killer is strong and fun to play, if the survivor side isn't having fun then it's just rape. Same for goes for weak killers.
If I may draw a comparison between Artist and watching Nurse and Huntress
Artist is ranged, like Huntress, and ignores the rules and tools survivors have (walls, pallets and windows). Her power does require thought and planning, I will admit rather reluctantly, but it never FEELS good to be downed by an Artist. I never think "wow that was so good" because she either had set a trap up and I was given little to no choice in what to do or she had crows on me and was able to see exactly where I was. Despite having map knowledge or planning, watching and playing against an Artist feels bad under those conditions because there really isn't much you feel you can do besides hold W and try to go to another tile before she crows your ass again.
Huntress is a ranged killer restricted by the tools of the game. Survivors can break LoS to avoid hatchets, pallet stun to make distance etc. A good Huntress can outplay these mechanics with careful maneuvering and smart decision making, and while getting downed as survivor never feels "good" you can at least appreciate the skill the Huntress had to put in to make the shot while you as a survivor have the tools you have.
Nurse breaks those rules because she can go through walls and windows etc. But you can juke her by doubling back, fake vaulting, etc, and she has to finish her exhaustion animation before going again (and recharges now). So while a good Nurse can just destroy teams, they're so rare that it's a treat to see one, and playing against or watching Nurses doesn't feel bad or boring because they have a real risk-reward scenario.
But back to Artist, she doesn't HAVE that risk reward. If she misses with a bird, she might get killer instinct. If she hits you with it through walls across the map she knows where you are and you have to stop to get rid of them or she'll damage you. If she traps at the only window in a dead zone you're gonna die because she'll just 115% you into the ground. No matter how good an Artist plays it doesn't feel like you got outplayed by the player as much as it does her mechanics. She has so much going for her that I'm not really sure WHAT her weaknesses/drawbacks are aside from "Well if you miss you don't get damage so it's balanced" because I still get that pressure of making them abandon a tile, gen, etc. by just the threat of crows.
Because theres barely any looping involved. Survivor strat is holding w! And that involves no skill. Its a boring killer
To keep it short she just can’t make plays I find interesting and nothing she does feels rewarding.
She isn’t an s tier so people tried her and are done with her